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fighting styles vs proficiencies


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Is there some place I can take a look how did you do that?


One example of mine adds on-hit melee effects to certain thief weapons, in my Might & Guile mod:



The Weidu looks like this:


APPEND ~splprot.2da~ ~D5_134_BIT1%TAB%134%TAB%1%TAB%8~
COPY_EXISTING ~splprot.2da~ ~override~
	COUNT_2DA_COLS cols // amount of columns
	READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW rows cols // read all file into memory  
	FOR (row = 1; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN // iterate over rows
	  READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row 0 ~stat~ // read column value
	    SET 134_bit1 = %row%
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~
	READ_BYTE 0x31 prof
	PATCH_IF (%prof% = 115) BEGIN	// club
	  LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 248 target = 1 timing = 2 resist_dispel = 0 STR_VAR resource = ~d5_rf75a~ END
	PATCH_IF (%prof% = 96) OR	// dagger
			(%prof% = 91) BEGIN	// short sword
	  LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 248 target = 1 timing = 2 resist_dispel = 0 STR_VAR resource = ~d5_rf75c~ END
	PATCH_IF (%prof% = 102) BEGIN	// staff
	  LPF ADD_ITEM_EQEFFECT INT_VAR opcode = 248 target = 1 timing = 2 resist_dispel = 0 STR_VAR resource = ~d5_rf75e~ END
COPY ~might_and_guile/feats/d5_rf75a.eff~ ~override~
COPY ~might_and_guile/feats/d5_rf75a.spl~ ~override~
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 326 parameter1 = 1 parameter2 = %134_bit1% END
COPY ~might_and_guile/feats/d5_rf75b.spl~ ~override~
COPY ~might_and_guile/feats/d5_rf75c.eff~ ~override~
COPY ~might_and_guile/feats/d5_rf75c.spl~ ~override~
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 326 parameter1 = 1 parameter2 = %134_bit1% END
COPY ~might_and_guile/feats/d5_rf75d.spl~ ~override~
COPY ~might_and_guile/feats/d5_rf75e.eff~ ~override~
COPY ~might_and_guile/feats/d5_rf75e.spl~ ~override~
  LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR match_opcode = 326 parameter1 = 1 parameter2 = %134_bit1% END
COPY ~might_and_guile/feats/d5_rf75f.spl~ ~override~



That ability sets an unused proficiency in the character, and applies effects to multiple weapons that check it. But you could fairly easily change it to check a regular weapon prof and apply something to that weapon. Then you don't need to use bit equality; so the line appended to SPLPROT.2da should use a relation of 1 or 4 instead of 8.


You'll have to download the mod to check out what those .spl and .eff files look like, but basically

- the mod patches weapons with a 248 on-hit effect;

- that triggers an .eff which I think uses 146 to cast a spell (at the target);

- the spell has a 326 effect checking the item wielder's prof;

- if the proficiency is there, it casts a final spell on the target


If it's not exactly that, it's something like that. You can hopefully piece it together from the code and inspecting the files.


Doing stuff like I did with single weapon style is more complex; it needs to know how many weapons you are holding, which isn't easy. So it simultaneously sets and evaluates a separate proficiency in addition to the SWS proficiency. That one is in my Scales of Balance mod.

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