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My brain is about to explode.


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Alright so, I'm coming here to plead for help. I've spent the last day or so trying to wrap my head around BG2 Kit Creation Guide, but I'm just not grasping it. Either something is not clicking in my brain or I've been passing over a key bit of information, but it's amazingly frustrated to be so close yet so far on the concept of "getting it."


I've had an Alaghar of Clangeddin kit(including Divine Remix) idea stirring in my head for as far as I can remember, and I'd really like to see it into fruition. After following the guides, I feel like I have a pretty comprehensive tp2 set up for it, but there are parts that I just don't get, crucial bits I feel like I'm leaving out, and finally but most importantly I still don't know how I can compile all of my files into the game and bring them to life! Ugh! Frustrating!


I would really appreciate anyone who could help me out with a little one-on-one assistance. As a guy who wants to learn, but finds a lot of this overwhelming, I feel like I've done fairly well figuring things out on my own but there is this barrier that I'm unable to pass without guidance and it is very frustrating. I'd be happy to post or send messages containing what I have so far, but what I feel I really need is some guided assistance. Once I get past this hurdle, I feel it would help my ability to create mods in general a great deal.


And yes I'm the guy who also had the idea for the ToB Nalia mod but I've kinda shelved that for the moment as this Alaghar kit has become my current obsession and I won't be able to move on until I've either given up on it entirely or manage to finish it.



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Hmm, perhaps you have some problem with syntax in your tp2. Try posting it here. It's kinda hard helping if no one here even knows what exactly is the problem. My suggestion is try looking for a simple tp2 from other mods, then base your or just replace the contents to match yours. Hopefully, this would fix your tp2 problems.


Hope this helps in some way ???

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And yes I'm the guy who also had the idea for the ToB Nalia mod but I've kinda shelved that for the moment as this Alaghar kit has become my current obsession and I won't be able to move on until I've either given up on it entirely or manage to finish it.

You'll have a new obsession next week, and yet another one the week after that. Seeing a mod through forces you to learn some bits about modding that you would've skipped by jumping from idea to idea (and gives you a nice self-esteem boost), overall improving the chances of seeing further mods through.


Of course, it's up to you whether you wish to see one idea through, or jump from idea to idea until you find one you really like.

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Ask away; I'm sure lots of folks are available to help and modding is a lot of trial and error. And don't be afraid of dumb questions, we've all had them. Some of us repeatedly and often.


Alright, I'll just start from the top and work my way down, splitting it off chunk by chunk. I will explain my thought process as best I can. Remember that this was for a Cleric kit using Divine Remix.


First of all, I am writing the whole thing in Notepad document, not using any text editors, if that makes any difference.


I got the format mostly from viewing a tp2 file in Divine Remix, so this should mostly look familiar.


BEGIN ~Alaghar Kit~ // name of this component

// internal name of the kit
ADD_KIT ~RW!Alaghar~

 // appended to CLASWEAP.2da
 ~RW!Algahar                0           0           1           0           0           1           1           0~

 // appended column-wise to WEAPPROF.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~

 // appended to ABCLASRQ.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                15       0       0       0       9       0~

 // appended to ABCLSMOD.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                0       0       0       0       0       0~

 // appended to ABDCDSRQ.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                0       0       0       0       0      0~

 // appended to ABDCSCRQ.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                0       0       0       0       15      0~

 // appended to ALIGNMNT.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                1       1       0       1       0       0       0      0       0~

 // appended to DUALCLAS.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                1       0       0       0       0       0~

 // path to your CLAB-style 2da file 

 // PC races and classes allowed to use this kit, from KITTABLE.2da

 // usability flags, added to the end of the KITLIST.2da entry
 ~0x00004000     3~

 // HLA table to use; see LUABBR.2da

 // list of starting equipment for PCs starting in ToB. Appended column-wise to 25STWEAP.2da
 ~CHAN09 * HELM07 BAG20 RING06 RING31 * BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT06 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN4,2 POTN14,5 HAM07 SW1H27 STAF08~


So far nothing out of the ordinary. I understood everything up to this point, and appended the HLA table to use the default Cleric one at this time. In case you were wondering, I created an Alaghar folder and placed it as a subfolder in the Divine Remix folder I have to go along with the other kits, just trying to keep everything simple.


