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Toss your semi-useful WeiDU macros here

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The majority of my own functions and macros are too specific to be of (general) use. But there is a small number of functions that might be helpful.



A decimal to hexadecimal number converter. May be useful when dealing with IDS or INI files.



 * Patch function. Converts any decimal number into a hexadecimal number.
 * INT_VAR value      The decimal number to convert.
 * INT_VAR minDigits  Minimum number of digits for the returned hex value. (default: 1)
 * INT_VAR prefix     A flag that indicates whether the returned number will be prefixed with "0x". (default: 0)
 * RET hexNumber      The converted hexadecimal number as string.
  value     = 0
  minDigits = 1
  prefix    = 0
  SET minDigits = (minDigits < 1) ? 1 : minDigits
  SET minDigits = (minDigits > 8) ? 8 : minDigits
  TEXT_SPRINT hexNumber ~~
  PATCH_DEFINE_ARRAY digit BEGIN ~0~ ~1~ ~2~ ~3~ ~4~ ~5~ ~6~ ~7~ ~8~ ~9~ ~a~ ~b~ ~c~ ~d~ ~e~ ~f~ END

  PATCH_IF (value < 0) BEGIN
    SET signed = 1
    SET value = 0 - value
    SET signed = 0

  WHILE (value != 0) BEGIN
    SET curDigit = value BAND 0xf
    SET value = value BLSR 4
    TEXT_SPRINT hexDigit $EVAL digit(~%curDigit%~)
    TEXT_SPRINT hexNumber ~%hexDigit%%hexNumber%~

  WHILE (STRING_LENGTH ~%hexNumber%~ < minDigits) BEGIN
    TEXT_SPRINT hexNumber ~0%hexNumber%~

  PATCH_IF (prefix) BEGIN
    TEXT_SPRINT hexNumber ~0x%hexNumber%~

  PATCH_IF (signed) BEGIN
    TEXT_SPRINT hexNumber ~-%hexNumber%~

// Action version of TO_HEX_NUMBER
  value     = 0
  minDigits = 1
  prefix    = 0
    LPF TO_HEX_NUMBER INT_VAR value = value minDigits = minDigits prefix = prefix RET hexNumber END



This function attempts to find a free creature animation slot in a given range, so that it can be used to install custom creature animations. I'm using it quite extensively in my Golem Construction mod (example code). This function requires EE games patched to v1.4 or higher. It also makes use of the function TO_HEX_NUMBER mentioned above.



