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Typos for version 1(formerly: Talak)


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First let me say, WOW! You all did a great job with this mod ???

There is a small typo in the sex scene with Talak. Choose Yes. Show

me what you can do. ..........his over hand moves down your torso.)


should be other instead of over, yes? :p

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Just noticed a couple of typos in Eldoth's dialogue,


(post sleeping with and when asking for renumeration)

PC response- I do not have this much.

Eldoth - Yes, yes, I as I expected. But if you just stop being boorish and see the benefits...and consequences, I am sure you will agree that settling the matter peacefully is in our all best interests.


-extra I.

-second typo, words around wrong way, should be all our.

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a typo in Sir Bjornin's dialogue,


(after proposing/agreeing to give massage and also stating that he wasn't so old)

Sir Bjornin - I thank you. Yes I would appreciate this very much. Let us go somewhere a bit more private. I don't need the others ask why I haven't sort the aid of a healer again.(etc.)


to ask or asking here?

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I suspect it went like this: either the proposed change didn't make it to me, or, more likely, it did, but since you sent me a new version of the component to me to replace(*grr* to whole-component-replacements, I say), replace it I did, but that change got lost.

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Also the word sort in that Bjornin dialogue should be sought, no?


I'm not sure of the context but the word "again" at the end could also be replaced by "before" or "already"


Sir Bjornin - I thank you. Yes I would appreciate this very much. Let us go somewhere a bit more private. I don't need the others asking why I haven't sought the aid of a healer "already/before now".

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