  // Lower, mixed, and help kit names and descriptions, added to KITLIST.2da, replace with string ref numbers 
 SAY ~alaghar of clangeddin~
 SAY ~Alaghar of Clangeddin~
 SAY ~ALAGHAR OF CLANGEDDIN: Clangeddin Silverbeard the Father of Battle and primary dwarven war god. All dwarves who must fight, especially dwarves who are warriors by profession, worship Clangeddin, their patron and exultant leader in war. The Father of Battle is the deity of choice among lawful neutral dwarven warriors. Clangeddin watches over the battle-skills and performances of dwarves from his mountain fortress in Arcadia. He encourages valor in battle, weapon-mastery and training, and wisdom in war, and most often manifests his powers to further these aims. He prefers force of arms to spells. Clangeddin is a resolute warrior who never backs down from danger and who refuses to surrender even when all seems lost.  He is a strict and ethical deity who brooks no treachery or deceit and who never negociates or compromises.  Triumph must be obtained through valor and bravery, and Clangeddin is swift to humble and humiliate any who overcome by cowardly or deceitful means.  The aptly named Father of Battle especially hates giants and has taught the dwarves - and the gnomes, through their gods - special ways of fighting giant-type creatures. 

Clangeddin's priests wear silver chain mail armor, war helms, and tabards depicting the symbol of the Father of Battle as their ceremonial garb. Priests of Clangeddin seldom take off their helms, although there is no prohibition against doing so. The holy symbol of the faith is a pair of miniature steel battle axes welded together in a cross; this is typically suspended on a chain and worn around the neck. 

All Alaghor of Clangeddin must be dwarves, and must be of Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Lawful Neutral alignment.


- Spiritual Weapon:  Battleaxe - 'Giantbane' once per day.
The battleaxe is the spiritual weapon of the Alaghar of Clangeddin, and is wielded as if the caster had grand mastery in the weapon.  It is a regular weapon at levels 1-5, +1 at levels 6-10, +2 at 11-15, +3 at 16-20, +4 at 21-25, and +5 at levels 25 and above. The spiritual weapon lasts for one round per level of the caster, up to 20 rounds.
- Can place two proficiency stars in any melee weapon a Cleric may normally usewith the exception of missile weapons, in which the Algahar may only place one.
- The Father of Battle bequeaths to his speciality priests with a knowledge of battle above and beyond any other god.  Utilizing this, the Alaghar may attain Mastery in the use of Axes, and may select fighting style specializations normally available only to fighters.
- Alaghor can cast Command as the first level priest spell in combat situations twice per day.
- From level 3 can cast Spiritual Hammer as the second level priest spell once per day.
- From level 5 can cast Strength of One as the third level priest spell once per day.
- From level 7 can Defensive Harmony as the fourth level priest spell.
- Beginning at level 7, the Alaghar of Clangeddin can make three melee attacks every two rounds.
- From level 10 can cast Detect Magic as the first level priest spell at will.
- From level 13 may inflict a triple-damage battle axe blow once per day.
- Beginning at level 13, the Alaghar of Clangeddin can make two attacks per round.
- From level 15 can cast Blade Barrier as the sixth level priest spell once per day.~ 


Here's where I hit my first bump. I compared it how the other kits were written in DR, and they just seem to have string reference numbers instead of the description of the kit. This confused me, because I wasn't sure if leaving it like this would be alright, or if I had to create string references first and place them in these sections to have WeiDU reference them when it compiled.



// add spells to base abilities
INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_spell_remove_good.tph~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_reindex_clab.tph~
COPY_EXISTING [b]~rw!alaghar.2da~[/b] ~override~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/al_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/co_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/gu_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/lw_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/pr_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/su_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/wa_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/cm_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/cr_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/di_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/ee_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/he_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/ee_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/ne_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/tr_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/wd_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/lastline.2da~
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~spell_remove_good~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~reindex_clab~ // re-index lines

ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~J#aoev22.txt~ THEN BEGIN // if Ashes of Embers is installed

 COPY_EXISTING ~weapprof.2da~ ~override~
[b]    SET "column" = (22 + "%RW!Alaghar%")[/b]
   FOR (row = 2; row < 35 ; row = row + 1) BEGIN
     SET_2DA_ENTRY_LATER ~aoe~ row column ~1~
   SET_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW ~aoe~ 1



Again, I think I got all of this correct. The sections I have bolded I do have questions about - they are written so that they reference the .2da file I have written of the same name that appends innates and new spell names to the character's ability growth table, correct? I have created a file called RW!Alaghar with said information if that makes sense.


