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Petals & Thorns Ideas: Barfights, Embarrassment


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Ideas from Petals And Thorns Folks:


/* The Bar Fight - Protect My Honor (whether I instigate it or not). */


// One version of this is hidden away in the PD initiated bar flirts - this one can run from an area script, and can be independent from the other. Will have to choose an inn that does not get as much action.


// still needs names ad perhaps tightening up.


[NPC1] Well now, here's a pretty sight. One <PRO_RACE> girl, not too bad looking, and here we have all three of us just looking a good time. Get out on the dance floor with NPC2 here, and if you are friendly enough, there might not be no trouble.~

>> [PC] Me? How dare you! Aran, are you going to let these people talk to me like this? [EXTERN A]

>> [PC] I do not bother with trivialities and insignificant worms. Aran, go take care of these idiots. [GOTO K]

>> [PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him towards the group.) [EXTERN K]

>> [PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation... [EXTERN D]

>> [PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead. [EXTERN E]



A [ARAN] Well, I thought it might be a bit more subtle-like if...

>> [PC] ... you acted like a big coward? [goto K]

>> [PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me? [goto K]

> ROMANCEACTIVE > [PC] I thought you loved me. [goto K]

>> [PC] Aran... they are scaring me a little... [goto B]

>> [PC] You. Yes, you... the one with the troll face and the breath that smells like a sewer. Five gold says Aran can take all three of you without breaking a sweat. [EXTERN L]



K [NPC1] Oh, come on, girl. You haven't had a good time until you have danced with the three of us. And this piss-ant sellsword couldn't handle me, let alone me and my friends.

>> [PC] He can hold his own in a fight. But you should be more worried about me. I tend to get over-excited, and might end up removing that tongue. Or perhaps other parts of your body. [EXTERN G]

>> [PC] Insignificant, insolent worm. You are beneath my notice. Aran, kill him slowly. I want to hear him scream for mercy. [EXTERN C]

>> [PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him towards the group.) [EXTERN C]

>> [PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation, quickly. [EXTERN D]

>> [PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead. [EXTERN E]


/* Shy/Wants Aran To Be Protector PC EXIT */

B [ARAN] Right, then. You heard the lady, lads. Do you be wantin' to settle this on arm wrestlin', brawlin', or should we just skip right to it an' see what th' insides o' your guts look like when they be spread over th' wall over there? [EXTERN I]


I [NPC1] Look who's a big man, now. Are you looking for a fight? [EXTERN J]


J [ARAN] Well, now, laddie... I don't rightly look for fights. But by Bane's Bloody Buttocks, so far there's naught that I have left unfinished. You care to step outside? DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight",LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("npc1",Enemy()) ActionOverride("npc2",Enemy()) ActionOverride("npc3",Enemy())~



C [ARAN] Now then, lads, th' lady don't rightly take kindly to...[EXTERN N]


/* PC Orders Aran to Handle Things EXIT */

D [ARAN] Who, me,? Aye, then, I guess I could do that. You go on about th' business, an' let me handle 'em.

= [ARAN] (Pssst - here, then, lads - a round on me. You wouldn't want to cross her right now, eh? She's a mite more powerful than she looks.)

>> [PC] Why didn't you fight for my honor? You acted like a big coward. [goto M]

>> [PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me? [goto M]

> ROMANCEACTIVE > [PC] I thought you loved me, and would protect me. But you just paid them coin and let them get away with it. [goto M]

>> [PC] That was unpleasant. I am glad you found a way to make them go away without spilling their blood. [goto M]

>> [PC] Oh, for heaven's sake... You. Yes, you... the one with the troll face and the breath that smells like a sewer. Five gold says Aran can take all three of you without breaking a sweat. [EXTERN L]



/* No Bloodshed Exit */

M [ARAN] I was watchin' you close, I was. I figured you didn't want a couple o' drunk buggers to get blood all over your nice clean clothes, so it seemed like a good idea to let 'em down easy. Besides, we have real enemies what to fight. If we go killin' every set o' drunken bastards what act like idiots, we will depopulate Amn. EXIT


/* Aggressive PC Exit */

E [ARAN] Now, <CHARNAME>, be easy... they be just little gnats. You might mess up a nail or somethin', an then where's you be? I'll tell you what. You go get a nice cup o' tea, an' sit right there, an' I'll give you a good show. You want one o' their eyes, or mayhap a nose, or do you just want an ear or two to hang next to your collection o' Drow ears an' Dragon's teeth?

