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Discussion: BG2 Kit Creation Series

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Seifer, NiGHTMARE, thank you for your answers. I was looking though the Divine Remix .tp2, and I saw that spells are now added through the CLAB file, so I think I can solve each of my problems.


Anyway, I thought i'd take a break from this kit and try a different one (hopefully more simple).




For the SAY command for kits I've seen that most use something that looks like this: @81256, instead of typing the name and descprition. Where are these files found?

Edited by Nickop
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It references a .tra file (which is handy when you want your mod translated). Look at the top of any G3 .tp2s for code examples--though to be honest it is probably not worth worrying about just yet, since it is one more thing that can go wrong.

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Guest Caradhras

I wonder if it would be possible to make a Bardic Sorcerer kit, i.e. a Bard close to the true class in every aspect yet capable of casting spells like a Sorcerer without having to memorize them -pretty much the way it is done in IWD2 and NWN.

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I currentliy playing about with a ninja kit I had a look at the Shurikai Ninja, but I am not happy with it. My question has to do this the tp2 file, I've looked at the example "ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS" in BG2 Kit Creation Part Four it's seem's bulky doubling the the file size.


Is there a tidy way that only effects CLASWEAP.2da and WEAPPROF.2da as I also want to take into account "Rebalanced weapon proficiencies" and "Weapon Styles for All" section of G3Tweaks can I do something like this?


How would the best way to nest this for the cases of Three, Two,One or none installed as in all cases "Ashs of Ember's", "Rebalanced weapon proficiencies" and "Weapon Styles for All" will only effect CLASWEAP.2da and WEAPPROF.2da files of the kit I making?

Edited by 5th_horseman
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Though it looks ugly, the multi-ADD_KITs is probably the simplest way to approach this. Unfortunately, you don't know to which column your kit gets appended in weapprof.2da (clasweap.2da is unimportant in BG2; though I have different lines for it in the tutorial it actually makes no difference at all). So you'd need to first determine the column number in clasweap.2da before you can start throwing S_2_E sequences at it. Not to say it can't be done, it was just a complication with which I didn't want to bother when I wrote the tutorial. (Now that I've mentioned it, I'm sure bigg will now add a %yourkit_weapprof_column% variable in WeiDU v211, coming out Thursday. :O )


If you did determine the column, you could probably save yourself some trouble by copying the parent class' values to save yourself some logic checks--barring, of course, that your kit is supposed to have radically different profs.

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Here's an example of how to scan weapprof.2da to find your kit's column and update the values with those taken of the parent class. This will take into account all mods which change these values, no checks required.

COPY_EXISTING ~weapprof.2da~ ~override~
  READ_2DA_ENTRY 2 53 1 "kitname"
  FOR (column = 53; "%kitname%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "IK_ADVENTURER" != 0; column = column + 1) BEGIN
    READ_2DA_ENTRY 2 column 1 "kitname"
  FOR (row = 11; row < 35; row = row + 1) BEGIN
    READ_2DA_ENTRY row 7 1 "thief"
    SET_2DA_ENTRY row column 1 thief // Adventurer

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I am not skilled at programming, cut and paste change the files names is about my standard. The code Idobek posted works for an existing kit, (one that has a column already) and copys another existing kits figures into that column? If I understand correctily.


Will this work for adding a new column, as in the case of adding a new kit? Also I see a problem in that the kit I wish to add is different from the base class in that it allows access to weapons not included and restricts weapons that are allowed in the base class, just copying the base class (Theif in this case) would not give the results required.


I have been going over the Weidu doc's, and "ADD_KIT" seems to be a single command with multiple data entries using the method showen in "Kit Creation Part Four" is likily the way to go.


Can "ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~name of file~ THEN BEGIN" be used to check for more than one file? For example can it be used to check if these three files exist "AshesofEmbers\Backup\0\AROW01.ITM", "override/cdweapprofs.g3" and "override/ikweaponstylesforall.g3" at the same time, if so how would that be written? Then checking for the eight posibble cases and install the correct "ADD_KIT".


Can Weidu do anthing like this?


If input A is true then A = 1

If input  B is true then B = 2

If input  C is true then C = 4

A + B + C = D

Then Go to block D

block 0

block 1

block 2

block 3

block 4

block 5

block 6

block 7



This is the type of code I used in programming PLC's for multiple conditions, the inputs were binary state senor's (On/Off), the block being the program of that set of conditions. As you can see fairily simple stuff. Something like this would make is easy to select which "ADD_KIT" to use.

Edited by 5th_horseman
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You can nest logical checks, for example ACTION_IF ( FILE_EXISTS ~override/blah1~ AND FILE_EXISTS ~override/blah2~ ) THEN BEGIN whatever (though that syntax might not be exact). And you can store and set variables similarly to your block of pseudocode, yeah.

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Doh! of course "AND" as I said programming is not my strong point, I'm more familar with semi-automated pneumatic and hydraulic machinery. :D


Where can I find an example, that stores and set variables similarly to the block of pseudocode, I have checked Weidu doc's on tp2, found nothing that seemed related. I have not seen anything of this type inthe tp2's for any of the mods I have.


Would any of the forums have any particular threads that might be worthwhile going throught?

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Can someone confirm which part of kit creation specifies the XP table you follow. Is it the class you choose the kit to be part of or is it somehow tied to the restrictions?


I have the strange circumstance at the moment of a ranger kit that has multiple restrictions (I added the restrictions of several classes) that requires 1 million XP to get to lvl 9 from lvl 8. Would this be because my Kit is being treated as some kind of triple multiclass a la fighter/mage/thief even though it displays as being just a ranger?


I basically wanted to restrict the npc from wearing/using anything. I think I crossed kensai/wizardslayer/shapechanger restrictions.

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Weird, I've not heard of that happening before. Experience/level progression is (or has been in all cases I have seen) tied to the base class.


When you say restrictions of several 'classes', do you mean kits, or something else? If you post the ADD_KIT part of your code it might help.

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I think I figured out what I did but its a bit embarrasing :D .I originally had the npc at lvl 8 with 180000 XP. I then decided to changed him to lvl 12...but I never changed the XP so now I have an NPC who is lvl 12 but only has 180000 XP and needs more than 1 million XP to get to his next lvl.




Why do I always post and then find out the answer? And also find out it is something stupid that I did? :D

Edited by Rabain
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