// change spells to innates as needed
INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_spell_to_innate.tph~ // defines patch macro
COPY_EXISTING ~sppr102.spl~ ~override/RW!COMMD.spl~ // Command
             ~sppr213.spl~ ~override/RW!HAMMR.spl~ // Spiritual Hammer
             ~sppr312.spl~ ~override/RW!STRON.spl~ // Strength of One
             ~sppr406.spl~ ~override/RW!DEFHR.spl~ // Defensive Harmony
             ~sppr603.spl~ ~override/RW!BLABR.spl~ // Blade Barrier
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~spell_to_innate~ // change to innate spell

ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~mel01.cre~ THEN BEGIN // hla table and abilities if ToB is installed

 INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/extra_regexp_vars.tph~

 INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_build_hla_table.tph~
 INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_hla_remove_good.tph~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
 COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/Alaghar/lucd3.2da~ ~override~ // HLA file
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/al_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/co_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/gu_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/lw_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/pr_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/su_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/wa_hla.2da~
   LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~hla_remove_good~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
   LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~build_hla_table~ // re-order HLAs, remove dupes, and re-index

 COPY_EXISTING ~RW!Alaghar.2da~ ~override~

 EXTEND_TOP ~baldur.bcs~   ~Divine_Remix/cleric/alaghar/baldur.baf~
 EXTEND_TOP ~baldur25.bcs~ ~Divine_Remix/cleric/alaghar/baldur.baf~


I think I got everything correct here. The top block is changing existing spells into innates, which are then referenced from the .2da file I have existing in my kit's subfolder.


  COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/tempus/cditmhly.bam~ ~override~ // holy symbol
 COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/tempus/cdptmhly.bam~ ~override~
 COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/tempus/a#tem25.itm~  ~override~
   SAY NAME1 @10910
   SAY NAME2 @10910
   SAY DESC @10911


   COPY_EXISTING ~spcl908.spl~ ~override/cdprcry.spl~ // hla war cry


This section I just took straight from the Tempus kit as I don't have a holy symbol built yet and I'm not terribly concerned about the HLAs yet, but I believe I understand what these blocks mean and how they work.


[b]// area for bonus[/b]

// area for innates
COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/tempus/a#tem0b.spl~ ~override~  // Battle prowess (innate)
 SAY NAME1 @10903
 SAY NAME2 @10903
 SAY DESC @10904

COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/tempus/cditmpus.bam~ ~override~
COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/tempus/a#tem00.itm~  ~override~  // Battle Prowess +0
 SAY NAME1 @10903
 SAY NAME2 @10903
 SAY DESC @10904
 SET "weap_idx" = 0

COPY_EXISTING ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem01.itm~  // Battle Prowess +1
             ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem02.itm~  // Battle Prowess +2
             ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem03.itm~  // Battle Prowess +3
             ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem04.itm~  // Battle Prowess +4
             ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem05.itm~  // Battle Prowess +5
 SET "weap_idx" = ("%weap_idx%" + 1)
 WRITE_LONG  0x60 "%weap_idx%"
 WRITE_SHORT 0x86 "%weap_idx%"
 WRITE_SHORT 0x8C ("%weap_idx%" + 1)
 WRITE_SHORT 0x84 (7 - "%weap_idx%")

The top portion I have bolded I wrote in a marker to remind me to mention it. What I'd like to do for this kit is assign it a racial bonus against Giants, the way that a ranger kit would work. Unfortunately I don't know how to do that. The block I understand is what assigns the favored weapon to the kit - in this case I just borrowed the Tempus axe because I haven't built a proper Giantbane - they're both battleaxes anyway!


// Assign Alaghar Kit to Yeslick

REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~Setup-Divine_Remix.tp2~   ~0~ @7
REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~Setup-Divine_Remix.tp2~ ~100~ @1
REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~Setup-Divine_Remix.tp2~ ~106~ @2


// Find Alaghar kit in kitlist
COPY_EXISTING ~kitlist.2da~ ~override~
 COUNT_2DA_ROWS ~9~ "rows"
 FOR ( index = 31 ; index < rows ; index = index + 1 ) BEGIN
   READ_2DA_ENTRY "%index%" 5 9 "clab"
   PATCH_IF ("%clab%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "RW!Alaghar" = 0) BEGIN
     SET "RW!Alaghar" = "%index%"
     SET "rows" = 0

INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/tob2soa.tph~ // adds ToB scripting actions to SoA
COPY_EXISTING ~Yeslick.bcs~ ~override~

COPY_EXISTING ~Yeslic.cre~ ~override~
      ~Yeslic5.cre~ ~override~
 WRITE_SHORT 0x244 0 // doesn't change
 WRITE_BYTE  0x246 %~RW!Alaghar%~ // the internal name of your kit, surrounded by %
 WRITE_BYTE  0x247 0x40 // doesn't change


This portion I believe is supposed to assign the kit to Yeslick, though I'm not sure if I wrote it correctly. I just copied the section from the "Assign Tempus kit to Branwen" section from DR and made some edits to fit Yeslick.


