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Sarah won't Romance

Guest Anna

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Hello, im from Germany, so forgive me my English.


I try now for the third time to romance Sarah, as a good female/human bard with a reputation of 14. But it doesn't work, i get always "just" friendship. I don't know if i choose the wrong answers (im always nice) or/and if i must be another class like a Ranger/fighter etc. Or is it so: first step the pre talks, then friendship and after that starts the romance?


Oh, i think i have found a bug, too (have the latest version, i think). I i try to talk to Sarah with a NPC or that she speaks with herself^^, she says that i havent helped her oncle yet and she leaves.


As a lesbian: Thanks for that Mod anyway. ???

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So everything is alright then after the pre-talks SarahFriendshipActive is 1 and SarahRomaceActive doesn't exists? The Romace will still start if i am nice to her? I have first thought that after the pre-talks it can be only a friendship or a romance, depending on my answers, gender, alignment and so on.


According to the readme, it's "Version 2.0 BETA- December 18, 2008". Have get the mod her on gibberlings three or four weeks ago. Is your Version 2.2 patch included in this? Maybe it has something to do with a another NPC-Mod (have 8 installed) or/and the Romantic Encounters Mod.

But this bug isn't a real problem. I just talk to Sarah with my PC and nobody else.

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Yes if SarahFriendshipActive is 1 but no romance variable is set yet, then you just have a bit to go before the romance.


I don't believe this version includes the patch. You may want to download it, as it fixes some stuff in ToB as well (though I really should release it).

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