>> [NPC1] Drow ears?

>> [NPC2] Dragon's teeth?

>> [NPC3] Err... we were just leaving. Just a few high-spirited remarks, no harm meant. [goto F]


F [ARAN] No problem, lads. Only don't be comin' round here much, eh? Me, you might be able to fight to a standstill. Her, she looks like a shrinkin' violet, right up until th' time you realize her hand's holdin' what's left o' your intestines. An' then she starts gettin' mean. EXIT


/* Mediation Fails */

[NPC1] So, big protector, eh? I didn't know prostitutes around here had the money for a mercenary escort. You get out of the way, or you will be sorry. [EXTERN O]


O [ARAN] I'm goin' to rip your head off an' piss down your neck. DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight",LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("npc1",Enemy()) ActionOverride("npc2",Enemy()) ActionOverride("npc3",Enemy())~ EXIT


/* PC Protective of Aran or just Fiesty Exit */

G [NPC1] Oh, big man, having her fight your battles for you. [EXTERN H]


H [ARAN] Believe me, son, you don't be knowin' her like I do. Last one who ticked her off only lost a few pints o' blood an half his scalp. O' course, that was me, an' she needs me around for to carry stuff an' such. You, not so much. [EXTERN L]


L [NPC1] I hear lots of hot air, but you don't look that tough, either of you. Come on, boys... they don't need all that coin. Get 'em. DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight",LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("npc1",Enemy()) ActionOverride("npc2",Enemy()) ActionOverride("npc3",Enemy())~ EXIT





You folks have to tell me when things go to far with language and imagery. Evoking strong reactions with language is a fun goal, but I am not interested in evoking the "I am uninstalling this mod and never playing it again" reaction.




/* From P&T - I always wondered why no PC ever really embarrassed themselves with their love interest... with all the packing they must do, it's amazing no PC has accidentally left something private or incriminating out which was then found by another party member. */


/* Umberlee's Undulating Undergarment */


/* Embarrassing Things Aran > PC */


[ARAN] Now, I don't rightly think that this be mine, eh?

>> [PC] ARAN! Put that away before someone sees you! [goto A ]

>> [PC] No, I think those are mine. Where did you find them? [goto B]

>> [PC] No, they are not mine. Do you want to explain why you have another woman's undergarment in your pack? [goto C]

>> [PC] I did not realize you liked women's clothes so much. We should put you in some of the 'armor' they make available to us, and see how you like having a chainmail bikini to hide your most intimate parts. [goto D]


A [ARAN] What I be tryin' to figure is why all th' fuss over a scrap o' linen. Although I suspect it has a mite to do wi' exactly what that scrap be coverin'. How about next time we do some clothes washin', you check where things be stored? People might get th' wrong idea. EXIT

= IF ROMANCE ACTIVE [ARAN] Or worse, they might get the right idea. EXIT


B [ARAN] Mixed up in thy' socks an' such in my pack. Last time I did th' party chores, I must o' not sorted so well. Sorry about that. No harm done, eh?

>> [PC] Those are some of my most private possessions! Give them to me right now. [goto E ]

>> [PC] From now on, I will do my own washing. You stick to things that you are less likely to mess up. [goto E ]

> NOROMANCE > [PC] Well... I guess you could keep them... [goto F ]

> ROMANCE > [PC] Well... I guess you could keep them... [goto G ]


C [ARAN] Well, Sune's Sweet Stomach, if they be not yours, then... [goto CANONICAL_WOMEN_IN_PARTY]



AERIEJ [AERIE] ARAN! Th... those are mine. [goto H ]

NALIAJ [NALIA] That is personal property, and finding quality silk and lacework around here is difficult. Give them to me, please. [goto H ]

EDWINA ? [EDWINA] You foul creature! Unhand my undergarments, you moronic baboon. And keep your lusts to yourself. I may be a magnificent looking woman, but I am still Edwin Odesseiron, Red Wizard. Indignities will be met with swift and horrific punishment! [goto H ]


JAHEIRAJ [JAHEIRA] Underclothing is functional protection provided for the comfort of the wearer. I reclaim mine now, Aran. [goto I ]

VICONIJ [VICONIA] Spidersilk is expensive, rivvil. If a single strand is damaged, I shall carve temporary patches out of your skin. [goto I ]

IMOEN2J [iMOEN] Hey! That's mine! Give 'em here! [goto I ]


H [ARAN] Bane's Blood, she be blushin' worse than a beet at fall harvest. She damned near glows! I guess I will not be volunteerin' to do no more o' th' group laundry anytime soon.


