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  1. This was my first instinct, but I am having a bit of trouble parsing what happens. When I install EndlessBG1 on EET there is a dialogue option that says "I am going to travel in the South for a while" and then this script fires: So it seems like it moves all the party members to BD6100.are? And then K#TELBGT.bcs runs through the creature of the same name, which seems to make all party members unselectable, take their equipment (presumably for BG2 import), and then DestroySelf() them if they are not player-created (!Name("none",Player2)). And then jump everyone left directly to BG2? I can't see where that even leaves room for the ambush cutscene to occur... My mod has a plot point where the party members are conspicuously removed from the party, leaving Charname alone, and then just like in SoD, Charname must escape through BD0104.are, BD0105.are, and BD6000.are, alone and with no party members, before arriving at BD6100.are. So I cannot just mimic EndlessBG1. What I need to do is more like what SoD itself does, removing the party several areas and cutscenes before Charname ever gets to BD6100. (Also, whatever SoD does to allow multiplayer games to get through this part is presumably a model I could use.) Put another way: Endless BG1 has an option to skip SoD in its entirety and jumps directly to BG2; my mod skip to the end of SoD, and then play through the last several scenes of SoD before transitioning to BG2. Maybe what I need to do is spawn a cloned version of K#TELBGT.cre, which runs K#TELBGT.bcs at that earlier stage - or, just copy the actions in that script for use in my own cutscene
  2. I'm not sure I want to mandate a late installation here... I guess it might not hurt? I haven't really thought about install order yet. But all of the mods that cover similar ground (EET, EndlessBG1, Transitions Another Fine Hell) all come before mod NPCs in the install order. It's from EET and lots and lots of people play EET with lots of mod NPCs, so... seems okay? Also, the PlayerX values do not get reevaluated until a save/load cycle, so doing this in a single cutscene should be pretty bulletproof. Yes - this thread is specifically for a mod component that address the transition to BG2. SoD removes all party members (looks in the cutscenes at DragonSpear Castle post-Skie-death and the next one passing by Sorcerous Sundries) and eventually sends Charname alone to BD6100.are. For more context, I am working on a "Skip SoD" mod component that removes all party members earlier, at the end of BG1 and then sends Charname, alone, ahead to the end-of-SoD BD6100.are. So the idea is to mimic how the party-member-removal is handled by SoD. Once you are in BD6100.are, whether in EET or in an EET game that will export to BG2, the game should basically "think" you have completed SoD, and handle the beginning of BG2 accordingly. If that makes sense.
  3. Yeah, me too. I suspect it would not survive a save/reload. That snippet is actually pasted together from two different scripts in two different components (for now), which were tested separately. So I didn't even notice that it shouldn't work until pasting them together here. In any event, I have since modified them and the current local version of the mod no longer has script actions targeting PlayerX after LeaveParty() commands! Yes - my point was, before you pointed to me to that particular script it had not risen to my awareness. It's a real needle/haystack situation. So, thanks for that. I am still a bit mystified by this stuff... I installed EndlessBG1 to see how it handles the skip-SoD option, and it seems to jump the whole party right to BD6100? And then use EET's K#TELBGT, which seems to be a stand-in replacement for SoD's usual J/K/M/D handling. Regardless, removing all party members and leaving Charname alone is a plot point here, so that is probably not something to emulate. But that would not address any mod NPCs. And as I say, it is a plot point that Charname gets separated from the rest of the party members. (I just played the end of BG1 in an EET with