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Replacing a response condition


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Is it possible to replace a response condition? That is, Borinall the fence, when you show up at his house to take the Dawn Ring from him, says in State 8,


So I ask you. Are you currently in service to Talos? Are you loyal to him and him alone? And may he strike you down if you are lying.


Your first response choice is:

I assure you that I am a servant of Talos in this matter. May he strike me down if I am lying. Condition: OR(5)









If I wanted to change the condition to Global("ExampleVariable","GLOBAL",1), is there a way to do exactly that, or would I need to work around getting to that state at all?

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ALTER_TRANS was something we requested for the FIxpack just for situations like this. You can target a specific transition in a specific state and then replace the trigger, action, or whatever.


ALTER_TRANS Borinall BEGIN 8 END BEGIN 0 END // filename, state, trans
BEGIN // list of changes, see below for flags
 TRIGGER ~Global("ExampleVariable","GLOBAL",1)~

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