I [ARAN] Itishia's Icy Iris, that were one cold glance she just gave me. Gave me th' chills, it did. I guess I will not be volunteerin' to do no more o' th' group laundry anytime soon.



[ARAN] Bane's Blood, I don't rightly know whose this be. But somemone be missin' some right private clothin'. I guess I will not be volunteerin' to do no more o' th' group laundry anytime soon.


D [ARAN] Just th' though o' that hurts in places not mentionable in polite company, eh? But no, I don't find no excitement in these kinds o' clothin' unless th' owner be showin' em off to me with 'em on. You be sure they are not yours?

>> [PC] Those are some of my most private possessions! Give them to me right now. [goto E ]

> NOROMANCE > [PC] They are mine. But... I guess you could keep them... [goto F ]

> ROMANCE > [PC] They are mine. But... I guess you could keep them... [goto G ]

>> [PC] Not mine, oh great washer of clothing. But by all means, keep holding a woman's private undergarments up and waving them about like a flag. It makes you look so masculine. [goto CANONICAL_WOMEN_IN_PARTY]


E [ARAN] All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. But here you go. Don't want no one to think I be keepin' your panties as no souvenier or naught like that. Bad for morale, eh?


F NOROMANCE [ARAN] No why would I want to be doin' that? It seems a right strange thing to use as a token or favor, an' I be no knightly jouster. All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. Here you go. Otherwise, it might be bad for morale, eh?


G ROMANCE [ARAN] Now why would I want to be doin' that? Me, I'm a right simple soul. I'd much rather get rid o' such nonsense an' see you th' way th' gods created you. All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. Here you go. I'll be a mite more careful sortin' next laundry day.


/* The Scroll Of Blushing */


/* Embarrassing Things PC > Aran */


[ARAN] Hey! Put that down! That don't rightly belong to you!

>> [PC] This little scrap of paper? Here, I did not realize that it was yours. [ A ]

>> [PC] Anything left out in public is mine. Why? What is on it? [ B ]

>> [PC] A random scrap of parchment lying around has no owner. I think I shall read it aloud, though, since you seem so worried about me picking it up... [ C ]

>> [PC] You should keep a closer eye on your belongings. Your punishment for carelessness is that I shall read it aloud. [ C ]



A [ARAN] Thank you right kindly. You didn't read it, now, did you?

>> [PC] Unfortunately, yes. The imagery was quite... detailed. one might even say explicit. [ G ]

>> [PC] Not yet. But anything left out in public is mine. Why? What is on it? [ B ]

>> [PC] A random scrap of parchment lying around has no owner. I think I shall read it aloud, though, since you seem so worried about me picking it up... [ C ]

>> [PC] You should keep a closer eye on your belongings. Your punishment for carelessness is that I shall read it aloud. [ C ]

>> [PC] Of course not. Though if it is private, I think you should be more careful about how you dispose of things like this in the future. [ G]


B [ARAN] Nothin' much. Just some scrapped practice writin'. Nothin' there, no ma'am, nothin' to see.

>> [PC] Unfortunately, I just lied to you. I read it. The imagery was quite... graphic. One might even say explicit. And apparently, you are very creative in your approach to spelling. [ G ]

>> [PC] A random scrap of parchment lying around has no owner. I think I shall read it aloud, though, since you seem so worried about me picking it up... [ C ]

>> [PC] You should keep a closer eye on your belongings. Your punishment for carelessness is that I shall read it aloud. [ C ]

>> [PC] Of course not. Though if it is private, I think you should be more careful about how you dispose of things like this in the future. [ G]


C [ARAN] Come on, <CHARNAME>... be a good <PRO_MANWOMAN>, a credit to all what call themselves '<PRO_RACE>'. It were a rough draft, and a bad one at that. Just give me th' blasted thing an' forget you ever saw it, eh?

>> [PC] "My Dearest Love, how can I count the ways that you excite me, how you arouse my innermost passions and lusts." Hey, Aran, you misspelled 'excite', unless Chondathan somehow borrowed several Rashemite alphabet characters while I was not paying attention. "The way that both your..." not going to read that word... nor that one... "move, bouncing like twin horses tethered in tandem, two terrific trepidacious terrific..." No, you spelled that wrong, too... err... I have never heard that body part described quite that way. Hmmm. So, you are a leg man, too? No, you seem to go on and on about wonderous caves of passion, and something about spelunking, and here you have split an infinitive... 'to boldy go where no man has gone before?' Quite colorful. I think you should go into comedy writing with Volo. [ D ]

>> [PC] Of course I will give it to you. Though if it is private, I think you should be more careful about how you dispose of things like this in the future. [ G]

>> [PC] Of course I will give it to you. Though I did get a glimpse at the salutation. 'My Dearest Love'? Who were you writing to? [ F ]


D [ARAN] <CHARNAME>, for th' love o' th' gods, stop readin' that an' give it back, eh?