// Internally used: Animation slots reserved by vanilla or mod-added game creatures (in hexadecimal format)
// Mods with fixed animation slots that are currently considered:
// - Bearwalker + extended Werebear animation
// - Pack Mule
OUTER_TEXT_SPRINT animationSlots ~"0410" "1000" "1003" "1004" "1100" "1101" "1102" "1103" "1104" "1105" "1200" "1201" "1202" "1203" "1204" "1205" "1206" "1207" "1208" "1300" "2000" "2100" "2200" "2300" "3000" "3001" "4000" "4001" "4002" "4010" "4012" "4100" "4101" "4102" "4110" "4112" "4200" "4300" "4400" "4410" "4500" "4600" "4700" "4710" "4800" "5000" "5001" "5002" "5003" "5010" "5011" "5012" "5013" "5100" "5101" "5102" "5103" "5110" "5111" "5112" "5113" "5200" "5201" "5202" "5210" "5211" "5212" "5300" "5301" "5302" "5303" "5310" "5311" "5312" "5313" "6000" "6001" "6002" "6003" "6004" "6005" "6010" "6011" "6012" "6013" "6014" "6015" "6100" "6101" "6102" "6103" "6104" "6105" "6110" "6111" "6112" "6113" "6114" "6115" "6200" "6201" "6202" "6204" "6205" "6210" "6211" "6212" "6214" "6215" "6300" "6301" "6302" "6303" "6304" "6305" "6310" "6311" "6312" "6313" "6314" "6315" "6400" "6401" "6402" "6403" "6404" "6405" "6406" "6500" "6510" "6621" "7000" "7001" "7100" "7101" "7200" "7201" "7202" "7203" "7300" "7301" "7302" "7310" "7311" "7312" "7313" "7314" "7320" "7321" "7400" "7401" "7402" "7500" "7501" "7600" "7601" "7602" "7603" "7604" "7700" "7701" "7702" "7703" "7800" "7801" "7802" "7900" "7901" "7902" "7903" "7904" "7a00" "7a01" "7a02" "7a03" "7a04" "7b00" "7b01" "7b02" "7b03" "7b04" "7b05" "7b06" "7c00" "7c01" "7d00" "7d01" "7d02" "7d03" "7d04" "7d05" "7d06" "7d07" "7d08" "7e00" "7e01" "7f00" "7f01" "7f02" "7f03" "7f04" "7f05" "7f06" "7f07" "7f08" "7f09" "7f0a" "7f0b" "7f0c" "7f0d" "7f0e" "7f0f" "7f10" "7f11" "7f12" "7f13" "7f14" "7f15" "7f16" "7f17" "7f18" "7f19" "7f20" "7f21" "7f22" "7f23" "7f24" "7f27" "7f28" "7f29" "7f2a" "7f2b" "7f2c" "7f2d" "7f2e" "7f2f" "7f30" "7f31" "7f32" "7f33" "7f34" "7f35" "7f36" "7f37" "7f38" "7f39" "7f3a" "7f3b" "7f3c" "7f3d" "7f3e" "7f3f" "7f40" "7f41" "7f42" "7f43" "7f44" "7f45" "7f46" "7f47" "7f48" "7f49" "7f4a" "7f4b" "7f4c" "7f4d" "7f4e" "7f4f" "7f50" "7f51" "7f52" "7f53" "7f54" "7f55" "7f56" "7f57" "7f58" "7f59" "7f5a" "7f5b" "7f5c" "7f5d" "7f5e" "7f5f" "7f60" "7f61" "7f62" "8000" "8100" "8200" "9000" "a000" "a100" "a200" "a201" "a202" "b000" "b100" "b200" "b210" "b300" "b310" "b400" "b410" "b500" "b510" "b600" "b610" "b700" "c000" "c100" "c200" "c300" "c400" "c500" "c600" "c610" "c700" "c710" "c800" "c810" "c900" "c910" "ca00" "ca10" "cb00" "cc00" "cc01" "cc02" "cc04" "d000" "d100" "d200" "d300" "d400" "e000" "e010" "e020" "e040" "e050" "e060" "e070" "e080" "e090" "e0a0" "e0b0" "e0c0" "e0d0" "e0e0" "e0f0" "e0f1" "e0f2" "e200" "e210" "e220" "e230" "e240" "e241" "e242" "e243" "e244" "e245" "e246" "e247" "e248" "e249" "e24a" "e24b" "e24c" "e24d" "e24e" "e24f" "e250" "e251" "e252" "e253" "e254" "e255" "e256" "e257" "e258" "e259" "e25a" "e25b" "e25c" "e25d" "e25e" "e25f" "e260" "e261" "e262" "e263" "e264" "e265" "e266" "e267" "e26a" "e26b" "e26d" "e26e" "e26f" "e270" "e271" "e272" "e273" "e274" "e276" "e279" "e27d" "e27e" "e27f" "e280" "e281" "e282" "e283" "e288" "e289" "e28a" "e28b" "e28c" "e28d" "e28e" "e28f" "e290" "e291" "e292" "e293" "e294" "e300" "e310" "e320" "e330" "e400" "e410" "e420" "e430" "e440" "e441" "e442" "e443" "e444" "e500" "e510" "e520" "e600" "e610" "e6fe" "e700" "e710" "e720" "e800" "e810" "e820" "e830" "e840" "e900" "e910" "ea00" "ea10" "ea20" "eb00" "eb10" "eb20" "ec00" "ec10" "ec20" "ed00" "ed10" "ed20" "ee00" "ee10" "ef10" "f000" "f001" "f002" "f003" "f004" "f005" "f006" "f007" "f008" "f009" "f00a" "f00b" "f00c" "f00d" "f00e" "f00f" "f010" "f011" "f012" "f013" "f014" "f015" "f016" "f017" "f018" "f019" "f01a" "f01b" "f01c" "f01d" "f01e" "f01f" "f020" "f021" "f022" "f023" "f024" "f025" "f026" "f027" "f028" "f029" "f02a" "f02b" "f02c" "f02d" "f02e" "f02f" "f030" "f031" "f032" "f033" "f034" "f035" "f036" "f037" "f038" "f039" "f03a" "f03b" "f03c" "f03d" "f03e" "f03f" "f040" "f041" "f042" "f043" "f044" "f045" "f046" "f047" "f048" "f049" "f04a" "f04b" "f04c" "f04d" "f04e" "f04f" "f050" "f051" "f052" "f053" "f054" "f055" "f056" "f057" "f058" "f059" "f05a" "f05b" "f05c" "f05d" "f05e" "f05f" "f060" "f061" "f062" "f100" "f101" "f22e" "f80e"~

