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About plainab

  • Birthday 07/13/1974

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    Lost on the Sword Coast

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  1. I retired and left it in the hands of Miloch and other community members who have access to the workroom here at G3. As far as I know it has not been abandoned.
  2. The GTU is a separate component. Everything else should (as far as I know) work on other languages. As far as still being maintained... I've decided to step down. It is no longer enjoyable and when that happens it's time to move on. I do not know yet if any of the co-conspirators wants to take charge as I've only just posted my intentions in the Fixpack Workroom.
  3. yeah I didn't notice that when I tested as Reevor is off screen and I apparently quit too soon. It was brought to my attention in the workroom as well (just saw it today in fact). I've already whipped up a solution that doesn't make Reevor go hostile in the proper situation.... Try this when you get a chance Just copy/paste and replace the jondalar tph file as instructed in the other post, then reinstall the fixpack Are you talking about during installation? I've heard of that on other mods but have never ever experienced it. Widescreen mod only works with selected versions of selected patches. Basically whatever version the mod author has and those versions that others who were capable of finding the necessary offsets had in their possession. Re-patching an already patched game to make WSM work may not be the best thing to do. Its possible to cause issues since other things have been noticed as being different between the various language patches as well.
  4. I just tested this out and it is indeed screwed up. Totally our fault. The original scenario with Jondalar isn't broken however if the player attacked Jondalar first instead of talking it wouldn't play out properly. Jondalar would talk to the PC as if the PC hadn't hit him and subsequently not recognize any further hits. Rather than adding new text etc as the Jondalar Fix for BGT does, we opted to have him turn hostile and shout for help whenever he is attacked outside of the practice session. Therein lies the problem. We gave him the generic shout script, this had no specific checks for Jondalar's status in regards to the practice session. The solution is to duplicate relevant portions of the shout script, apply specific checks for Jondalar's practice session and add those blocks to Jondalar's personal script. Not going to repack the fixpack just for one file So if you are going to start over, you may do the following.... Before reinstalling the BG Fixpack, Open the file labeled ISSUES-JondalarBehavesProperly.tph located in BGFixPack\Modules\ with Notepad or other text editor (not that MS stuff tho ). Delete everything Copy/Paste below spoiler Then save. If you try that out tell me how it works for you. My tests indicate it should work properly when you talk to him and he and those around him go hostile if you attack before talking to him.
  5. I don't know about that container thing you mentioned... sounds weird tho Shouldn't happen like that, but there was some patch work done... could be something messed up with that. it's a new edition in the last release... Tho it was tested and reported that everything happened as normal... Perhaps the tester(s) didn't have every patch installed or up to date. Can you list out the exact steps you took in regards to Jondalar and I'll see if I can repeat it? If I can repeat it, then I can look at seeing what went wrong.
  6. If there is, not sure what it is. Bioware didn't state it in the original... I'll be honest and say that spells are not my strong point. I'm not too sure how to interpret the spell file as to indicate what the proper save would be, if any.... Gonna have to ask in the workroom and see if anyone else knows....
  7. i did not see that cause i was reading the TEXT description not the statistics. To quote Miloch "You gotta spell it out for me"
  8. You actually have the last publicly announced release... There is a more recent internal release available at the same link. (actually replaced the other) However nothing was touched between the two in this regard. potn28.itm Potion of Fortitude modified description potn19.itm Potion of Agility modified description They are correct after installation. Their inventory graphics are similar with one being grey and the other being white. perhaps you are misremembering the colors? potion of fortitude is grey potion of agility is white Feel free to check for yourself with DLTCEP or Near Infinity. If you've not completed the game I don't recommend doing this as we have added additional stuff, but you can always try the internal release available on my website and see if that behaves differently. Then again, who knows perhaps my English install has a different dialog.tlk than yours.... If that's the case... then that would be a BIG problem. http://sasha-altherin.webs.com/baldursgatefixpack.htm
  9. version # should be listed in the wiedu.log... That should be the most recent tho. your picture shows that it is the Potion of Fortitude yet you said That description is the proper Salk adjusted description for Potion of Fortitude as the unmodified description says and the potn28.itm file for potion of fortitude isn't touched in the fixpack either. Are you saying that you drink a potion of fortitude and it acts like a potion of agility or what?
  10. I've not yet played ToTSC, any changes that affect ToTSC content were contributed. I have since gotten a copy of ToTSC and need to slowly go thru everything and make sure it all does what is advertised. However I have no documentation concerning any changes made with regard to these topics. And while the description gets revamped in Salk's GTU. It doesn't say anything about constitution. Nor is the potion of agility file being adjusted in any other way. I am not sure what you are experiencing. Have you installed other mods? Which version of the fixpack were you using?
