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Some potential typos in v10.






@292 = ~Chapter 4

I have completed the tasks that Aster set out for me, including destroying both the Shadow Thieves the vampires, though Bodhi herself escaped. Before she fled, she enlightened me about several things.


The Shadow Thieves were the ones who attacked Irenicus in the dungeon that I awoke in. They had heard about my kidnapping, but not thought much of it... but then Bodhi's guild appeared and many of the Shadow Thieves began to disappear. They managed to track down Irenicus' dungeon and linked it to Bodhi... and I was witness to their subsequent disastrous assault.


Aster told me that Imoen and Irenicus were taken to the same place: an island asylum for mages called Spellhold. The gold I supplied was used to book passage to the isle, and it is there that I will find the answers I seek. Aran warns me, though, that the asylum is a veritable fortress meant to contain insane wizards and other 'deviants'... and even gaining entry will be a feat unto itself. Regardless, passage with a privateer named Saemon Havarian has been booked and I am on my way...~


Shadow Thieves the vampires -> Shadow Thieves and the vampires

Aran -> Aster


@552 = ~Then I suggest you return to complet the job, with due haste.~


complet -> complete


@567 = ~Completing the task may be more complicated, however. Linvail resides in the Shadow Theives' headquarters in the Docks. It is a large orange building on the western side. Perhaps you have seen it?~


Theives' -> Thieves'


@673 = ~(Bring Mask's symbol line with the rest of the symbols.) ~


symbol line -> symbol into line


@733 = ~Unfortunate, but understandable. As it happens, I can put you in touch with a man who can spare you the necessity of becoming peronally involved.~


peronally -> personally


@830 = ~Excuse me, but this is a private converation.~


converation -> conversation


@852 = ~I should have known better than to leave this in the hands of the beaurocrats.~


beaurocrats -> bureaucrats


@906 = ~Chapter 4

I have completed the tasks that Malficus set out for me only to find myself at the doorstep of Spellhold. What's worse, it looks like Malficus was following the orders of Bodhi, a powerful vampire.


Like it or not, I'm here now, and the only way to get back is to go forward. From what I undertand, both Irenicus and Imoen are here, at an island asylum for mages called Spellhold. The gold I supplied was used to book passage to the isle, not to Maztica, as I had originally been led to believe, and it is there that I will find the answers I seek. I have been warned, though, that the asylum is a veritable fortress meant to contain insane wizards and other 'deviants'... and even gaining entry will be a feat unto itself.~


undertand -> understand




@749 = ~We do, actually... We are supposed to steal your necklace for the Shadow Thieves, Weathermistress. Well, as you can see, we do not intend to betray you and steal from Thalos, so do you have a better suggestion?~

@751 = ~But Thalos smiles upon the thought of tricking the Shadow Thieves. Yes, chaos and destruction! They shall get their necklace.~


Thalos -> Talos


@756 = ~I will not give you the original necklace. But we faked a replica not so long ago. It is as good as the original, and will fool your Shadow Thieves without problems. Be happy and humble you came to me instead stealing from Thalos! It is unlikely you would have ever get your hands on the original one.~


instead stealing -> instead of stealing

Thalos -> Talos

get -> gotten


@757 = ~We do, actually... We are supposed to steal your stauette for the Shadow Thieves, Dawnmaster. Well, as you can see, we do not intend to betray you and steal from Lathander, so do you have a better suggestion?~


stauette -> statuette




@24 = ~Buttler~


Buttler -> Butler


@999994 = ~Allies are expensive in the City of Coin, but you have invested carefully to best serve your interests. There is little to be gained by undertaking a potentially futile rescue mission, nor is your thirst for revenge against Irenicus sufficient motivation to pursue him. Instead, you will leave your troubles behind and sail for distant shores. Perhps there, in a land where the gods of Faerun are unknown, you will finally escape the burdens of your heritage.~ [b!chap3m]


Perhps -> Perhaps


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A player from the german community reported a bug related to a dialogue introduced by Alternatives.

