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G3: Gavin BG1 v9 with French & German translation and BG:EE compatibility!

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Gavin BG1

Gavin is an NPC mod for Tutu, the BG1 portion of BGT, and BG:EE. He is a Morninglord of Lathander and can be found outside the Song of the Morning Temple, near Beregost.

Version 9 includes a lot of bug fixes, a French translation, a part-German translation, and BG:EE compatibility!


Thank you to Galathée for the French translation!


Full changelog:


Included the kickout fix

Added French translation by Galathée

Added German part-translation

BG:EE compatibility added

Reported doubled reply options in love talks and pid

Added area type check to Gavin-Dynaheir banter so it only triggers in an outdoor area

Gavin will no longer keep Joseph's Greenstone ring if talking to the widow

Fixed "No Valid Replies or Links" bug in Gavin's flirt

Removed former SCS related code and script blocks and replaced them with standard game scripts. (SCS changes will apply to the quest characters if installed after Gavin)

Included the alternate portrait options from BGII that were missing for BG1: ~Blue cloak, by kiwidoc~, ~Looking up, by kiwidoc~, ~Dragon Age style portrait by berelinde~

BGT/BG:EE: rings now show the description and inventory and ground icons for all games

BGT/BG:EE: fixed a sound reference in gavin.tra (all languages)

Fixed OUTER_SPRINTs lib: Imoen now gets the right script assigned

Gavin's quests: Added area checks so Gavin won't complain about going to the temple if the party is in the area

Gavin's quests: Kelddath will always address Gavin if the messenger called him to the temple, regardless of the player's reply

Typo corrections

Update to Weidu v238


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