That's what I have for the .tp2 file. The other files in my Alaghar subfolder include:





2DA V1.0 // This file appends the kit's class ability file to include new spells and innate abilities and at which level they gain them at, in addition to their regular spells.
           1           2           3           4           5           6           7           8           9           10          11          12          13          14          15          16          17          18          19          20          21          22          23          24          25          26          27          28          29          30          31          32          33          34          35          36          37          38          39          40          41          42          43          44          45          46          47          48          49          50
ABILITY1    GA_A#tem0b  ****        GA_RW!HAMMR ****        GA_RW!STRON ****        GA_RW!DEFHR ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        GA_RW!BLABR ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****
ABILITY2    GA_RW!COMMD ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****
ABILITY3    GA_RW!COMMD ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****        ****





2DA V1.0 // this file appends the kit's HLA table to include the HLAs you add below, in addition to what they get as their default HLAs as Clerics.
1       GA_CDPRWRL     *          *         1         99         22           *            *             *
2       GA_CDPREVD     *          *         1         99         22           *            *             *



I've looked in some of the other kit folders and have seen files that I don't have and don't understand the meaning of. Specifically the baldur.BAF file, the various AR.BAF files. There are some other miscellaneous ones, such as the cyric and cyricpp .D files which I assume have to do with a Cyric encounter that was written in to go with the Strifeleader kit. Not really concerned about those. Then there are also the original spells - A#CYR00, A#CYR0B, A#CYR07 and A#CYR25 - I'd come to the conclusion that these were for original spells that weren't in the vanilla game, such as the favored weapon and Dread Blast. As I hadn't written any original spells yet, I'm not too concerned about these.


What I'd really like at this point is just a confirmation/correction of what I've done so far and to find out what else I'm missing, and what the next step is for compiling it with WeiDU. I still don't really understand how WeiDU works, either. ???


Last but not least, all of my files are still in Text Document format. I'm not sure if that will make a difference, but I'm sure it will. How will I go about converting them to the formats they need to be in order to be utilized by the game?

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And yes I'm the guy who also had the idea for the ToB Nalia mod but I've kinda shelved that for the moment as this Alaghar kit has become my current obsession and I won't be able to move on until I've either given up on it entirely or manage to finish it.

You'll have a new obsession next week, and yet another one the week after that. Seeing a mod through forces you to learn some bits about modding that you would've skipped by jumping from idea to idea (and gives you a nice self-esteem boost), overall improving the chances of seeing further mods through.


Of course, it's up to you whether you wish to see one idea through, or jump from idea to idea until you find one you really like.


I'm trying to keep track of everything by jotting them down on a list whenever one sparks my fancy. So far it's not *too* big. ???

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So it turns out that my files were all saving as Text Documents because my "save as" Encoding settings were by default ANSI - once I switched them to Unicode, TP2 files actually became TP2 files, 2DA became 2DA, etc. Ugh.


I didn't know, ok?! :|

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Some major progress tonight:


* Cleaned up my Setup-Alaghar_Kit.TP2 file immensely.


* Figured out to properly make 2DA, BAF, BAM and IE Spell/Item files and their proper application.


* Figured out just why kits in the install section of their TP2 files had numbers listed instead of full blown names and descriptions of the kits and custom spells/items that were being installed, leading to...


* Figured out just what the setup.TRA file does - basically laying the blueprint for installing the mod on the actual MyMod.exe application.


* Finally figured out how to actually set up a working Setup-MyMod.exe thanks to Mike1072!


BACKUP ~MyMod/backup~ // so WeiDU can uninstall
AUTHOR ~myemail@mydomain.com~ // contact address displayed if installation fails

/////                                                  \\\\\
///// Alaghar of Clangeddin kit                        \\\\\
/////                                                  \\\\\

BEGIN ~Alaghar Kit~ // name of this component

// internal name of the kit
ADD_KIT ~RW!Alaghar~

 // appended to CLASWEAP.2da
 ~RW!Algahar                0           0           1           0           0           1           1           0~

 // appended column-wise to WEAPPROF.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~

 // appended to ABCLASRQ.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                15       0       0       0       9       0~

 // appended to ABCLSMOD.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                0       0       0       0       0       0~