>> [PC] Oh, no. I intend to keep this and read it at our next inn. It should be good for a laugh and a free round of drinks. You couldn't get a professional Bard to write some of this stuff!

>> [PC] Only one question... who was this draft intended for? What gracious woman were you intending to reduce to a puddle of laughter with this missive of misplaced words and awkward imagery? [ F ]

>> [PC] I had no idea you were so colorful in your writing, Aran. I thought you might parse a love letter "If the party in the foresaid paragraph, to be henceforth referred to as 'The Lover', does agree to a private meeting the time of which to consist of not less than one-half (1/2) hour, as determined by the established Dale Reckoning Sundial, then aforesaid party shall indicate acceptance by..." [ G ]


F [ARAN] Wild horses couldn't get that answer out o' me, no way, no how. Oh, Bane's Blood, go on then. Laugh away. I'll be on about my business.


G [ARAN] Banes Broken Bones. I should take to eatin' my trail versions just to make sure they don't fall into th' wrong hands.




As always, if someone sees another pathway that should be incorporated, or has suggestions, fire away!

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I am not sure - I hope to have an alpha ready by mid-June, as technically the content is reaching rather large proportions, but I still have three more lovetalks plus the ToB lovetalk/friendtalk content to build, at least two romance scenes to work out, and the quest materials to sort out.

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/* Ideas from Petals And Thorns Folks:  "I always wondered why no PC ever really embarrassed themselves with their love interest... with all the packing they must do, it's amazing no PC has accidentally left something private or incriminating out which was then found by another party member" */

/* Embarrassing Things Aran > PC */


IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Player1) !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BEGIN a1612
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I don't rightly think that this be mine, eh?~
 ++ ~[PC] ARAN! Put that away before someone sees you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1)~ + a1604
 ++ ~[PC] No, I think those are mine. Where did you find them?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1)~ + a1605
 ++ ~[PC] No, they are not mine. Do you want to explain why you have another woman's undergarment in your pack?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1)~ + a1606
 ++ ~[PC] I did not realize you liked women's clothes so much. We should put you in some of the 'armor' they make available to us, and see how you like having a chainmail bikini to hide your most intimate parts.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranpanties","LOCALS",1)~ + a1607

IF ~~ a1604
 SAY ~[ARAN] What I be tryin' to figure is why all th' fuss over a scrap o' linen. Although I suspect it has a mite to do wi' exactly what that scrap be coverin'. How about next time we do some clothes washin', you check where things be stored? People might get th' wrong idea.~
 IF ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN EXIT
 IF ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN GOTO a1609

IF ~~ a1605
 SAY ~[ARAN] Mixed up in thy' socks an' such in my pack. Last time I did th' party chores, I must o' not sorted so well. Sorry about that. No harm done, eh?
 ++ ~[PC] Those are some of my most private possessions! Give them to me right now.~ + a1608
 ++ ~[PC] From now on, I will do my own washing. You stick to things that you are less likely to mess up.~ + a1608
 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Well... I guess you could keep them...~ + a1610
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Well... I guess you could keep them...~ + a1611

IF ~~ a1606
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, Sune's Sweet Stomach, if they be not yours, then...~
 IF ~InParty("c-aran")~ THEN GOTO a1621 
 IF ~InParty("nalia") InMyArea("nalia") !StateCheck("nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN ~NALIAJ~ a1614 
 IF ~InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN ~JAHEIRAJ~ a1616   
 IF ~InParty("viconia") InMyArea("viconia") !StateCheck("viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN ~VICONIJ~ a1617 
 IF ~InParty("imoen2") InMyArea("imoen2") !StateCheck("imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN ~IMOEN2J~ a1618
 IF ~InParty("aerie") InMyArea("aerie") !StateCheck("aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN ~AERIEJ~ a1613
 IF ~InParty("edwin") InMyArea("edwin") !StateCheck("edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Gender("edwin",FEMALE)~ THEN EXTERN ~BEDWINWO~ a1615