 * Patch function. Returns the first free creature animation slot in the range defined by slotMin and slotMax.
 * INT_VAR slotMin    Lowest available creature animation slot for the animation, inclusive. (Default: 0)
 * INT_VAR slotMax    Highest available creature animation slot for the animation, exclusive.
 *                    (Default: highest value for slot type indicated by "slotMin")
 * INT_VAR slotSteps  How many slots to skip after each iteration, starting from slotMin.
 *                    Setting this parameter is useful if compatible animation slots are always 
 *                    a fixed distance apart (e.g. at a distance of 0x10 each). (Default: 1)
 * RET slot           A free animation slot. Returns -1 if none are found in the given range.
  slotMin   = 0
  slotMax   = (slotMin BAND 0xf000) + 0x1000
  slotSteps = 1
  SET slot = "-1"
  SET slotSteps = (slotSteps < 1) ? 1 : slotSteps
  SET slotMin = (slotMin < 0) ? 0 : slotMin
  SET slotMax = (slotMax < 0) ? 0 : slotMax
  PATCH_IF (slotMax < slotMin) BEGIN
    SET tmp = slotMin
    SET slotMin = slotMax
    SET slotMax = tmp

  INNER_PATCH ~%animationSlots%~ BEGIN
    FOR (idx = slotMin; idx < slotMax; idx += slotSteps) BEGIN
      LOOKUP_IDS_SYMBOL_OF_INT name ~animate~ idx
      PATCH_IF (~%name%~ STR_EQ ~%idx%~) BEGIN
        LPF TO_HEX_NUMBER INT_VAR value = idx minDigits = 4 RET hexNumber END
        PATCH_IF (NOT FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%hexNumber%.ini~ AND 
                  ~%slotList%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~"%hexNumber%"~ != 0) BEGIN
          SET slot = idx
          SET idx = slotMax

// Action version of FIND_FREE_ANIM_SLOT
  slotMin   = 0
  slotMax   = (slotMin BAND 0xf000) + 0x1000
  slotSteps = 1
      slotMin = slotMin
      slotMax = slotMax
      slotSteps = slotSteps


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A decimal to hexadecimal number converter. May be useful when dealing with IDS or INI files.

there is actually a hidden SPRINTF command in weidu that can do it. Example:

SET dec_value = 3
SPRINTF hex_value ~%x~ (dec_value)
PATCH_PRINT ~%hex_value%~
Edited by K4thos
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You're right. There is a (patch-only) SPRINTF command available which supports %s, %d and %x format specifiers. However, the command doesn't properly convert negative values into hexadecimal format, always prefixes the result with "0x" and you can't specify minimum number of digits, which forces me to do a lot of editing either way for my purposes.

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This function attempts to find a free creature animation slot in a given range, so that it can be used to install custom creature animations. I'm using it quite extensively in my Golem Construction mod (example code). This function requires EE games patched to v1.4 or higher. It also makes use of the function TO_HEX_NUMBER mentioned above.

Ah, if only I knew how to create new animations and add them to the game. It's been a long-time wish of mine to add griffins, (black) unicorns and nightmares, to name but a few. :-)
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This function attempts to find a free creature animation slot in a given range, so that it can be used to install custom creature animations. I'm using it quite extensively in my Golem Construction mod (example code). This function requires EE games patched to v1.4 or higher. It also makes use of the function TO_HEX_NUMBER mentioned above.

Ah, if only I knew how to create new animations and add them to the game. It's been a long-time wish of mine to add griffins, (black) unicorns and nightmares, to name but a few. :-)



Sorry for the off-topic, but you won't have to wait too long, at least for unicorns (regular and black ones) and nightmares. ;)

Edited by Gwendolyne
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This function attempts to find a free creature animation slot in a given range, so that it can be used to install custom creature animations. I'm using it quite extensively in my Golem Construction mod (example code). This function requires EE games patched to v1.4 or higher. It also makes use of the function TO_HEX_NUMBER mentioned above.

Ah, if only I knew how to create new animations and add them to the game. It's been a long-time wish of mine to add griffins, (black) unicorns and nightmares, to name but a few. :-)



Sorry for the off-topic, but you won't have to wait too long, at least for unicorns (regular and black ones) and nightmares. ;)



Interesting, I will certainly keep an eye on that. Please tell me they will work with non-EE games as well! And I'd pay you to make a griffin animation. (Seriously, I would.)

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End of the off-topic : my mod is written for BG2 and BGT and will be EE compatible. ;)

The ironic point is that I can use huge tarasque animations (640x640 px) with IA but not in BG2:EE because the enhanced dragon animation format seems to be buggy and does not allow to add new effective slots to ANIMATE.IDS.

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argent77 just posted a WeiDU function to to fetch a journal strref here. Thinking about all the instances where original game journal entries need to be erased by a mod which only works for exact matching strings but BGT / EET not having them at specified reference numbers, this is very cool to use especially across game platforms.

