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About Ulb

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  • Mods Worked On
    D2 Werebear & Bear Animations for BG2
    Bear Walker - Werebear/Ranger Kit
    Silver Fur of Selûne - Werewolf/Priest Kit
    Animal Companions for Rangers and Druids
    Spirit Hunter - Shaman Kit
    Spiritwalker - Shaman Kit
    Dreamwalker - Shaman Kit
    Far Realm Seer - Shaman Kit
    Druid Grove Makeover - Area Art Update Mod

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  1. Now that's what I call proper self-reflection, bravo!
  2. It's really not that hard..https://github.com/thisisulb?tab=repositories *edit* video:
  3. Yeah that's your argument. As for my coding experience; it is literally none existent. Most of my mods are either kit mods (which basically use a fixed blue print) or involve mostly animation ports which also require very little coding. If of course your definition of 'some coding experience' includes everyone capable of looking up stuff online for 5 minutes, then yeah, maybe you need 'programming knowledge' to use PI (or do anything else besides breathing). *edit* Before anyone goes after my use of 'literally' I would like to point out that the Oxford dictionary now allows it to be used like that.
  4. Is it a casual player now or someone without coding experience as you've claimed before? Your current argument is that you could do it but since you have coding experience it must be too hard for people without such experience. Which is obviously not a valid argument. PI sure is a bit harder to set up than BWS/EET-Setup-Tool are but I think your critique is a bit over the top. (Truth be told, it does sound as if you've got a bit frustrated with PI and use this 'feedback' to vent out said frustration.) What might be helpful though is to point out where its current documentation is lacking and could be improved. It's been a while since I've set up a PI installation so I can't point to details in that regard but I can attest that PI is usable by someone without any talent or interest in coding, so there is that..
  5. Well, I guess if none of you guys are aware of those 'lost features' it must be my mind making stuff up... I wish my mind would make up cooler stuff while it's at it but what can you do...
  6. Sorry for somewhat derailing the topic but I have questions about this op code and its history. I am almost certain that you could at some point in the past use this op code to do the following: - turn the 'aura cleansing' feedback message on and off (while keeping the effect active) - set a specific number of spells per round e.g.: setting two spells per round would allow the character to cast two spells without delay per round but no more than that. Were these ToBEx features or do I simply have a completely false set of memories or what else has changed?
  7. Most cameo NPCs have dialogue options that allow you to establish if they were killed in BG1 or not. Xzar, Edwin and Drizzt I am certain of, not sure about Coran & Safana though, as I rarely ever visit that area. @4udr4n AFAIK EET should by default change NPC portraits when you change campaigns. So BG1 to SoD (for NPCs that do have portraits for that campaign) and SoD to BG2 should happen the way you want. Having them changed when transitioning into ToB would probably require a new tweak since that was never a thing.
  8. I don't know where the error is coming from. Until someone else posts something you can check where you installed BG, might be an issue with Windows folder access... Also Beamdog's version doesn't need modmerge, modmerge is outdated, use Argent's DLC merger instead (only if you use SOD from GoG -and Steam I suppose-.) Also also, better post a WeiDU log.
  9. In my current play-through those two quests got along surprisingly well. I did the werewolf quest (killed him) and 30 seconds later Dave got his transmission and we re-entered the house which now had a different interior. Made no sense of course but I could play out both quests just fine..
  10. @4udr4n I'm not entirely sure about the race restriction.. I could have sworn Shamans were originally only available to humans and half-orcs and I accounted only for those races. Either I missed half-elves or they were added later?
  11. Yeah, that makes sense. A psionics mod sounds like it might have some 'combat feedback' lines which might have gotten scrambled...
  12. The screen shot @Lauriel posted is still strange since Shank says his line during the fight. Usually you have a dialogue with him and then you just fight him. I don't think he is supposed to say anything once the fighting starts?
  13. Really, not your bad at all! Shame on you @jastey & @Jarno Mikkola, I guess my boy Carbos is also just a random dude to you snobs? In any case, it really sounds as if either EET didn't correctly patch his dialogue or maybe some weird mod reset his dialogue with a static dalogue.talk entry?
  14. @jastey Is BG1 Unfinished Business still to be installed on BG1 or is it fully EET compatible now? I see there was a EET compatibility note but it was removed? The official list only has v14 on the pre-EET install list.
  15. The BG-SoD transition sets a certain variable after switching the voice sets, all my mod does is set that variable before that happens. I haven't looked at the SoD-BG2 transition but I doubt it's an isolated variable code block just for the voice sets. I just skimmed through this thread but your goal is to have consistent BG1 sound sets for all your NPCs through out EET? If so, there should be a relatively easy way to achieve that without much modding I think. BG characters have a certain flag, which either prevents or allows them to be exported. If that flag is set, characters can have their portrait and voice sets edited (like the player character) or not (like NPCs). So, if you just download those BG1 voice sets (they should be available around the web) and just set that flag for the characters you want them to have (I think Shadowkeeper can do that, otherwise you will need NearInfinity) you can just re-set their voice sets after campaign transitions.
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