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Guest Dark

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Guest Dark

Hi, Dark again, and the romance is still working...but I was reading the Full_Mod_Content and I seem to have not get some things to pop up: after giving Marcus Bishop's dagger (LT2), I waited for a while and nothin' :/; also after I recruited the lizardmen and talked to the elder, waited, nothin'...also, there's something with Nevalle and the rangeress in Port Llast...and with Khelgar becoming king X_x I'm wondering if I did something wrong or not :/ (and I wasn't sure WHERE to post this, so...heh...decided to post it here ._.; )

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I am not sure. Marcus dagger generally worked well, and so did the lizardmen and Khelgar. Nevalle's only shows up if you select a specific answer when you are summoned (it's a direct interjection so it's hard to miss). I think that the ranger's conversation is screwed up a tad to start with in the original, and all I did is added extra options to her conversation, so if the conversation doesn't develop to get to that neck of the woods, you won't see them.


If you can upload a couple of saved games for me (just delete all the Z files except for the relevant one to reduce the file size - ie the mod you are currently in AND BACK UP THE SAVE BEFORE DOING IT) right before each convo should trigger, I can take a look at each case individually. Unfortunately due to the goddam file size and the overriding nature of the patches NWN2 is incredibly tough to troubleshoot.

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Guest Dark

I don't have the Z files one, I have the old version ^^; and I was actually checking my old game but I have a new one that's getting close to that point. Of course, the one with the dagger, I was passed that point (since I was saved passed it)...but when I wasn't, it didn't work, I always had to go UP to him to talk to him instead of walking passed him X_x

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I am sorry, I am having troubles understanding what you are saying. You don't have a saved game then?


Z files are the files within your save. They are basically a zipped version of the OC modules you went through and are very large. So, that is why I am asking you, if you decide to send me a saved game, to copy that save, and delete all the extra Z file so I can take a look at the save. It is the only way really I can troubleshoot a specific game issue.

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Guest Dark

Yeah, I don't have a saved game where I first get Bishop to join...but with my game I am currently doing, I'm getting close to that point because right now, I'm at Old Owl Well...I should get to the point at Ember today and see if the Marcus/dagger thing works, and if not...how do I send you a saved game? :)

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Just make a copy of it, kick out all the Z files that contain the modules you are not currently in (ie Cliff-whatever.Z, westharbour.Z, ...) , zip it and mail it to domi_sotto at gibberlings3 dot net. Also, PM me when you do that so I know to expect the files and alert you if they didn't get through.

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Guest Dark

Eh, since it wouldn't allow me to PM you, I posted here: I sent it to you and you'll get an email from spiritranger19@yahoo.com and the subject for it is "this is Dark: my game"

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Guest Dark

Hi, I don't want to sound impatient or whatever, but I'm wondering if you got my email with the (hopefully correct) module attachment (it wouldn't allow me to PM you :cool: )? Again, the email you (hopefully) received was from spiritranger19@yahoo.com and the subject for it was "is Dark: my game"


Sorry if I'm bothering you or something >.< don't mean too ;)

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Guest Dark

Okay, sent it to you (eh...dun think I need to display my email again ^^; ) and this time, the subject for it is "Hopefully it'll reach you this time: this is Dark"

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Heya, I've got it, but I need a bit more than that to actually start the game, sorry if I wasn't too clear. I need your entire folder with ros and sav and globals, and only extra Z's removed for size. :cool:

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Heya, it's right now.


I can't see the dialogues that have the scripts with the 10 sec delays, ie both Bishop's follow-up to the 'pay me 20 gold' and Marcus dagger.


I was able to trigger Marcus banter by reducing the delay and removing the call for music file - maybe if music file is not loaded it breaks the actions, who knows. Anyways, Dark, try putting these two files into your BishopRomance/nsc_nss folder replacing the old ones.


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Guest Dark

I forgot to tell you, I had already done the "pay me 20 gold" follow up thing >_< that one was my bad, but thanks a whole lot for your help :cool: (now to figure out how to replace the new files with the old ones (or is it old ones with new ones? Ugh >_< ) X_x ah well, I'll try ;))

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