  11. I believe I have successfully streamlined the ICT workaround and in the process removed the need for a 'stupid passback' line to quote Kulyok "watch my hands closely" Example will be in regards to using an ICT from Tutu Finch in BG:ToTSC First we need to establish whether or not Finch can talk. Best thing to do is let Finch tell us this, so we add a few blocks to her override script file IF StateCheck("sufinch",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("sufinch") Global("abFinchCanTalk","GLOBAL",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("abFinchCanTalk","GLOBAL",0) Continue() END IF !InParty("sufinch") Global("abFinchCanTalk","GLOBAL",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("abFinchCanTalk","GLOBAL",0) Continue() END IF InParty("sufinch") Detect("sufinch") !StateCheck("sufinch",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("abFinchCanTalk","GLOBAL",0) THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("abFinchCanTalk","GLOBAL",1) Continue() END Since variables are value 0 if never set what this does is if Finch never joined the party the variable "abFinchCanTalk" will automatically be = 0 and so when Finch joins we change that value to = 1. So after she has joined, if she leaves the party it gets reset to 0 and if she becomes unable to talk it also gets set to 0. If you think about it, whenever this value is 0 there is no need to check and see if she is actually present via Detect(), See() or Exists(). She only needs to be there for her interjection to work. She can be there outside of the party, or in an unable to talk state, her interjection will still not be triggered. Enter the workhorse. This is a function which will insert one triple file workaround ICT at a time. You can launch the function & define the variables directly in the TP2 or use an external TPH, your call DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION ~ab_BG_Interject~ BEGIN ACTION_IF (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%ab_dialog%.dlg~) THEN BEGIN <<<<<<<< dump.d BEGIN ab_dump IF ~~ 0 SAY ~%ab_tempDialogText%~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<< replace.d REPLACE ab_dump IF ~~ THEN 0 SAY ~%ab_tempDialogText%~ COPY_TRANS %ab_dialog% %ab_statenum% END END ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER %ab_dialog% %ab_statenum% ~%ab_canTalkVarAt0%~ >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<< interjections.d EXTEND_BOTTOM %ab_dialog% %ab_statenum% IF ~%ab_pos_trigger% %ab_interjectVarAt0%~ EXTERN %ab_npc_dialog% ab_newstate END CHAIN %ab_npc_dialog% ab_newstate %ab_interject% END COPY_TRANS ab_dump 0 >>>>>>>> COMPILE dump.d EVALUATE_BUFFER COMPILE replace.d EVALUATE_BUFFER COMPILE interjections.d EVALUATE_BUFFER END END Here is an example of launching the function & defining the variable INCLUDE ~finch/lib/ab_BG_Interject.tph~ //since weidu doesn't like multiple sets of ~ & " together need to assign certain global variables outside of the LAF definitions OUTER_SPRINT ab_interjectVarAt1 ~Global("abFinchTalkedAlatos","GLOBAL",1)~ LAUNCH_ACTION_FUNCTION ~ab_BG_Interject~ INT_VAR ab_statenum = 0 //---------------------------------------------------- state number of the state that is being interjected into STR_VAR ab_tempDialogText = Finch //------------------------------------------ use npc's name so don't make another strref for crap ab_dialog = ALATOS //------------------------------------------------- file name of dialog to be interjected into ab_interjectVarAt0 = ~Global("abFinchTalkedAlatos","GLOBAL",0)~ //---- global variable to indicate the interjection has not happened ab_canTalkVarAt0 = ~Global("abFinchCanTalk","GLOBAL",0)~ //---------- npc cannot interject set via npc's script ab_pos_trigger = ~InParty("sufinch") Detect("sufinch") !StateCheck("sufinch",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ //--------- positive checks by npc being spoken to to make sure that joined npc is present ab_npc_dialog = SUFINCHJ //------------------------------------------- file name of dialog file used by joined npc ab_interject = EVALUATE_BUFFER "@813 DO ~Set%ab_interjectVarAt1%~" //- list of text & actions that make up the chain part of the interjection END You only need to INCLUDE the definition once. It could be in the ALWAYS section of the TP2 or as I did it via an external tph The resultant output of the state in question from the decompiled alatos.dlg after installation: IF WEIGHT #0 ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0) ~ THEN BEGIN 0 // from: SAY #2783 /* ~Welcome my little friends! Please relax, and keep your weapons at your sides. No need for hostility.~ */ IF ~ Global("abFinchCanTalk","GLOBAL",0) ~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("TalkedToThief","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("TalkedToAlatos","GLOBAL",1) ~ GOTO 1 IF ~ InParty("sufinch") Detect("sufinch") !StateCheck("sufinch",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("abFinchTalkedAlatos","GLOBAL",0) ~ THEN EXTERN ~SUFINCHJ~ 68 END As you can see, If Finch said she couldn't talk OR she never joined the party then the original transition occurs. IF she is in the party she will do her bit. Note I could have used the can talk variable at value 1 along with the Detect() check. However, I wanted the talking NPC to check for themselves since due to needing to use Continue() on the blocks in Finch's override script there could be a possible delay in the proper variable being set. Therefore the NPC checks for themselves at the moment of need. Feel free to nitpick it apart. I even checked it out by adding in a fake interjection for a fake npc name Fred. Everything looked good in that, if both Fred & Finch had their talk variable at 0 the original state would fire. If Fred's state was at 0 and Finch was present and able to talk Finch would do hers. If Fred was present & able to talk he would do his. Only concern I see (and would be true even outside of the function) if both Fred & Finch are there. Only first one installed gets to say their banter.... Perhaps it is a good thing... idk.
