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Evaine Dian

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About Evaine Dian

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  1. Yes, I meant the encounter with Masyrd. Gavin keeps repeating "thank you for that", I have to shut down the game to get out of that loop. Deleted Whoops, scratch that last issue I had, it seems it was just a glitch that was gone when I reloaded! Sorry!
  2. After that encounter at the lust chambers at the Drow city, when you reply "It won't happen again", there's a loop, Gavin keeps repeating "Thank you for that". There's also a reply missing in one of the flirts/PID (no valid reply or link), but I don't remember where it was, sorry. I also found a few typos. I could check my screenshots tomorrow, if you like.
  3. So I used your little mod today. The first time I get the banter between Gavin and Mazzy, block 121 of b!gavs.BCS is running. The second, third etc. time, it's block 122 of b!gavs.BCS that is repeating. I decompiled the .bcs; this is what I got: IF InParty(Myself) InParty("Mazzy") // Mazzy PartyRested() AreaType(OUTDOOR) Global("B!GavMaz2","GLOBAL",0) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) // Mazzy CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride(Player1,DisplayString(Myself,98919)) // ~Running block 121 of b!gavs.BCS~ SetGlobal("B!GavMaz2","GLOBAL",1) END IF InParty(Myself) InParty("Mazzy") // Mazzy Global("B!GavMaz2","GLOBAL",1) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) // Mazzy CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride(Player1,DisplayString(Myself,98920)) // ~Running block 122 of b!gavs.BCS~ StartDialogNoSet("Mazzy") END
  4. I just checked the save I have right before it happens. I rest, and then the banter pops up, again and again. If it's another mod messing with this, I think it's probably NPC IEP or the Mazzy friendship. I'm off to bed now, but I'll check the .bcs tomorrow.
  5. I fixed the Jan issue myself, but thank you for the quick fix! You're right, it must be that vanilla bug, Aerie probably tried to remind me to meet Raelis, I never went to see her. Hm, about Mazzy, I've no idea why this is happening, just that it is happening. I also have the Mazzy friendship installed, by the way.
  6. Two banters keep repeating: The one between Gavin and Jan (where Gavin says he's sorry about Lissa) and the one between Gavin and Mazzy (where Mazzy complains that the food is out of her reach). Aerie and Yoshimo stuttered so much I kicked them out of the party. I assume in Yoshimo's case it might be caused by NPC IEP/Yoshimo friendship, but I have no idea. Just thought I'd post it here, as others have reported stuttering, too.
  7. Aaand now I'm resting in dungeons.
  8. Oh my, who knew Gavin could be so naughty? I've spent several rl(!) hours resting at inns and outside and he still comes up with something new. Just when I think I've seen it all, an even naughtier dialogue pops up. I like!
  9. Yay!! Congrats on the release, I'm downloading right now.
  10. Shouldn't be: Interjecting, he should say @661 = ~Was? Wir sollen uns als Drow ausgeben, unter ihnen leben und vielleicht sogar mit ihnen zusammenarbeiten? Ich halte nichts von einer solchen Täuschung!~ and in the dialogue afterwards, he sais: @671 = ~Ich kann das nicht glauben! Wir sollen uns als Drow ausgeben, unter ihnen leben und vielleicht sogar mit ihnen zusammenarbeiten? Warum all diese Geheimnistuerei? Lasst uns zusammen gegen sie vorgehen! Wenn wir zusammenarbeiten, können wir die Drow vernichten!~ Different text, no typo. Oops, sorry, I had some old screenshots in my ScrnShot folder and copied the wrong text. You're right, of course, I found the new screenshots with the new text. What I meant (and still find a bit odd) was that Ajantis interjects in the banter with Adalon (@661), then when we leave her lair, he starts the other dialogue (@671) to which I can reply "Ihr hättet Eure Stimme vor der silbernen Dame erheben können. Jetzt ist es zu spät.". Well, the "problem" I have with this is that it's a bit illogic, as he did raise his voice in front of Adalon. I gathered from your reply when I first reported this that he's only supposed to EITHER interject OR banter about it, not both. Sorry if I misunderstood!
  11. I'm playing version 0.2.19, but I still have the same issue I reported here (the typo is still there, too): I also found some other typos: Some of Valygar's lines (sorry, don't have time to check the files right now): Das es heute Nacht sehr kalt für diese Jahreszeit werden wird. Dass Something from a banter with Edwin I think: Das ich sie nicht retten kann, bedeutet nicht, dass ich sie benutzen darf. Dass From a lovetalk: Ich habe häufig an Euch gedacht, mich nach Euch gesehnt. Manches mal... Manches Mal I think somebody reported something like that a while ago; anyway, Sir Beverus called my female PC "Mann" and Ajantis said "so dass ich <Charname> bei seinem Vorhaben unterstützen kann - sofern er dies wünscht" .
  12. Glad you like the idea! You could try this command: CLUAConsole:AdvanceRealTime(999999) In case you are waiting for a messenger, I think it's better if you wait outdoors somewhere in Athkatla and use this command. It doesn't always work, of course, because sometimes there are more conditions you have to meet, but if it's just a timer, it should speed things up a little. Check out the "c#ajantis_sva" folder, and open the "install" folder. All the readmes and guides are in there. About the races, here are some quotes from the guides: "Conditions for engaged path Romance Match (same as for the BG1 romance): -Female, -Not a single-class thief -Alignment good, neutral or lawful neutral -Druids of all alignments -All races except half-orc" "Conditions for engaged path Romance Match (extended as for the BG1 romance): -Female, -Not a single-class thief -Alignment good, neutral or lawful neutral -Druids of all alignments -All races, i.e. INCLUDING half-orc." "Conditions for friendship path (i.e. no Romance Match): -Male, -or: female, but single-class thief -or: female, but not of alignment good, neutral or lawful neutral but no druid."
  13. I'm currently playing Tutu again and romancing Ajantis. If you sleep with him for the first time, you get a morning after talk. I miss those talks in BG2. I know it's more difficult than in BG1, as there are several different occasions that could be the first time, but I'd really love to get some "feedback". It needn't be so specific, I just wish he would say something. I also think the wedding night should have a morning after talk, no matter what happens - it's a very special night after all (and maybe just this once, <Charname> could persuade Ajantis to rest a little longer? ).
  14. Very good question: Because I forgot about this quest. Hm, would Ajantis tolerate the theft, if it is about to save someone? I might change this quest so that the PC can talk to the Harpers instead. Wasn't there a mod that already makes this possible? The Quest Pack does something to the Harpers quest, but I don't remember what exactly happens. From the readme:
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