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variables triggering in dialogues


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following code:


IF ~~ THEN order_05
SAY ~Bla, my lady.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("X#AjantisRomanceOrderEnd","GLOBAL",1)~ + order_17


IF ~~ THEN order_17
SAY ~More Blabla.~
IF ~!Global("X#AjantisRomanceOrderEnd","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN + order_20
IF ~Global("X#AjantisRomanceOrderEnd","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN EXIT


should end the dialogue after order_17 if coming from order_05, but it doesn't.


I guess the answer is easy, something like "the game checks the variables only every second, so this triggering follows too quick"?

And does somebody have a solution to solve this problem, other than "write two different dialogue paths"? ...


Thanks in advance!

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Actions from dialogues get added to the creature's action list and do not get executed until the dialogue is over. The simplest solution is to split the order_17 block into two to account for this:


IF ~~ THEN order_05
SAY ~Bla, my lady.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("X#AjantisRomanceOrderEnd","GLOBAL",1)~ + order_17a

// send blocks with X#AjantisRomanceOrderEnd = 1 here
IF ~~ THEN order_17a
SAY ~More Blabla.~

// send blocks without X#AjantisRomanceOrderEnd = 1 here
IF ~~ THEN order_17b
SAY ~More Blabla.~
IF ~~ + order_20

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Actually, it depends. If you go directly from the state setting the variable to the one checking it, it won't work properly. However, if there's an intermediate state between the two, the variable will be updated as you'd expect. At least, that's my experience of it.

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Thanks for your answers. I wrote a silly little test dialogue to test the variables triggering and had the same experience as you, SimDing0. So it needs one intermediate state before a set variable (local or global) can be used in the same dialogue.

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