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Sirine's Call and SCS


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Early on, the SCS readme states:

I haven't tested SCS for compatibility with any of the quest Tutu mods (e.g Grey Clan, Lure of the Sirines' Call). I don't imagine there are any major problems provided you install SCS after the quest mods.

Later on, under Smarter sirines and dryads, it states:

This component has not been tested with the "Lure of the Sirine's Call" mod by Ghreyfain, but I expect it to be compatible - for safety, install "Lure of the Sirine's Call" after Sword Coast Stratagems.

Well, which is it? :)

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It's a Zen thing:


Neither mod

Should receive pride of place;

Install each one after the other.




Seriously, I don't have any reports of anyone testing them together really. At this point, my instinct is that the first bit of advice is better - i.e., install SCS after Sirines' Call.

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Seriously, I don't have any reports of anyone testing them together really. At this point, my instinct is that the first bit of advice is better - i.e., install SCS after Sirines' Call.

That would follow more closely the recommended order compiled lately in these parts.

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