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Questions about v3


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Yes, a full romance for SoA; no player-initiated flirts, though, since it's too easy to break the compatibility.


(ToB part is included into Xan Romance, bonded path, if you're interested. Otherwise... oh, but I don't want to spoil anything.)

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Yes, a full romance for SoA; no player-initiated flirts, though, since it's too easy to break the compatibility.

(ToB part is included into Xan Romance, bonded path, if you're interested. Otherwise... oh, but I don't want to spoil anything.)

Sorry, let me see if I got it right. The ToB portion for romancing Valygar is included in Xan's mod? :)

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Let me put it like this(ladies, if you don't want spoilers, don't read):



It ends in SoA. Ends, like, finally and irreversibly, but without tragedy or scandal or, indeed, anything Xan-like. :) I think you already know why. Valygar and PC return to their casual, "companions, ready to defend each other" routine. There are twenty lovetalks all in all, four of them very short, and two - just one-liners.


But if you've installed Xan mod(where PC and Xan become soulmates in the bonded path, and Xan dies), PC goes through a great tragedy and great emotional turmoil, and Valygar cannot stay silent. So you can view the long(ten talks, I think) ToB sequence with Valygar, included into Xan, as continuation of the SoA sequence included into RE.

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I admit complete and utter unfamiliarity with Xan for BG2. So, I can't tell exactly how things go between Valygar and the PC in there and in what way.


However, I'd like to know if you're considering releasing a separate, altogether version of a Valygar Romance? It'd make more sense and be easier to get that way (feel free to ignore time deadlines for the purpose of the answer).

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I admit complete and utter unfamiliarity with Xan for BG2.


Gasp! :)


However, I'd like to know if you're considering releasing a separate, altogether version of a Valygar Romance? It'd make more sense and be easier to get that way (feel free to ignore time deadlines for the purpose of the answer).


I don't see any point, to be honest. It is not a full romance per se(i.e. you take a character and think "Man, we need to develop a relationship! Yes, a quarrel here, first kiss there... right, I want to explore this side of a character...") neither it is a friendship, though it has elements of both; rather, a string of visions I had while I was waiting. Which is why it is an encounter rather than a full romance; you'll see, if you play the mod.

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You've even got a start on a new banner for it.


Romantic Encounters...


... now with the Valygar Romance!*


*Requires the Xan mod to complete the romance. Get your copy today at PPG.






Is anyone else bothered by the idea of using Romantic Encounters to push other mods?

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I am personally very bothered by the fact that the author of Xan mod had the gall to push - or even mention! - Romantic Encounters in Xan's readme. It is most unfair indeed, and I'll be sure to tell them so.


I suggest that all similar links, aka mentioning IWD2 NPC in IWD NPC readme, mentioning Coran or Xan Friendship anywhere near BG1 NPC forum, and, indeed, mentioning other mods in any mod's forum, were immediately deleted, and the offending users banned, effective immediately.

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Is anyone else bothered by the idea of using Romantic Encounters to push other mods?


Personally, no :) And I suppose I didn't even see it that way, though I guess it could be viewed as such.


Generally speaking, I see mods being 'pushed' via signatures left, right and centre, and I'd expect some to overlap, or have some kind of content that may be applicable to another mod's, especially if they have a common denominator in author.


There's a lot of mods I'd never have found had I not seen them advertised either by way of mention in a thread not wholly applicable to them, or via a signature; and so I'm glad they were, or I'd maybe be missing out on them.


But that's just my opinion :(

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