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About WanderingScholar

  • Birthday 05/09/1993

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  1. Ok, I'm going to chime in here. You are using the Big World Setup tool correct? The long since deprecated BWS tool? This is going to get you into big trouble with a mega mod install. Unless you absolutely know what you're doing I suggest using something modern like AL|EN's Project Infinity. If your intimidated by install order you can always reference morpheus562's Install-Order-List-Repository, or I can provide you with my own log since I also play the originals with BGT. Our diligent G3 residents here were able to correctly guess your first issue, even without being supplied your WeiDU log, but you likely have a host of problems coming your way if you used BWS.
  2. Ok, thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately, I suspect it will be some time before David touches Wheels again with everything else on his plate. Until then, I'll try and see if I can provide some useful bug reports for anything I run into. I fear it will be difficult however, given the maze of dialogues, trigger, and variables that is Ascension + Wheels. Even with just a superficial scan in Near Infinity I'm already seeing a response trigger in ABAZIGAL.DLG referencing a script that doesn't exist.
  3. @Angel I just stumbled upon this forum. I have Ascension 2.0.23 and Wheels 8.5 installed for BGT. Did your fixes ever make it into the official version? I noticed your fork is no longer up. I dread trying to debug this mod myself, as there are still reports of major issues from what I can see. If you have a working fork, I'd be delighted.
  4. I'm getting this when trying to install. Version is the latest from Git. I'm on original BGT. WeiDU v249 (Legacy) It's very frustrating because I could have sworn I installed this without problems a couple days ago the exact same way. Here's my WeiDU: AR0042SR.bmp exists in my game...I guess it couldn't load the BIFF for some reason. Thanks for any help. Edit: Doing a bit of detective work I've found a number of these in BGT v1.23.1 DEBUG Not sure if it could be somehow related. I got INSTALLED SUCCESSFULLY when installing BGT. Solved: I had to move all the files from ...\Baldur's Gate 2\data\Data to ...\Baldur's Gate 2\data\ so the mod could find the files it needed. Move these before installing.
  5. @subtledoctor I was just browsing your mod files to see if I could port over your prismatic mantle changes to oBG since it's flagged as EE only when I noticed you have tweak_moment_of_prescience in random_spell_tweaks.tpa editing sppr603.spl which is blade barrier...
  6. Can I pick your brain a bit more on this? As far as I understand, you can automate your responses to prompts in a text file like this... weidu-setup-mod.exe < mod_install.txt In the text file you list out the responses in order, correct? For example: 1 // Response to choose English language i // Response to install the main component 2 // Response to select the second option for the additional feature So in the example I gave: Which travel times do you want? 1. Original Travel Times and Area Visibility 2. Revised Travel Times and Area Visibility. PLEASE ENTER 1 OR 2 I'd order the responses so that it would input 1 or 2 at this juncture?
  7. Thanks AL|EN, that's good to know I was just looking at the Git rep. to see if this had been updated recently.
  8. On this topic... Does anyone know what I need to change to answer a prompt like this? setup-bp-bgt-worldmap.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 0 1 Install Component [Worldmap for Baldur's Gate - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? i Installing [Worldmap for Baldur's Gate - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons] [v11.0.0] Copying 1 file ... Creating 1 directory Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Which travel times do you want? 1. Original Travel Times and Area Visibility 2. Revised Travel Times and Area Visibility. PLEASE ENTER 1 OR 2
  9. Just a small addendum to this for anyone passing through: You need to add list if you want multiple components consecutively installed like this in the same session. --force-install-list
  10. @Bartimaeus Some time ago I made a comment about retaining the original prices on items because IR has its balance designed around BG2 and not BGT. If you ever want to create a .ini option so others can have this, here is the relevant code: (Credit to jmerry for help on this) This first block will have to go before any items are copied over. All you have to do is adjust some of the paths. This second block goes after all the copies are made, so at or near the end of the main component. Once again, make sure the paths are correct.
  11. I always thought this was a poor choice by Beamdog. This is supposed to be the big finale in SOA. IMO what the series should have gotten was a good prequal, following the adventures of Gorion and his harper allies, culminating in their discovery of the Temple of Bhaal. This would give more meaning and context to the start of your adventure in BG1. Personally, I've never been a big fan of SoD. It was a one and done for me, and I prefer BioWare's intended vision. I still play the originals as a result. Among other reasons.
  12. Thanks AL|EN, I'll eventually need to move away from notepad++, and into a proper coding environment. I've just been putting it off.
  13. Sorry if this seems rather pedantic, but I just wanted to clarify something. I was looking at Leonardo Watson's Big World Project mod install guide, which he recently updated, when I came upon this: He has component 210, 300, and 301 of 1pp listed to be installed immediately after Item Revisions (main). This departs somewhat from your recommended install order.
  14. You have the eyes of a hawk!! That was it!! I was about ready to give up on this. Many thanks I guess it's obvious now that I look at the highlighting.
  15. I'm trying to use SFO in my mod and I'm getting this error. This SFO is from 2018 since that's what I'm familiar with. Thanks
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