 // appended to ABDCDSRQ.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                0       0       0       0       0      0~

 // appended to ABDCSCRQ.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                0       0       0       0       15      0~

 // appended to ALIGNMNT.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                1       1       0       1       0       0       0      0       0~

 // appended to DUALCLAS.2da
 ~RW!Alaghar                1       0       0       0       0       0~

 // path to your CLAB-style 2da file 

 // PC races and classes allowed to use this kit, from KITTABLE.2da

 // usability flags, added to the end of the KITLIST.2da entry
 ~0x00004000     3~

 // HLA table to use; see LUABBR.2da

 // list of starting equipment for PCs starting in ToB. Appended column-wise to 25STWEAP.2da
 ~CHAN09 * HELM07 BAG20 RING06 RING31 * BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT06 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN4,2 POTN14,5 HAM07 SW1H27 STAF08~

 // Lower, mixed, and help kit names and descriptions, added to KITLIST.2da, replace with string ref numbers 
 SAY @70003
 SAY @70004
 SAY @70005


// add spells to base abilities
INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_spell_remove_good.tph~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_reindex_clab.tph~
COPY_EXISTING ~rw!alaghar.2da~ ~override~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/al_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/co_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/gu_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/lw_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/pr_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/su_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/wa_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/cm_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/cr_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/di_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/ee_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/he_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/ee_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/ne_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/tr_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/wd_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/lastline.2da~
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~spell_remove_good~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~reindex_clab~ // re-index lines

// change spells to innates as needed
INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_spell_to_innate.tph~ // defines patch macro
COPY_EXISTING ~sppr102.spl~ ~override/RW!COMMD.spl~ // Command
             ~sppr213.spl~ ~override/RW!HAMMR.spl~ // Spiritual Hammer
             ~sppr312.spl~ ~override/RW!STRON.spl~ // Strength of One
             ~sppr406.spl~ ~override/RW!DEFHR.spl~ // Defensive Harmony
             ~sppr603.spl~ ~override/RW!BLABR.spl~ // Blade Barrier
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~spell_to_innate~ // change to innate spell


ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~mel01.cre~ THEN BEGIN // hla table and abilities if ToB is installed

 INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/extra_regexp_vars.tph~

 INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_build_hla_table.tph~
 INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_hla_remove_good.tph~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
 COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/Alaghar/luala.2da~ ~override~ // HLA file
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/al_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/co_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/gu_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/lw_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/pr_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/su_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/wa_hla.2da~
   LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~hla_remove_good~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
   LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~build_hla_table~ // re-order HLAs, remove dupes, and re-index

 COPY_EXISTING ~RW!Alaghar.2da~ ~override~

 EXTEND_TOP ~baldur.bcs~   ~Divine_Remix/cleric/alaghar/baldur.baf~
 EXTEND_TOP ~baldur25.bcs~ ~Divine_Remix/cleric/alaghar/baldur.baf~

 COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/Alaghar/iax1h03.bam~ ~override~ // holy symbol
 COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/Alaghar/ca1h01.bam~ ~override~
 COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/Alaghar/rw!ala25.itm~  ~override~
   SAY NAME1 @70006
   SAY NAME2 @70006
   SAY DESC @70007


   COPY_EXISTING ~spcl908.spl~ ~override/cdprcry.spl~ // hla war cry



// area for racial bonus vs giants

// area for innates
COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/Alaghar/rw!ala2k.spl~ ~override~  // Additional Attack per round (innate)

COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/tempus/a#tem0b.spl~ ~override~  // Battle prowess (innate)
 SAY NAME1 @10903
 SAY NAME2 @10903
 SAY DESC @10904

COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/tempus/cditmpus.bam~ ~override~
COPY ~Divine_Remix/cleric/tempus/a#tem00.itm~  ~override~  // Battle Prowess +0
 SAY NAME1 @10903
 SAY NAME2 @10903
 SAY DESC @10904
 SET "weap_idx" = 0

COPY_EXISTING ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem01.itm~  // Battle Prowess +1
             ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem02.itm~  // Battle Prowess +2
             ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem03.itm~  // Battle Prowess +3
             ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem04.itm~  // Battle Prowess +4
             ~a#tem00.itm~ ~override/a#tem05.itm~  // Battle Prowess +5
 SET "weap_idx" = ("%weap_idx%" + 1)
 WRITE_LONG  0x60 "%weap_idx%"
 WRITE_SHORT 0x86 "%weap_idx%"
 WRITE_SHORT 0x8C ("%weap_idx%" + 1)
 WRITE_SHORT 0x84 (7 - "%weap_idx%")


