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Innate abilities

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Game TOB (patch 26498); fixpack 6; tweakpack 5


Our PC inherits some innate spells from BG1, such as Cure Light Wounds.

I'm surprised that the spell casting times are changed.

Cure Light Wounds was instant (which was a well-known life-saver), now it seems to have a priest delay (5).

Draw Upon Holy Might is far shorter, but I see that so is the priest version (2 vs 1 round?)

I guess it's justified, but it changes tactics: WRT Cure Light Wounds, you can't use it anymore in a hot melee like before; WRT Draw Upon Holy Might, it becomes usable in the middle of a fight.

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I'm pretty sure we don't change these; the defaults in BG2 are already funky (for whatever reason BioWare had to change them).


They should all be 1 IMO, but that's not a change we'll make.


I believe I may have put in a request for DUHM to have the reduced duration, based on ?spell description?. A search would in the Fixpack section would probably turn up the post.

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By the time dev posted his second reply in this thread, two people had asserted that the fixpack was responsible for altering the innate abilities' casting times, so why did he simply reiterate exactly what he had said in his first post, dismissively, as though he wasn't taking us at all seriously? To be honest, I found his reply very brusque and irritating, so I refuse to apologize for my conduct here.

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It wasn't intended to be dismissive; my apologies. I wasn't sure if you were asking where the fixpack might be changing the casting times or why they had changed from BG to SoA.


In any case, the questions are taken seriously, but I didn't have a copy of the TP2 to work from; the default time for Cure Light Wounds is already 5, but I forgot about the change for Draw Upon Holy Might from 9 to 2 (to match the priest spell description) and didn't notice cirerrek's correction before replying.


I agree that we shouldn't be changing the starting innates, but it usually takes some time for issues like this to get looked at (one of us will always pop in some time later after looking at the code to see exactly what changes are being made, but this is turning out to be an "off" month).

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Hey, no problem. I was asking where and why the fixpack changed them, since before I installed it the casting times were one thing, and afterwards, they were another. I don't know anything about how the fixpack works, but maybe one of the patches is unintentionally doing this?


And also, forget what I said about you having been brusque, since I was obviously mistaken. I apologize for my reactionary conduct.

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Again, the casting time for the Bhaalspawn innate Cure Light Wounds was changed to 5 (matching the priest version) by the developers over the course of the BG -> BGII transition - it's not us, feel free to uninstall and check :laugh:


Lowering the casting time for Draw Upon Holy Might was intentional - if you'd like to see that returned to the longer casting time (which will no longer match the description for the priest version) please make a case for that.

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Also, I wrote a poem to express my deepest apologies for my inflammatory behavior.


My words of apology must strike thee weak,

Being of graceless form and wretched birth,

As the false-fac'd plea of the vain turn'd meek:

Dishonest lines lacking wholly in worth.


I would move thee still enlist thine ear,

To stir thee away from thy valuable tasks,

And bend thy will momentarily to hear

The entreaties of thee I so roughly ask.


The words of my speech, ungraciously thrown,

Brutish in conception, and rude in their invection,

Were of discordant unrestful spirits sown,

To corrupt these boards with their infection.


I acknowledge now that my words were born in error,

Hastily begot, and discharg'd premature;

Their wrongful target I now view the fairer,

And his rightful displeasure I resign to endure.


If moved thou were to stay thy harsh judgment's passion,

This repenter's foulest villanous mind were given leave

To clear its sickly fog and restore its right compassion,

In hopes thereby I might earn some reprieve.

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