IF ~~ a1607
 SAY ~[ARAN] Just th' though o' that hurts in places not mentionable in polite company, eh? But no, I don't find no excitement in these kinds o' clothin' unless th' owner be showin' em off to me with 'em on. You be sure they are not yours?
 ++ ~[PC] Those are some of my most private possessions! Give them to me right now.~ + a1608
 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] They are mine. But... I guess you could keep them...~ + a1610
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] They are mine. But... I guess you could keep them...~ + a1611
 ++ ~[PC] Not mine, oh great washer of clothing. But by all means, keep holding a woman's private undergarments up and waving them about like a flag. It makes you look so masculine.~ + a1606

IF ~~ a1608
 SAY ~[ARAN] All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. But here you go. Don't want no one to think I be keepin' your panties as no souvenier or naught like that. Bad for morale, eh?~

IF ~~ a1609
 SAY ~[ARAN] Or worse, they might get the right idea.~

IF ~~ a1610
 SAY ~[ARAN] No why would I want to be doin' that? It seems a right strange thing to use as a token or favor, an' I be no knightly jouster. All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. Here you go. Otherwise, it might be bad for morale, eh?~

IF ~~ a1611
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now why would I want to be doin' that? Me, I'm a right simple soul. I'd much rather get rid o' such nonsense an' see you th' way th' gods created you. All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. Here you go. I'll be a mite more careful sortin' next laundry day.~

IF ~~ a1619 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Blood, she be blushin' worse than a beet at fall harvest. She damned near glows! I guess I will not be volunteerin' to do no more o' th' group laundry anytime soon.~

IF ~~ a1620 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Itishia's Icy Iris, that were one cold glance she just gave me. Gave me th' chills, it did. I guess I will not be volunteerin' to do no more o' th' group laundry anytime soon.~

IF ~~ a1621 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Bane's Blood, I don't rightly know whose this be. But somemone be missin' some right private clothin'. I guess I will not be volunteerin' to do no more o' th' group laundry anytime soon.~

/* Embarrassing Things PC > Aran */

IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Player1) !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN a1622
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey! Put that down! That don't rightly belong to you!~ 
 ++ ~[PC] This little scrap of paper? Here, I did not realize that it was yours.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",1)~ + a1623
 ++ ~[PC] Anything left out in public is mine. Why? What is on it?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",1)~ + a1624
 ++ ~[PC] A random scrap of parchment lying around has no owner. I think I shall read it aloud, though, since you seem so worried about me picking it up...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",1)~ + a1625
 ++ ~[PC] You should keep a closer eye on your belongings. Your punishment for carelessness is that I shall read it aloud.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranscrap","LOCALS",1)~ + a1625

IF ~~ a1623 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Thank you right kindly. You didn't read it, now, did you?~
 ++ ~[PC] Unfortunately, yes. The imagery was quite... detailed. one might even say explicit.~ + a1628
 ++ ~[PC] Not yet. But anything left out in public is mine. Why? What is on it?~ +  a1624
 ++ ~[PC] A random scrap of parchment lying around has no owner. I think I shall read it aloud, though, since you seem so worried about me picking it up...~ + a1625
 ++ ~[PC] You should keep a closer eye on your belongings. Your punishment for carelessness is that I shall read it aloud.~ + a1625
 ++ ~[PC] Of course not. Though if it is private, I think you should be more careful about how you dispose of things like this in the future.~ + a1625

IF ~~ a1624 [ARAN] Nothin' much. Just some scrapped practice writin'. Nothin' there, no ma'am, nothin' to see.~
 ++ ~[PC] Unfortunately, I just lied to you. I read it. The imagery was quite... graphic. One might even say explicit. And apparently, you are very creative in your approach to spelling.~ + a1628
 ++ ~[PC] A random scrap of parchment lying around has no owner. I think I shall read it aloud, though, since you seem so worried about me picking it up...~ + a1625
 ++ ~[PC] You should keep a closer eye on your belongings. Your punishment for carelessness is that I shall read it aloud.~ + a1625
 ++ ~[PC] Of course not. Though if it is private, I think you should be more careful about how you dispose of things like this in the future.~ + a1628

