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So, I was looking at the .PRO file format, here: http://iesdp.gibberlings3.net/ieformats/pro_v1.htm


Scroll down to the bottom section, about areas of effect. :)


0x00206 2 (word) Area of Effect. 256 is 30' radius.


So, 256 is 30' radius - is this the largest possible value? Do values scroll linearly? Can I make, say, a 100' radius version or 200' radius version by inserting the appropriate number, is is 256 as high as it will go?

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If the word is unsigned, the value can go as high as 65,535. If the word is signed, the value can go from -32,768 to +32,767.


I'm unsure how the radius scales with the provided value. Possibly there are set radii assigned to certain values, but that's just a guess.

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I dont think they are linear, I think the radius increments in 15 foot jumps, for each doubling of the value.

But, thats just a complete guess. Check the known values in DLTCEP (yes, I will add them to the IESDP. Sometime. Soon).


If you do find anything, be sure to let me know! :thumbsup:

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Unfortunately, I can't use DLTCEP (I'm on a Mac), and all I have to go on for measuring the AoE is visual comparisons. I already tried the doubling idea, but in reverse - I halved it each time. The rule for doubling isn't 15 feet each time (at lease not for smaller than 30 feet). For my testing, I used 256, 128, 96, and 64. Based on the visual comparisons (not scientific, mind you), I estimate that halving the value also halves the size. Ie: 256 = 30ft, 128 = 15ft, 64 = 7.5ft, etc. I would be interested in confirmation of this, since I really have no way of verifying it (scientifically) for myself.

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I have played around with the values in the past. Setting AoE to 0 will cause CTD and it is not limited to discrete radii, which confirms Loriel's findings. I did not play around with it enough to determine if the AoE value scales with the radius or the area effected.

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They may have loosened up restrictions due to their real-time combat model typically sending characters all over the place attacking things, as opposed to my old turn-based combat (Pool of Radiance) method of keeping the party together to protect from rear and flanking maneuvers. (How I miss those old days of real tactics and strategy.)

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IIRC, I was able to increase the effect radius of Protection from Evil 10' radius, by increasing the spell range in the actual spell header. The projectile is still centred on the caster, but for some reason increasing the range field increases the radius of its effect. The Planetar in my PnP Celestials mod uses this feature for the Protection from Evil 40' radius.

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The range seems to work that way for caster-centered spells. I've been testing a modification to Lava Mephits (Bioware mislabeled them Magma Mephits) that allows it to cause heat damage of 1 point every round to nearby characters. The animation is that of a fireball (30-40 foot graphic), but only characters within range (20 feet IIRC) are affected.

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