Breagar in my party, and it is quite jarring - in the transition to SoD all party members leave as expected except Breagar who basically sleeps in Charname's bed with you and wakes up for the poisoning scene. At any rate, SoD includes this in the aforementioned BDCUT61.bcs: IF InPartyAllowDead("JAHEIRA") // Jaheira THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) SetGlobal("bd_jaheira_party_epilogue","global",1) ActionOverride("JAHEIRA",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("JAHEIRA",DestroyAllFragileEquipment(ADAMANTINE)) END IF InPartyAllowDead("KHALID") // Khalid THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) SetGlobal("bd_khalid_party_epilogue","global",1) ActionOverride("KHALID",LeaveParty()) ActionOverride("KHALID",DestroyAllFragileEquipment(ADAMANTINE)) END [etc. with all other vanilla named NPCs] IF InPartyAllowDead(Player2) !Name("None",Player2) THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) ActionOverride(Player2,DestroyAllFragileEquipment(ADAMANTINE)) ActionOverride(Player2,LeaveParty()) END IF InPartyAllowDead(Player3) !Name("None",Player3) THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) ActionOverride(Player3,DestroyAllFragileEquipment(ADAMANTINE)) ActionOverride(Player3,LeaveParty()) END IF InPartyAllowDead(Player4) !Name("None",Player4) THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) ActionOverride(Player4,DestroyAllFragileEquipment(ADAMANTINE)) ActionOverride(Player4,LeaveParty()) END IF InPartyAllowDead(Player5) !Name("None",Player5) THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) ActionOverride(Player5,DestroyAllFragileEquipment(ADAMANTINE)) ActionOverride(Player5,LeaveParty()) END IF InPartyAllowDead(Player6) !Name("None",Player6) THEN RESPONSE #100 CutSceneId(Player1) ActionOverride(Player6,DestroyAllFragileEquipment(ADAMANTINE)) ActionOverride(Player6,LeaveParty()) END So I think I just need to expand my leaving script to follow this pattern. As far as keeping them somewhere accessible for that later MoveToGlobal() action, I will just have to contrive to leave them in some area (at the moment, that's the BG1 Ducal Palace) so the separation can occur without need for any EscapeArea() antics.
  4. It's Jaheira, Minsc, Khalid & Dynaheir. The former two must have no equipment when next you see them in Chateau Irenicus, and the latter two are gone for good immedately after the ambush cut scene. Equipment that gets transferred from Bg1/SoD into BG2 is pretty tightly controlled, so for purposes of the ambush scene it really doesn't matter what equipment they have. Thanks I'll take a look at that. TBH it's been hard to find out exactly what does what at the end of SoD, because it's a long collection of dialogues, scripted area transitions, and cut scenes. I mean, this last part of this mod is a bunch of dialogues, area scripts, and cut scenes that have been quite annoying to put together. But SoD is like 10 times as much. See, I don't even know what "original cutscene" you are talking about. There are like 20-30 cutscenes at the end of SoD, and they are not named in a way that makes them easy to identify. Yeah, well, you gotta crawl before you walk before you run. I'm not even worrying about multiplayer stuff yet. I don't even know how that would work. If you have three players together, how does the game get J/K/M/D to Chateau Irenicus? For the moment this is a back-burner concern.
  5. Sorry if it wasn’t clear. The NPCs need to leave the party, and then not be in the same area as Player1. We don’t know which NPCs will be in the party, so this happens to Player2 through Player6. Then, later, Jaheira/Khalid/Minsc/Dynaheir need to be moved to Player1’s area. Specified by their script name. The issue is, if Player2 is Minsc in the first part, then Minsc becomes unavailable in the second part. It sounds like MakeGlobal() is the solution here. (Also, I have a workaround in how I handled the first part: I leave all NPCs behind in a cut scene area transition before the LeaveParty() action. That cut scene is slightly less ideal, but it obviates the need for any EscapeArea() actions.)