This is from dialogue.d:


IF WEIGHT #-1 ~GlobalGT("B!Alternatives","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN bodhi1
 SAY @158
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeArea()~ EXIT

IF WEIGHT #-1 ~GlobalGT("B!Tourist","GLOBAL",7)~ THEN BEGIN bodhi2
 SAY @159
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeArea()~ EXIT

The problem here is that Bodhi might spawn again and again due to BodhiAppear not being set to 3 after the EscapeArea(). I guess this only happens if the player postpones the visit to the graveyard and accepts the other offers first.

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Considering the answer to the question above is yes, this on page 8 was never answered and a similar issue has been brought up on SHS. Not confirmed it is from alternatives though, waiting for feedback from the player, but it seems a likely culprit when dealing with Gaelan ^^


I have a problem with Gaelan Bayle. I'm supposed to do the second task for Aran Linvail - and to do so, I need to talk to Gaelan about one of his missing fences. However, when I talk to Gaelan, he doesn't seem to remember that I already paid him the money and he keeps asking if I work for Sir Aster. Any ideas how to fix it, possibly with the CLUA console (as I'm not a geek and have no idea how to use NearInfinity etc.:/)


Thanks for help!

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Thanks for the reports. RL is hitting me hard, but I'll see what I can do about these.


For the console command, try setting



If that doesn't work, I'll have to look at the exact number (and a long-term solution) later, when I get home.

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A player from the german community reported a bug related to a dialogue introduced by Alternatives.

This is from dialogue.d:


IF WEIGHT #-1 ~GlobalGT("B!Alternatives","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BEGIN bodhi1
 SAY @158
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeArea()~ EXIT

IF WEIGHT #-1 ~GlobalGT("B!Tourist","GLOBAL",7)~ THEN BEGIN bodhi2
 SAY @159
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~EscapeArea()~ EXIT

The problem here is that Bodhi might spawn again and again due to BodhiAppear not being set to 3 after the EscapeArea(). I guess this only happens if the player postpones the visit to the graveyard and accepts the other offers first.


Yes I've had this, for that reason.

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I had a really weird bug just a couple of minutes ago. I chose Malficus path and I only got two quests. I'm playing this mod the first time but it seemed odd to me that wow, only two quests? So I read forum and it looks like I didn't have the one with poisoning.


Everything seemed fine at first but after total destruction of Shadow Thieves, I came to my shiny employer and I got three options; that I killed Aran, that I killed him and it was hard and that I didn't killed him. Choosing one of the first two resulted in him telling me that I had to bring him 50 000 in gold (with no options to reply). I have to mention here another bug - I could get 50k exp for each of my partymates over and over by only repeating this conversation. Ok, confusion started but I sold some stuff and came back to him. And then it happened - he told me to come to docks and we sailed over to Maztika. I have v10 of alternatives. Also, if it would be helpful, I've got saves before accepting the offer, before giving him 50k and at the beggining of chapter 4.

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I've just been checking Alternatives for reported possible incompatibilities with Fishing For Trouble (couldn't find any!) but I did notice that v10 is not dropping b!shar.are into the override. No hits for it in the tp2 file.



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I got the same problem that ibanix described above. If I set FindLassal to 1, then CLUA Zahl in, he appears for a split-second, then vanishes before my party can talk to him, and the door remains locked.


If I ctrl-J the party inside the vampire lair, and scout around, the entire complex is empty (no enemies, no NPCs).

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That sounds like a chapter mismatch. That happens when more than one mod increments the chapter. Alternatives really, really does not play well on mega installs. I can tell you how to change the chapter manually, but I won't be able to look up the variables until the weekend. You want to be sure that you're in chapter 3 at this point, not chapter 4. You can check that by typing the following into the console:




It should be 3. If it is not 3, type in the following:



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