  12. out of curiosity how do the the bioware originals in BG/BG:ToTSC perform their banters? I've not seen any scripted method to get them to talk with each other, they just do. Is there some sort of internal banter engine that is hard wired for only the bioware originals? I've only ever gotten the fight between Jaheria/Khalid & Xzar/Montaron once and I interrupted it cause I didn't know what it was. LOL been trying to get it to repeat and there is no noticeable way to get them to do so. anywho... off to figure out how to convert tutu style banters into BG:ToTSC style... i think i have a nightmare ahead of me *************************** on interjections... after the compiling does the 'dump' file actually get used or does it end up being left over cruft? If it's left over cruft then my little idea to try and make a function for a more streamlined process has merit. If it's actually used in game, then I can't do what I'm thinking of doing....
  13. actually I was going to report similar however I found it to be no more than 7 characters if you include the level #. also there must be a base character without a level # otherwise there will be a crash. (at least this has been my experience....) I've also had difficulties with one version in one area intended to be non-joinable with one dialog and another set of creature files intended to be joinable in a different area (similar to what Imoen does). Even tho the proper character file was indicated in the GAM file, I would continue to get initial dialog from the non-joinable version. Easiest solution was to combine the dialog files and adjust states and use variables so the proper states would trigger at the proper time. (Should note that it is a Tutu mod NPC that I'm converting and there wasn't an NPCLEVEL.2da adjustment done. Wasn't till I'd already merged the dialog files that I learned about the NPCLEVEL.2da file. Perhaps that would have solved the problem for me instead. However, what I have works... so far.) I also took the code snip-it to add an npc to the game and put it into a tph as a function. Perhaps it could be added to weidu and the older ADD_GAME_NPC removed? Perhaps with a better name LOL One thing that bothers me about the code from Zed is that it doesn't have the typical read the offset and count and jump to the right spot etc that we normally do for items, creatures, areas etc... however since it adds only 1 npc and at the front of the list, the locations will always be the same even tho they are in relation to the beginning of the file. Guess I'm used to having to be aware that what I want to do could have been previously adjusted by another mod.
  14. I so understand... I've been meaning to take a look at Finch and fix her up and make a "Finch Redux" mod that's got all the reported bugs fixed and is friendly to install on BGT as well as Tutu. But there is this half-orc who keeps brandishing a shiny weapon and redirecting my attentions to the BG Fixpack and lately something to do with Xvarts.....
  15. I don't remember this happening when I used Gavin a couple years ago on EasyTutu. Running BGT have both BG1 Gavin and BG2 SoA Gavin installed. Selected the recommended 1 hr timer between talks. My party is around level 3 & 4. Finished up the Nashkel mines and due to being too nice, Xzar and Monty left the party. So back to Beregost I trudge to resolve UB's addition to the liquid used on the ore and while there I pick up a joinable NPC from some other mod and Gavin. The other npc is decidedly silent so far. But Gavin as soon as I picked him up he's been non-stop talking. In fact it was so bad, I had to pause the game to actually level him up and sort out gear. I think I've had three talks with PC and 1 talk with Jaheira inside of 10 minutes if you count the time it took for me to read and decide which option to go with. Is he just trying to 'catch up' since I picked him up way later after having spoken to him the first time I passed thru the area? Should I do a change-log on any particular files to see if anything else has adversely affected him. A glance at his script doesn't seem to reveal anything amiss... EDIT: he's slowed down a bit on the talking. Compared to the Bioware NPCs modified by BG1 NPC mod, Gavin is still quite the talker. Maybe that's cause he likes to preach He does constantly apologize for that to my PC ^^
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