  6. I need all the party members to leave the party, and leave the area they are in so that Charname cannot accidentally run into them. ActionOverride(Player2,LeaveParty()) ActionOverride(Player3,LeaveParty()) ActionOverride(Player4,LeaveParty()) ActionOverride(Player5,LeaveParty()) ActionOverride(Player6,LeaveParty()) Wait(1) ActionOverride(Player2,EscapeAreaObject("TranBD0030")) ActionOverride(Player3,EscapeAreaObject("TranBD0030")) ActionOverride(Player4,EscapeAreaObject("TranBD0030")) ActionOverride(Player5,EscapeAreaObject("TranBD0030")) ActionOverride(Player6,EscapeAreaObject("TranBD0030")) However, I also need them to be available to reappear later; the SoD script before the ambush scene uses: MoveGlobal("bd6200","JAHEIRA",[1470.1205]) // Jaheira MoveGlobal("bd6200","KHALID",[1545.1230]) // Khalid When I look at Jaheira in a savegame in NI, it says: Current Area: none So evidently the EscapeAreaObject() action removed Jaheira & Khalid, and made them inaccessible for a later MoveGlobal() action? So how can I make the party members disappear, but keep them accessible? I don't want to use LeaveAreaLUA() because the camera will follow them (I think). Should I change that MoveGlobal() action into a CreateCreature() action? EDIT - I guess CreateCreature() would create them without any equipment. But then again maybe that’s okay? This is for the ambush scene after all, and Minsc & Jaheira should not have any equipment at the start of BG2…
  7. Yes: currently I made clones of the FF HQ and the sewers/cave map, but the exit from my custom cave map sends you to BD6200.are, where Imoen is waiting and she takes you to J/K/M/D. I have not modified that area at all. Actually now that I think about it, in my test game I only have EET and Reflections installed - I forgot to install EET_End after Reflections. I’m willing to bet that is the problem. The only issue I am seeing on a SoD game is that, with an ending party of Imoen/Jaheira/Khalid, only Imoen, Minsc, and Dynaheir show up in BD6200. Imoen is not an issue because I think “IMOEN” was in my party while “BDIMOEN” appears in BD6100.are. So something is happening where of the other four, the ones in my party for the Sarevok fight are not showing up for the ambush. Probably just some variable needs to be set - I‘ll look at the scripts in BD6200. Also, Imoen’s dialogue in BD6200 needs to be adjusted very slightly. But those are the only three things on my to-do list. As soon as I square those things away I can work on EndlessBG1 compatibility, and maybe release an open beta. Maybe not in that order? We’ll see. I have ideas for two, maybe three components addressing story stuff in SoD proper… but that is further down the road. I need a break for a bit. EDIT - oh, and I am not currently happy with my Timestop cut scene. It only visually simulates a Timestop, but the NPCs are all doing their idle animations and I’m not sure how to stop them. Maybe need to, like, ApplySpellRES() each one with a spell applying op165? Or maybe need an invisible creature to cast an area-effect spell? I had a version where Charname is scripted to cast an area-effect spell, but even with ReallyForceSpell and casting time 0, it has a casting animation, which I don’t want. So, four things on the to-do list. EDIT - cripes. Why is there a MakeaUnselectable() script action but no MakeSelectable() script action?? I can't figure out why Charname is remaining unselectable when the game moves to BG2. Relatedly, I can't figure out how Imoen/Jaheira/Minsc are made selectable when moved to AR0602.
  8. PI organizes things nicely, but at the end of the day it still installs mods sequentially, mod component after mod component, with dozens or even hundreds of components. Removing a component from the middle of the stack requires Weidu to uninstall all the later components, and then reinstall them. Which it is designed to do! But, it is asking for trouble. I would not advise it.
  9. Do you have Near Infinity? If so find BPNajim.cre and see if he has a 'Script Name" set. (Should be "bpnajim" or something very like that.) If not, then it is indeed related to another mod, installing this hotfix should fix it. Thanks for the feedback. My work on the "Reflections" BG1/SoD mod has made me a lot more comfortable with modding dialogues, so addressing these issues with Baeloth is next on my list.
  10. Muahahahaha... I have this fully working! I combined part 8, "Man in the Mirror," with Part 9, "the Great Escape," and successfully completed the transition to BG2 from BG1, skipping SoD, in an EET game. Well, mostly successfully - the game is acting a bit weird in Chateau Irenicus, Charname is still purple-circle like from the ambush scene and I cannot select her or move her. But I don't think that is related to this mod; this mod should not really be capable of making that happen. Unless EET expects some particular variables to be set, or something? I will look at how EndlessBG1 handles that transition. It might also be related to the ridiculous test run I did to get my character to the transition point - never taking any party members, and ctrl-Y'ing every enemy in the game. Hard to tell what the problem it. Meantime, I just need to install the mod on a non-EET SoD game to make sure it all works there. Then I'll post the last update and, maybe, release it as an open beta for others to play it and give feedback.
  11. Well, I’m playing BG2EE v2.5 so I cannot use recent versions. Good to know that’s been fixed though, it means I can just implement a simple local fix for myself.