/////                                                  \\\\\
///// Alaghar kit for Yeslick                          \\\\\
/////                                                  \\\\\

REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~Setup-Divine_Remix.tp2~   ~0~ @7
REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~Setup-Divine_Remix.tp2~ ~100~ @1
REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~Setup-Divine_Remix.tp2~ ~106~ @2


// Find Alaghar kit in kitlist
COPY_EXISTING ~kitlist.2da~ ~override~
 COUNT_2DA_ROWS ~9~ "rows"
 FOR ( index = 31 ; index < rows ; index = index + 1 ) BEGIN
   READ_2DA_ENTRY "%index%" 5 9 "clab"
   PATCH_IF ("%clab%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "RW!Alaghar" = 0) BEGIN
     SET "RW!Alaghar" = "%index%"
     SET "rows" = 0

INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/tob2soa.tph~ // adds ToB scripting actions to SoA
COPY_EXISTING ~Yeslick.bcs~ ~override~

COPY_EXISTING ~Yeslic.cre~ ~override~
      ~Yeslic5.cre~ ~override~
 WRITE_SHORT 0x244 0 // doesn't change
 WRITE_BYTE  0x246 %~RW!Alaghar%~ // the internal name of your kit, surrounded by %
 WRITE_BYTE  0x247 0x40 // doesn't change



From this I'm getting the following error I can't seem to resolve:


[sETUP-ALAGHAR_KIT.TP2] LEXER ERROR at line 1 column 0--1
Near Text: ÿ
invalid character [ÿ]
HINT: Don't use MS Word to edit your .tp2 files - use ConTEXT (http://www.context.cx instead).

[sETUP-ALAGHAR_KIT.TP2]  ERROR at line 1 column 0--1
Near Text: ÿ
ERROR: parsing [sETUP-ALAGHAR_KIT.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [sETUP-ALAGHAR_KIT.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error

FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error

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So it turns out that my files were all saving as Text Documents because my "save as" Encoding settings were by default ANSI - once I switched them to Unicode, TP2 files actually became TP2 files, 2DA became 2DA, etc. Ugh.

It's a good idea to enable viewing of file extensions. Tools -> Folder Options -> View Tab -> Uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types". This way you'll be able to tell that something's wrong if you see filename.tp2.txt or filename.exe.exe.


Now my current hurdle is figuring out how to properly set up the .TRA file and figuring out how to properly compile everything using WeiDU and getting a working MyMod.EXE application. I can't seem to get past this:

All you have to do is rename WeiDU.exe to Setup-MyMod.exe. Also, you don't need to worry about .tra files right now. It's easier to tell what's going on when the strings are listed right where they're used, and if you decide you want to traify your mod once it's finished, there's a WeiDU command that will do it for you.

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So it turns out that my files were all saving as Text Documents because my "save as" Encoding settings were by default ANSI - once I switched them to Unicode, TP2 files actually became TP2 files, 2DA became 2DA, etc. Ugh.

It's a good idea to enable viewing of file extensions. Tools -> Folder Options -> View Tab -> Uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types". This way the you'll be able to tell that something's wrong if you see filename.tp2.txt or filename.exe.exe.


Now my current hurdle is figuring out how to properly set up the .TRA file and figuring out how to properly compile everything using WeiDU and getting a working MyMod.EXE application. I can't seem to get past this:

All you have to do is rename WeiDU.exe to Setup-MyMod.exe. Also, you don't need to worry about .tra files right now. It's easier to tell what's going on when the strings are listed right where they're used, and if you decide you want to traify your mod once it's finished, there's a WeiDU command that will do it for you.


Thanks for that. Completely obvious! After I did that though, I got a few more errors. Pulled this from the debug:



[sETUP-ALAGHAR_KIT.TP2] LEXER ERROR at line 1 column 0--1

Near Text: ÿ

invalid character [ÿ]

HINT: Don't use MS Word to edit your .tp2 files - use ConTEXT (http://www.context.cx instead).


[sETUP-ALAGHAR_KIT.TP2] ERROR at line 1 column 0--1

Near Text: ÿ


ERROR: parsing [sETUP-ALAGHAR_KIT.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error

ERROR: problem parsing TP file [sETUP-ALAGHAR_KIT.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error


FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error


Trying to root out that invalid character though I don't remember ever inserting it in the first place. So far I can't seem to find that character or anything like it anywhere in my tp2.


Edit: I guess this error doesn't necessarily mean there is one single invalid character, but more likely that something isn't wrapped right. The search continues!

