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J Beau

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About J Beau

  • Birthday 03/09/1969

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    Greenville, South Carolina

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  1. FYI - 4-23-2024 is the standard dating format in the United States. You will occasionally see other formats but my drivers license, for example, uses this format. Daeros is legit in his usage. I'm really looking forward to the mod. If I could add a small suggestion. Would it be possible for you to separate the item upgrades into "quality of life" vs weapons. For example in Weimer's old item upgrade mod, combining rings of protection with regeneration was great because you didn't have to keep switching out items. But you also had these really OP weapons that were just too tempting to not use. Or maybe make it easy for the end user to cut out some items before install.
  2. I like this component a lot. It eliminates cheesing the most powerful HLAs, allows you to us the lesser HLAs and gives you a chance to play with 9th and 7th level spells that normally get over looked. It makes game play more interesting.
  3. I think you can already do it. Although a few mods don't react well to their characters changing class.
  4. It was EET. In SoA I only had one minor glitch that I know of in the mind flayer layer of the underdark. The big trouble was the transition to ToB and it became unplayable. Any interaction with Ninde and ToB would reset and you would be back in the field of stone heads.
  5. I just ran into this. Was there ever a resolution? Or a workaround?
  6. I'm having trouble starting the underdark mindflayer tunnels, final arena battle, where you cooperate with Simyaz. Simyaz suggests we cooperate against the mindflayers and then the dialogue ends without any reply options for me. And then nothing. The ogre never shows up. I somewhat remember from previous play throughs that I should have been given an opportunity to agree to his plan. Does anyone know the Global I can enter to continue to the final arena battle? Background Pretty large EET install Completed BG & SoD with no significant issues. It was a clean install and as far as I know, nothing I installed should have interfered with that scene. WeiDU.log
  7. To each his own, but I really like where you are going with this.
  8. Thank you so much for all that you do! You are very appreciated!
  9. A better helm would be great. The only helm in BG1 is non magical.
  10. I'm glad to see the update! Are there any new items for Grey? One thing I have noticed in EET, when you get Grey back in BG2 he has lost a lot of items with no real way to replace them.
  11. 1 turn/level seems reasonable especially if you can control it with a hotkey. Would it include items that have long duration's as well?
  12. I have had bad experiences mixing and matching item mods that tweak the rules. I would rather go with one persons vision that is completely integrated and bug tested. Forgotten Armaments is my new go to mod in that regard.
  13. Not everyone uses Item Revisions though.
  14. Quick question. If you kick Brage out in BG1, where does he go?
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