IF ~~ a1625 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Come on, <CHARNAME>... be a good <PRO_MANWOMAN>, a credit to all what call themselves '<PRO_RACE>'. It were a rough draft, and a bad one at that. Just give me th' blasted thing an' forget you ever saw it, eh?~
 ++ ~[PC] "My Dearest Love, how can I count the ways that you excite me, how you arouse my innermost passions and lusts." Hey, Aran, you misspelled 'excite', unless Chondathan somehow borrowed several Rashemite alphabet characters while I was not paying attention. "The way that your..." not going to read that word... nor that one... "move, bouncing like twin horses tethered in tandem, two terrific trepidacious terrific..." No, you spelled that wrong, too... err... I have never heard that body part described quite that way. Hmmm. So, you are a leg man, too? No, you seem to go on and on about wonderous caves of passion, and something about spelunking, and here you have split an infinitive... 'to boldy go where no man has gone before?' Quite colorful. I think you should go into comedy writing with Volo.~ + a1626 
 ++ ~[PC] Of course I will give it to you. Though if it is private, I think you should be more careful about how you dispose of things like this in the future.~ + a1626
 ++ ~[PC] Of course I will give it to you. Though I did get a glimpse at the salutation. 'My Dearest Love'? Who were you writing to?~ + a1627

IF ~~ a1626 
 SAY ~[ARAN] <CHARNAME>, for th' love o' th' gods, stop readin' that an' give it back, eh?~
 ++ ~[PC] Oh, no. I intend to keep this and read it at our next inn. It should be good for a laugh and a free round of drinks. You couldn't get a professional Bard to write some of this stuff!~ + a1628
 ++ ~[PC] Only one question... who was this draft intended for? What gracious woman were you intending to reduce to a puddle of laughter with this missive of misplaced words and awkward imagery?~ + a1627
 ++ ~[PC] I had no idea you were so colorful in your writing, Aran. I thought you might parse a love letter "If the party in the foresaid paragraph, to be henceforth referred to as 'The Lover', does agree to a private meeting the time of which to consist of not less than one-half (1/2) hour, as determined by the established Dale Reckoning Sundial, then aforesaid party shall indicate acceptance by..."~ + a1628

IF ~~ a1627
 SAY ~[ARAN] Wild horses couldn't get that answer out o' me, no way, no how. Oh, Bane's Blood, go on then. Laugh away. I'll be on about my business.~

IF ~~ a1628
 SAY ~[ARAN] Banes Broken Bones. I should take to eatin' my trail versions just to make sure they don't fall into th' wrong hands.~

END // of append to C-ARANB

IF ~~ a1613 
 SAY ~[AERIE] ARAN! Th... those are mine.~

IF ~~ a1614 
 SAY ~[NALIA] That is personal property, and finding quality silk and lacework around here is difficult. Give them to me, please.~ 

IF ~~ a1615 
 SAY ~[EDWINA] You foul creature! Unhand my undergarments, you moronic baboon. And keep your lusts to yourself. I may be a magnificent looking woman, but I am still Edwin Odesseiron, Red Wizard. Indignities will be met with swift and horrific punishment!~ 

IF ~~ a1616 
 SAY ~[JAHEIRA] Underclothing is functional protection provided for the comfort of the wearer. I will reclaim mine now, Aran.~ 

IF ~~ a1617 
 SAY ~[VICONIA] Spidersilk is expensive, rivvil. If a single strand is damaged, I shall carve temporary patches out of your skin.~ 

 IF ~~ a1618 
 SAY ~[IMOEN] Hey! That's mine! Give 'em here!~ 


Still to do - Edwin/Edwina resource check.

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And the PID fight. Still not sure about the lead in - could be in PID, or it could be a floater in an inn.


Trouble is, I am relying a lot on PID to deal with Inn, Stream, Bathing, etc. - because otherwise there will be hassles every time PC wanders into an inn, with a cute little "You are in an inn, and therefore Aran has to just check in and make sure you understand that he has something available in terms of content, if you want".


I am ok with players having to actually "play" Aran, exploring the flirts ond PID options everywhere, as it gives players who like less talking a clear game and folks who like dilog will PID away anyways. But things like this - perhaps here should be two floater fights, or perhaps only one of these should go into the mod.



Anyways, I will have to think about how this might get called via PID or regular area script. if there is an inn that does not get alot of play, that could be the ticket.


