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Small Glitch in Height Map Editor

Horred the Plague

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When DLTCEP adds the entry #14 to the height map, it does this with a color of 32.32.32. When it reads a hegiht map, it defines #14 as 218.218.218. Logically the 218.218.218 would be correct, but these are the game makers that included the typo reading of 54.57.57 as part of the 4-bit map.


So, which is the correct color entry for height #14?

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Is it correct to say that as long as it remains a 4-bit file the color RGB itself is not as important as the degree of non-neutrality (variance from greyscale base)? Black Isle demonstrated that greyscale is not needed with their entry of 54.57.57. For neatness and concentricity I agree with your new ordering of 0,16,32,etc greyscale as a modder base--just wondering how much these levels can be manipulated by the user, especially in a freehand (non-generated) map.

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