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Try as I might I can't seem to find out where this invalid character is coming from or what's causing the parsing error. I can't find any open blocks or missing ~. I'm thinking of rewriting the whole thing to make it cleaner, so I'd be grateful for any suggestions.


I've also removed it from the Divine Remix folder and placed the mod in it's own subfolder, so now all the file destinations all path to ~Alaghar/XXX.file~ with the exception of portions that draw from the tempus favored weapon and the spell and sphere macros that still draw from the divine remix folder, which I don't think should cause issue. If they do, I'll have to be sure to fix it.

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You're saving in some incompatible format and/or encoding. On Notepad, the correct format is 'Text Document' and the correct encoding is 'ANSI'. Also, you should consider using a more powerful editor (for example, ConTEXT with the highlighters).


Thanks for that! I resolved that issue and after cutting out a few other bits, I managed to get the installer working. I'm running into the issue now where the installer is quitting due to a lack of a .tra for my @70003+ references, so I guess I need to make a .tra file now.


Edit: Decided to forego traifying for now and will just do things the long way. I feel that I'm almost ready to cross the finish line!

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Nice that you chose Alaghar of Clangeddin and not Sonnlinor of Moradin (for example). ??? If I may suggest something, make it separate from Divine Remix. Its sphere system is a mess and you sometimes end up with very few cleric spells at some levels.

I'm also thinking about my own version of cleric mod (with Holy Strategist of Red Knight, Painbearer of Ilmater, Silverstar of Selûne, Doomguide of Kelemvor, Techsmith of Gond, Battleguard of Tempus, Nightcloak of Shar, Pain of Loviatar, Malagent of Talona, Bloodreaver of Garagos a possibly later even some god of dwarves, elfves and halflings). I plan to introduce also many special abilities and spells, which will of course take some time. The only problem I have is with their holy symbols. :D

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Nice that you chose Alaghar of Clangeddin and not Sonnlinor of Moradin (for example). ??? If I may suggest something, make it separate from Divine Remix. Its sphere system is a mess and you sometimes end up with very few cleric spells at some levels.

I'm also thinking about my own version of cleric mod (with Holy Strategist of Red Knight, Painbearer of Ilmater, Silverstar of Selûne, Doomguide of Kelemvor, Techsmith of Gond, Battleguard of Tempus, Nightcloak of Shar, Pain of Loviatar, Malagent of Talona, Bloodreaver of Garagos a possibly later even some god of dwarves, elfves and halflings). I plan to introduce also many special abilities and spells, which will of course take some time. The only problem I have is with their holy symbols. :D


I chose to make the Alaghar kit because it always bothered me that Yeslick was a generic Fighter/Cleric despite all the spouting he made about Clangeddin. When I first heard of Divine Remix and how it not only had Tempus and Shar kits, but you could auto-assign them to Branwen and Viconia, I figured that it must have had one for ol' Yeslick. Turns out this wasn't the case! I was shocked!


I actually don't have a problem with Divine Remix's sphere system. While it drastically changes the utility of some characters and cleric kits, I found them useful once I stopped trying to make them be something they weren't. It wouldn't hurt to add more spells to the game though to make up for some of the kits that have 2 or 3 spells max at certain spell levels. (looking at you, Watcher of Helm!)


I finally got my kit to install and was elated, but I'm still running into trouble:


* Kit is getting no innates, including the favored weapon

* Kit is getting no HLAs

* Kit is getting no Holy Symbol

* Kit doesn't "gain" spells on level up in the manner that Divine Remix kits do - ie: they display in the message box on level up


I feel like I probably left something simple out, but I can't imagine what it could be. This is the script in it's current working form:


BEGIN ~Alaghar Kit~
ADD_KIT ~RW#Alaghar~
 ~RW#Algahar                0           0           1           0           0           1           1           0~
 ~RW#Alaghar 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
 ~RW#Alaghar                15      0       0       0       9       0~
 ~RW#Alaghar                0       0       0       0       0       0~
 ~RW#Alaghar                0       0       0       0       0       0~
 ~RW#Alaghar                0       0       0       0       15      0~
 ~RW#Alaghar                1       1       0       1       0       0       0      0       0~
 ~RW#Alaghar                1       0       0       0       0       0~
 ~0x00004000     3~
 ~CHAN09 * HELM07 BAG20 RING06 RING31 * BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT06 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN04,2 POTN14,5 HAMM07 SW1H27 STAF08~
 SAY ~alaghar of clangeddin~
 SAY ~Alaghar of Clangeddin~
 SAY ~ALAGHAR OF CLANGEDDIN: cut for length~
// add spells to base abilities
INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_reindex_clab.tph~
INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_spell_remove_good.tph~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
COPY_EXISTING ~rw#alaghar.2da~ ~override~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/al_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/co_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/gu_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/lw_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/pr_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/su_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/wa_major.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/cm_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/cr_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/di_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/ee_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/he_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/ee_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/ne_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/tr_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/wd_minor.2da~
 APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/lastline.2da~
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~spell_remove_good~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~reindex_clab~ // re-index lines