/* Fight or Flight, otherwise known as The Big Valley */
IF ~~ c-aranfightflirt

BEGIN ~c-toran~ /* c-toran.cre, dv/script/dlg = %SOURCE_RES% name1 = Toran */

CHAIN  ~c-toran~ c-c-afid3fight
~[TORAN] The lady tells me you used to serve with the pukes that call themselves the Flaming Fist.~
DO ~SetGlobal()~
== ~c-aran~  ~[ARAN] Now then, you are a big strappin' boy, you are. I might have. What be your problem wi' th 'Fist?~
== ~c-toran~ ~[TORAN] The cowardly crabs stopped my business.~
== ~c-aran~  ~[ARAN] What business was that?~
== ~c-toran~ ~[TORAN] None of yours. You talk like a Fist, asking lots of questions.~
== ~c-aran~  ~[ARAN] Always pokin' my nose in, that be me.~
== ~c-toran~ ~[TORAN] I don't like you.~
== ~c-aran~  ~[ARAN] That be your perogative, now, don't it.~
== ~c-toran~ ~[TORAN] I think you look like a drow-loving orc that has been used too many times in a pleasure pit.~
== ~c-aran~  ~[ARAN] An' I be thinkin' that you are a mite bit slow, an' perhaps a bit drunk. So run along, laddie, an' you an' me, we'll ignore eachother, eh?~
== ~c-toran~ ~[TORAN] The Fist is a bunch of cowardly orc-loving bastards, and it is a pity every last one of them wasn't killed when the Iron Throne took over. They should have screamed their last breaths on the torturer's wheel, instead of throwing their lives away protecting vermin.~  
== ~c-aran~  ~[ARAN] (Aran takes a steady drink, his eyes calm and face quiet.)~
== ~c-toran~ ~[TORAN] I said you are a coward, an orc-loving drow-screwing piece of filth who needs to be cleaned up by his mommy. Now what are you gonna do about it?~
== ~c-aran~  ~[ARAN] (The motion is almost too quick to follow, but the spray of coppery blood across the wall is easy to trace. The unconcious body on the floor is breathing red bubbles, but is still alive.)  
== ~c-aran~ ~[TORAN] I'm right sorry, I am. I done spilled some o' my drink on that poor boy's head. Well, I suppose it might wash some o' th' blood away, anyways. Bartender, a refill, eh? an' one for my fine lady friend here, too. What did that little 'entertainment' set you back, <CHARNAME>?~
++ ~[PC]  What are you taking about? That drunk accosted me, and I told him you were with the 'Fist to get him off of my back!~ EXTERN ~c-aranj~ c-afid3fightend3
++ ~[PC]  2gp for the attack, 5gp for learning what words to say to you.~ c-afid3fightend2
++ ~[PC]  You disappoint me, sellsword. I thought you would fight like a man, and take your time killing him piece by piece.~ EXTERN ~c-aranj~ c-afid3fightend1
++ ~[PC]  Not enough, apparently. It might be more fun if you were the one provoking, and sending them to me to be sliced and diced. You just keep refusing to do that.~ EXTERN ~c-aranj~ c-afid3fightend1

IF ~~ c-afid3fightend1
  SAY ~[ARAN] That be your idea o' 'fun', <CHARNAME>, not mine. I don't see no sport in goadin' innocents what be no more threat than a fly 'til they get their wings torn off. To each their own, I suppose.~

IF ~~ c-afid3fightend2
  SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, thought as much. Next time, don't be given too much coachin', eh? Th' giveaway was that a man what can't take a dump wi' out lookin' up how to say 'grunt' said somethin' like 'screamed out their last breaths'. Boys like him, they got two words... 'drink', an' 'screw'. Wi' him, I'm not sure he'd know what th' second was nohow.~

IF ~~ c-afid3fightend3
  SAY ~[ARAN] Well, no real harm done. Th' lad was probably lookin' for a good solid barfight to let off some steam. Thing is, I don't rightly think we want that level o' attention right now. Mayhap next time, things will be a little easier, an' we can have a good rough 'n tumble. But tonight, I figured it be a bad idea..~

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++ ~[PC] I had no idea you were so colorful in your writing, Aran. I thought you might parse a love letter "If the party in the foresaid paragraph, to be henceforth referred to as 'The Lover', does agree to a private meeting the time of which to consist of not less than one-half (1/2) hour, as determined by the established Dale Reckoning Sundial, then aforesaid party shall indicate acceptance by..."~ + a1628


This just took first place on my list of favorite PC dialogue responses anywhere ever.


(Dalereckoning is one word, I thought, but I could be wrong, and maybe 'of which is to consist of not less'?)

