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CTD when entering Shilandra's Kip


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Happens to me too. I think it has something to do with having a screen size larger than the loaded area, as I had some weirdness with the Crypt (portal-exit from Mortuary) going all wallpaper on me and duplicating the graphics to the left of the playable area.

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5718077 bytes. it's the one from the 2cd set.

(subtract 0x00400000 as before)

:0059426E 0FBF55FC				movsx edx, word[ebp-04]
:00594272 83FA06				  cmp edx, 00000006
:00594275 7C14					jl 0059428B
:00594277 6A00					push 00000000
:00594279 68C4089400			  push 009408C4
:0059427E 68FF000000			  push 000000FF
:00594283 E832C72800			  call 008209BA
:00594288 83C40C				  add esp, 0000000C

00596831 55					  push ebp
00596832 8BEC					mov ebp, esp
00596834 83EC08				  sub esp, 00000008
00596837 53					  push ebx
00596838 894DF8				  mov dword[ebp-08], ecx
0059683B C645FC00				mov byte[ebp-04], 00
0059683F 837D0800				cmp dword[ebp+08], 00000000
00596843 7C16					jl 0059685B
00596845 8B45F8				  mov eax, dword[ebp-08]
00596848 0FBF4806				movsx ecx, word[eax+06]
0059684C 8B55F8				  mov edx, dword[ebp-08]
0059684F 0FBF4208				movsx eax, word[edx+08]
00596853 0FAFC8				  imul ecx, eax
00596856 394D08				  cmp dword[ebp+08], ecx
00596859 7C14					jl 0059686F
0059685B 6A00					push 00000000
0059685D 6874099400			  push 00940974
00596862 68F0040000			  push 000004F0
00596867 E84EA12800			  call 008209BA
0059686C 83C40C				  add esp, 0000000C
0059686F 33C9					xor ecx, ecx

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