Edited by jastey
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but BGT / EET not having them at specified reference numbers


actually EET handles BG1 strrefs in a static way. SAY is not used at all during installation. You can reference correct journal number by simply adding 200000 to the original strrefs. For example BG1 strrefs 27091 is 227091 in EET and that's always true regardless of mods you install before/after it.

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the function is extremely useful, indeed. Even BG2 Fixpack 'Game Text Update' can brake journal erasing in mods that use exact match approach (and there are 2 versions of this component if I remember correctly). Then there is a problem with translation of strings (I remember tons of issues with erasing journal in Polish version of some older mods - most likely because translator didn't even know that the text was meant to be copied directly from TLK file rather than translated from scratch).


Now I feel silly since I never thought about looking what IESDP has to say about DLG format (which turns out can be looped through like any other BG file format). For some reason I always considered it as a text file while decompiled and unreadable gibberlish after compiling :p

Edited by K4thos
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Now I feel silly since I never thought about looking what IESDP has to say about DLG format (which turns out can be looped through like any other BG file format). For some reason I always considered it as a text file while decompiled and unreadable gibberlish after compiling :p



You can loop through states and transitions. Here is a homemade function used to extend existing dlg:




    INT_VAR GW_string_dlg = 0    // string we are looking for
    RET     GW_transition_found  // Y = strref found

    SET GW_transition_number = "-99"
    SET GW_state_number = "-99"
    SPRINT GW_transition_found "N"
    READ_LONG 0x08 GW_numstates              // Number of states
    READ_LONG 0x0c GW_offstates              // Offset of state table from start of file
    READ_LONG 0x10 GW_numresponse            // Number of transitions
    READ_LONG 0x14 GW_offresponse            // Offset of transition table from start of file
    FOR (state = 0 ; state < GW_numstates ; ++state) BEGIN
        PATCH_IF ("%GW_transition_found%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "Y") BEGIN
            READ_LONG ("%GW_offstates%" +       (state * 0x10)) GW_state_string          // Actor response text (i.e. what the non-player character says to the party)
            READ_LONG ("%GW_offstates%" + 0x4 + (state * 0x10)) GW_index_first_response  // Index of the first transition corresponding to this state (i.e. the index in the transition table of the first potential response the party can make in this state).
            READ_LONG ("%GW_offstates%" + 0x8 + (state * 0x10)) GW_state_num_response    // Number of transitions corresponding to this state (i.e. how many possible responses are there to this state). A consecutive range of transitions in the transition table are assigned to this state, starting from 'first', as given by the previous field, ranging up to (but not including) 'first'+'count'.
            FOR (response = 0 ; response < GW_state_num_response ; ++response) BEGIN
                READ_LONG ("%GW_offresponse%" + 0x4 + ("%GW_index_first_response%" * 0x20) + (response * 0x20)) GW_response_string
                PATCH_IF (GW_response_string = GW_string_dlg) BEGIN
                    SET GW_transition_number = response
                    SET GW_state_number = state
                    SPRINT GW_transition_found "Y"
            END    // of Looping through responses
        END        // PATCH_IF ("%GW_transition_found%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "Y")
    END            // of Looping through states

END                // of DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION





COPY_EXISTING - ~UHOGRE01.dlg~ ~override~
    PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x2f) THEN BEGIN    // protects against invalid files

    // #33324 ~J'ai surtout décidé de mettre un terme à ton ignoble existence, sale monstre !~
    // EN = ~I've actually decided to end your monstrous existence, creature!~
        LPF ~GW_FIND_DLG_RESPONSE_STRING~ INT_VAR GW_string_dlg = 33324 RET GW_transition_found GW_state_number GW_transition_number END
        PATCH_IF ("%GW_transition_found%" STRING_EQUAL "Y") AND (GW_transition_number != "-99") BEGIN
            SET UHOGRE01_Transition16 = GW_transition_number
            SET UHOGRE01_State16 = GW_state_number

    END    // of PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x2f)

And actually in the d file:

EXTEND_TOP UHOGRE01 %UHOGRE01_State16% #%UHOGRE01_Transition16%
    + ~Global("GWChevaucheuseKit","GLOBAL",2) Global("GWLyrielUmar","LOCALS",0)~ + @11100501 GOTO UhOgre01_Question    // ~D'abord, j'aimerais que tu répondes à une question, Madulf.~






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Off topic, but have to ask, what's the difference ?




Edit: thanks for the conformation ... I write it too... but most of he time it's there cause of a copy-paste had it.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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In WeiDU it seems: none!


But as I am far away from being a programmer, I learned the IF THEN condition way of codding at my beginnings, a long time ago. After many years of modding, I know that THEN is not mandatory in WeiDU code but... the force of habit: sometimes I write it, sometimes not... ;)

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