  12. I know I haven't posted much here, but I just finished SoD. Spent some time with Drake the Rake(/cleric) and he is indeed wildly awesome, sniping with crossbows and all the good crossbow ammo in SoD, and dual-wielding longsword+dagger, and also a functional single-class cleric. Also, Drake has great SoD content! There is an extra random encounter, and you meet some members of the Amnish Order of the Noble Heart, and they can join the coalition and act as an extra optional squad for use in the various Coalition Camp battles! Artemius_I did an excellent job with this one. Anyway, I dropped for Glint after a bit. Glint is much more reasonably powered, and his spells with the Faiths & Powers sphere system are less battle-oriented. I had Jaheira and Khalid along for a bit, then took Voghiln toward the end. My party at the end of SoD was: Charname (fighter/druid) Sirene (paladin) Voghiln (fighter/mage) Glint (cleric/thief) Walahnan (mage) Neera (mage) A bit crazy, in this run I was like "Hm, I've never taken Brandock the whole way through before, I'll include him!" and "I've never taken Neera the whole way through before, I'll include her!" and "I've never played with Walahnan before, I'll include him!" Lol, way too many mages. SoD itself is... eh, the story is crazy. Like, the whole thing could be taken care of if Charname just doesn't go into the castle! That's bonkers. And by the time you get there, you already know what Hephernaan is up to. The story needs you to get into that room, but your whole motivation the whole time is to not go there! Also, the mechanism for opening the portal is weak. I have mentioned something like this elsewhere in relation to Sarevok and Amelysan: the mere spilling of blood should not do anything special. Look at Irenicus for an excellent example of how to use artifact-level magic: it takes weeks of experiments, a giant soul-stealing machine, lots of innocent victims as, effectively, reagents, several long rituals, and a separate artifact (the Tree of Life) that itself already has the power of a god. The idea that Sarevok/Hephernaan/Amelysan could just snap their fingers and suddenly your blood is a useful magical item? That's weak writing. Also, Charname's status as a Bhaalspawn is poorly handled. It is not really known, but Caelar knows it perfectly well, and she shouts about it so everyone she talks to knows it. But the crossing at Boareskyr Bridge is supposed to be some kind of revelation. And then later, back in Baldur's Gate, it becomes public knowledge - as if it was not already? And, finally, the idea that the Hooded Man can cast a simple divination spell and determine that Caelar is or isn't a Bhaalspawn is weak. If you could find it out via a simple divination, then why don't some powerful people find all the Bhaalspawn before they become powerful, just round them up and Imprison them or something? I think the whole main plot would be rewritten with a surprisingly small number of changes. Caelar's goal and motivation could be made much stronger with just a few modified dialogues. And the mechanism for opening the portal could be made more sensible. I need to think about the details, but it is definitely something I plan to address in a mod. Meanwhile, the EET transition from SoD to BG2 is fantastic. You meet up with I/J/K/M/D, and the ambush scene happens, and then the BG2 intro movie, and then boom, you are in the dungeon and Imoen/Jaheira/Minsc are right there. It feels like a very fast continuation of your adventure - the transition from the ambush to Chateau Irenicus feels a bit like going from the Cloakwood Forest to the first level of the Cloakwood Mine. Which is perfect, because that is how it should feel. You just fight through some baddies, find some gear, keep adventuring... not yet aware that this transition is actually quite different. The only fly in that ointment is that, just like last time I played EET, I started out in Irenicus' Dungeon with a huge amount of fatigue. The game scripts a time-jump of like 10 or 20 days, and somehow it keeps Charname awake the whole time. Does this happen to anyone else? I can code up a hotfix for it easily enough, but maybe it is something peculiar about my install? Is it because I am using an older version of EET?
  13. That has been addressed in the recent builds. Well, as far as weapons anyway. All clerics can use all shields and there are only a few kits that are restricted from using plate armor. (Basically just the nerdy deities like Oghma/Deneir/Azuth/etc.)
  14. Oh, you're using an old version of the mod. TBH I'm not sure I can speak to what is happening there. Changing 2da table values will only fix available proficiencies, not usability. Usability should not be affected for such classes at any rate. Best I can say is you are better off using the latest versions of the mod, which are the 'SD' branch (v0.86 - you look like you are using v0.85 or 0.84). Meantime, I have updated the SD branch to v0.86.9, which fixes the spontaneous casting issue mentioned by @Magevro and also adds a French translation.
  15. Those .2da files will be in your override folder. Can view them with a text editor, or find them more easily with Near Infinity. EDIT - can you also specify which components of F&P you have installed?
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