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Wear Multiple Protection Items: No Restrictions - Compatibility with Item Revisions


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This component should check for the presence of Item Revisions.


If it is installed, it should change three strings (@1003, @1375 and @1870) by removing the last line ("Unfortunately multiple protective enchantments of these kind don't stack, and thus no other amulet, cloak, or ring of protection can be worn while wearing this cloak.").



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Edit: I misunderstood.


Those are IR .tra refs for item descriptions assigned in IR's main component.


They look like this.


Amulets, cloaks and rings of this sort are infused with protective spells, and are among the most popular and numerous magic items on the market. The original design may have originated in the earliest of arcane guilds, but the current makers of these items are varied and widespread. Unfortunately multiple protective enchantments of these kind don't stack, and thus no other amulet, cloak, or ring of protection can be worn while wearing this amulet.


Equipped Abilities:
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Saving Throws: +1 bonus

Not Usable By:
Wizard Slayer


I wouldn't worry too much about this. I don't even think the IR version of "Wear Multiple Protection Items" tries to remove this line, though we probably should.

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