// change spells to innates as needed
INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_spell_to_innate.tph~ // defines patch macro
COPY_EXISTING ~sppr102.spl~ ~override/RW#COMMD.spl~ // Command
             ~sppr213.spl~ ~override/RW#HAMMR.spl~ // Spiritual Hammer
             ~sppr312.spl~ ~override/RW#STRON.spl~ // Strength of One
             ~sppr406.spl~ ~override/RW#DEFHR.spl~ // Defensive Harmony
             ~sppr603.spl~ ~override/RW#BLABR.spl~ // Blade Barrier
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~spell_to_innate~ // change to innate spell

ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~mel01.cre~ THEN BEGIN // hla table and abilities if ToB is installed

 INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/extra_regexp_vars.tph~

 INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_build_hla_table.tph~
 INCLUDE ~Divine_Remix/lib/macro_hla_remove_good.tph~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
 COPY ~Alaghar/luala.2da~ ~override~ // HLA file
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/al_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/co_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/gu_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/lw_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/pr_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/su_hla.2da~
   APPEND_FILE ~Divine_Remix/spheres/wa_hla.2da~
   LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~hla_remove_good~ // removes inappropriate spells for good deities
   LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~build_hla_table~ // re-order HLAs, remove dupes, and re-index

 COPY_EXISTING ~RW#Alaghar.2da~ ~override~

 EXTEND_TOP ~baldur.bcs~   ~Alaghar/baldur.baf~
 EXTEND_TOP ~baldur25.bcs~ ~Alaghar/baldur.baf~

 COPY ~Alaghar/iax1h03.bam~ ~override~ // holy symbol
 COPY ~Alaghar/cax1H01.bam~ ~override~
 COPY ~Alaghar/rw#ala25.itm~  ~override~
   SAY NAME1 ~Holy Symbol of Clangeddin~
   SAY NAME2 ~Holy Symbol of Clangeddin~
   SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~cut for length~
   SAY DESC ~cut for length~


   COPY_EXISTING ~spcl908.spl~ ~override/cdprcry.spl~ // hla war cry


// area for racial bonus vs giants

// area for innates
COPY ~Alaghar/rw#ala2t.spl~ ~override~  // Additional Attack per round (innate)

COPY ~Alaghar/rw#ala0b.spl~ ~override~  // Giantbane (innate)
 SAY NAME1 ~Battleaxe - 'Giantbane'~
 SAY NAME2 ~Battleaxe - 'Giantbane'~
 SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~cut for length~
 SAY DESC ~cut for length~

COPY ~Alaghar/cdialag.bam~ ~override~
COPY ~Alaghar/rw#ala00.itm~  ~override~  // Giantbane +0
 SAY NAME1 ~Battleaxe - 'Giantbane'~
 SAY NAME2 ~Battleaxe - 'Giantbane'~
 SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~cut for length~
 SAY DESC ~cut for length~
 SET "weap_idx" = 0

COPY_EXISTING ~rw#ala00.itm~ ~override/rw#ala01.itm~  // Giantbane +1
             ~rw#ala00.itm~ ~override/rw#ala02.itm~  // Giantbane +2
             ~rw#ala00.itm~ ~override/rw#ala03.itm~  // Giantbane +3
             ~rw#ala00.itm~ ~override/rw#ala04.itm~  // Giantbane +4
             ~rw#ala00.itm~ ~override/rw#ala05.itm~  // Giantbane +5
 SET "weap_idx" = ("%weap_idx%" + 1)
 WRITE_LONG  0x60 "%weap_idx%"
 WRITE_SHORT 0x86 "%weap_idx%"
 WRITE_SHORT 0x8C ("%weap_idx%" + 1)
 WRITE_SHORT 0x84 (7 - "%weap_idx%")



I'm guessing that I can't just include the paths to the divine remix macros for them to work - would I have to then make my own copies and place them in my kit's subfolder and modify the tp2 in order for them to work? Would that conflict with divine remix, or would it then be compatible?

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