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Bug Reports for Alpha 18


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Heya, everyone!


If you’d like to test the mod, here are the main thing I’d like to tell you:


I strongly recommend you to take on the testing ONLY if you are comfortable with CLUAConsole and do not mind running into bugs. Please, stay tuned for more trouble-free versions if you are expecting a polished product. Please, read the IWD2NPCGide.doc included with the alpha (it is a substitute for a proper Read-me and it covers a lot of details on how the mod works and what to expect).


1) The mod is in Alpha-testing stage, so it *is* raw. Both bugs and grammar problems are possible. Please, report as you encounter them.

2) Please, always report your party composition, whom you were talking to and (if possible) the line where the bug occurred.

3) The main bug types are:


Crash during dialogue – we probably caught most of them, but they could still be there. While it is definitely a dramatic event, in IWD2 it is connected to a character that has a line not being in the party. So, it is easy to torubleshoot and fix in your game.


Stutter. Same as in BG, indicates a faulty script, but can also be a game related slow-down. Try reloading a save a couple of times, to see if it is the game having troubles.


No Valid Replies or Links (NVRL) – happens when an interjection went south….


Grammar problems – they happen, so please, don’t be shy about reporting.


Various weird things (interjections triggering in bad places, odd strings…)


4) Please, if you are intending to romance an NPC on your run-through announce it in this thread publicly. I really would love to have all 4 romanceables run by a few different testers in different parties, so if someone is unloved, I can pay him or her more attention in my own testing.


So, well, deep breath in, and on we go....

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Should be obvious but...SPOILER ALERT!!!!















Valeero's interjection for the old orc in chapter 1 ("Tough as nails") triggered too early for me. It happened immediately after I killed the two bugbear guards and before the old orc appeared.


Jaemal during Sherincal conversation: "We were more successful than we might have realized if our foes start to quarrel between themselves." I suggest, "We were more successful than we might have realized if our foes have started to quarrel amongst themselves." in order to keep tenses consistant in the sentence.

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What I'm not comfortable with is my current working schedule: working on Saturday sucks. :( But, of course, I downloaded, and Diriel is perfect for me. His existing content is great and there's just enough of it.


(I'm just secretly afraid that I'll get home, download the soundset and won't like it. But I love the character, love the dialogue, which is more than enough for me. When I finally am able to play it, I'll post actual bugs, if any).


Anyway, stuff:

P#valeb.d VADI3 "Not peace, but truth." - maybe "a truce"?


P#rirom.d P#RiLT12.2 - "You rank" - I think "your rank"


"//Scene 4" in CHAPTER.d(post-tree) - might need setting RomanceInactive to 1 for Jaemal and Rizdaer;


- I've encountered two or three typos(which, I'm ashamed to say, I do not remember), and I've read, I think, nearly one-fourth of the entire content. So, it is very well done in this regard.


"Reject the unwarranted expectation of always being dry and warm, and like any other animal you would remain impartial to the fact that it snows."


A year ago, I paid two hundred dollars to be taught exactly that. ;) Should've waited for the mod, instead, now that I think of it.

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Okay, as no one else seems to be having this problem it must be something I screwed up....(I was tempted to post as a guest so I wouldn't look like an idiot :( )


The trouble began when I tried to create my PC. Every time I got to the appearance screen it would crash.


I did a reinstall of IWD2 (then I reinstalled the mod(s) putting the sound dl in the appropriate folder). I then was able to create my PC and import the other characters from the mod into my party (Yay!)


However, now every time I am in the inventory screen for too long, it crashes (and by too long I mean about 30 seconds).


I did fall asleep while the mod was dl last night/this morning (stupid dial up) so my sleep deprived brain must have missed some crucial step.


Please tell me what I did wrong ;)

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Guest Guest_Arconian_*

Just wanted to say that I started the alpha and am loving the game so far :( . I really like how Nord and the others treat my PC. I also wanted to inform you of a minor error I found in Jamael's biography, the third or fourth sentence it says Jamael?s instead of Jamael's, as I said minor...but I thought you would like to know. I'm going to be playing this for a while longer so....bye ;)

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Guest Guest_Pen52_*

Just to let you know... Valeero's new portrait is missing. Can't find it anywhere -- it's not in the portrait's section.

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Installed IWD2, patch, crack, Ease-Of-Use and IWD2NPCs!


If I see this through the end, I'll test all three guys' romances, though I'll dump Rizdaer and Jaemal both after a certain event.


Just in case: after I said "no" to gnome female avatars, I got this error in IWD2NPC's debug file. It is probably of no importance, but since we're testing, here it is:


[SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2] PARSE ERROR at line 419 column 5-19
Near Text: ~00MACE01.ITM~
syntax error

[SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2]  ERROR at line 419 column 5-19
Near Text: ~00MACE01.ITM~
ERROR: parsing [SETUP-IWD2-EASE.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error

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Okay some weirdness with Jaemal's romance.


I got about halfway through chapter two and realized that I hadn't seen any romantic dialog for that chapter. I used the PID to see what was up and if I could force the first one for Chapter Two to maybe get them started. Weirdly enough, the option for romantic talks wasn't there.


I reloaded my save in chapter 1 to see if the option to force romantic talks was present there (I hadn't used the PID in this run-through at all). It was. After some investigation, it seems that I never got all the chapter 1 lovetalks to trigger, which was why I was getting nothing in chapter two. I pushed the last two lovetalks through in chapter 1 and then took the boat, and now everything seems to be proceeding normally in chapter two.


I'm not really sure why I never got all the talks in chapter 1. I rested a lot both inside and outside, and I am a slow player. I thought that this was worth reporting, as someone could potentially lose the chance to do the romance and not even realize it.

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First off, planning on romancing Jaemal; party of PC, Nord, Hildury, Jaemal, Diriel, and Jaemal.


I seem to recall reading somewhere that the PC's biography would be added to the journal, and it hasn't been. I'm still in Targos, just wondering.

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