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Agh - Daylight Savings


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I swear, earlier today, I was about to write a post (that I decided against) that mentioned I don't know where you live, and now it mysteriously appears by your gender!


The world is a suspicious thing.



As for me, up here in the miserable USA, I'm enjoying the Autumn weather. Though the tourists like to come and see how the leaves change color where I live. Silly tourists. Then again, they don't have to rake them. Hm. Smart.

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Falling leaves are fun - it's mostly evergreen where I live so I don't get much of that. (And here I thought you were British. Does the "PA" stand for Pennsylvania, then?)


Later in the summer we'll get trees sprouting bright red flowers - which I grew up with and they feel totally normal to me, except now I think about it they're composed entirely of spikes, and wouldn't be out of place in C'thulhu's bridal bouquet, assuming C'thulhu ever wanted such a thing.

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Ah - it's you! And I thought days are getting shorter because it's autumn time..


Days are getting shorter, indeed. How depressing to get up in total darkness. Not long from now, and it will be dark when we get home in the afternoon, too. bleh

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Ah - it's you! And I thought days are getting shorter because it's autumn time..


Days are getting shorter, indeed. How depressing to get up in total darkness. Not long from now, and it will be dark when we get home in the afternoon, too. bleh

Hä, what ?

No, the days are not getting shorter, cause I measured it yesterday and it was still the 23 hours 58 minutes just like the day before.

Getting up in total darkness is indeed depressing, but so could be waking up in light, as knowing that one wouldn't have afford to a lamp during the "winter"( in the Northern Hemisphere ), but not having a house to capture the light during summer when the sun dangles up around the whole day... can be equally depressing.

All the laughing aside, no offense meant. :D

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