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/* The Bar Fight - Protect My Honor (whether I instigate it or not). */

[NPC1] Well now, here's a pretty sight. One <PRO_RACE> girl, not too bad looking, and here we have all three of us just looking a good time. Get out on the dance floor with NPC2 here, and if you are friendly enough, there might not be no trouble.~

"looking for a"


>> [PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead. [EXTERN E]

I really like this Bar Fight encounter. I, particularly, love the sassy/aggressive pc responses.


E [ARAN] Now, <CHARNAME>, be easy... they be just little gnats. You might mess up a nail or somethin', an then where's you be? I'll tell you what. You go get a nice cup o' tea, an' sit right there, an' I'll give you a good show.

I'd love a pc response after this one to glare at Aran, even if she does allow him to diffuse the situation, he is so going to get an earful or even a thump for the suggestion that she would mind breaking a nail and is easily soothed by a cup of tea. :)


You folks have to tell me when things go to far with language and imagery. Evoking strong reactions with language is a fun goal, but I am not interested in evoking the "I am uninstalling this mod and never playing it again" reaction

It looks fine to me, but then I'm not that sensitive to images of bloodshed and swearing as some people are so I'm probably not a good judge. I'm sure you realise though that there will always be ,"I am uninstalling this mod and never playing it again" reactions. I say let them complain and then go find their jollies elsewhere. :p



/* Ideas from Petals And Thorns Folks: "I always wondered why no PC ever really embarrassed themselves with their love interest...


IF ~~ a1607

SAY ~[ARAN] Just th' though o' that hurts in places not mentionable in polite company, eh?



IF ~~ a1608

SAY ~[ARAN] All that fuss over a little scrap o' clothin' no bigger than a good-sized handkerchief. But here you go. Don't want no one to think I be keepin' your panties as no souvenier or naught like that.



No, you seem to go on and on about wonderous caves of passion, and something about spelunking, and here you have split an infinitive... 'to boldy go where no man has gone before?'

That made me laugh and snort coffee, especially the 'spelunking'. :D


IF ~~ a1628

SAY ~[ARAN] Banes Broken Bones. I should take to eatin' my trail versions just to make sure they don't fall into th' wrong hands.~




== ~c-aran~ ~[ARAN] An' I be thinkin' that you are a mite bit slow, an' perhaps a bit drunk. So run along, laddie, an' you an' me, we'll ignore eachother, eh?~

"each other"


== ~c-aran~ ~[ARAN] (The motion is almost too quick to follow, but the spray of coppery blood across the wall is easy to trace. The unconcious body on the floor is breathing red bubbles, but is still alive.)



++ ~[PC] What are you taking about? That drunk accosted me, and I told him you were with the 'Fist to get him off of my back!~


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I'm rooting for a floater. Have it be a special thing that happens once the PC has been in every tavern in Athkatla, for example. That way, it could happen anywhere, so players won't be "Oooh, we've got to go to Delosar's now because Aran's got a bar fight coming up. More importantly, though, the player won't be swamped with floaters early in the game and then have nothing to look forward to later on. By the time the PC has been to the Mithrest Inn, the Den of the Seven Vales, the Sea's Bounty, the Copper Coronet, the Crooked Crane, Delosar's, the Five Flagons, and maybe Vyatri's Pub, the game will be fairly well underway.


Edit: The other problem with doing it as a PID is that most of the time, dialogue pauses the game, even when the player doesn't install the tweak that forces dialogue to pause the game. Better if a script quietly spawns the necessary creature(s) and then they approach Aran and pick a fight. That way, you don't have to have the player initiate dialogue via PID, interrupt it with a cutscene while all your peeps spawn, and have to spend the next three days figuring out what's making the cutscene hang. Just a suggestion.

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OK, revisions and expansions to the larger group fight sequence after feedback (I think I caught everything and went in the right direction):


scripted initialization, cutscene creation of characters, then dialog

CHAIN IF ~Global("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN ~C-MALCER~ a1629
~[C-MALCER] Well now, here's a pretty sight. One <PRO_RACE> girl, not too bad looking, and here we have all three of us just looking for a good time. Get out on the dance floor with Taman, here, and if you are friendly enough we might leave peaceably.~
== ~C-TAMAN~ ~[C-TAMAN] Hey, that sellsword looks like he's with her.~
== ~C-OSKUT~ ~[C-OSKUT] Nah, he won't be a problem. A few coins, and he'll look the other way. Or we just throw him out of here.~
++ ~[PC] How dare you! Aran, are you going to let these people talk to me like this?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1630
++ ~[PC] I do not bother with trivialities and insignificant worms. Aran, go take care of these idiots.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1631
++ ~[PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him towards the group.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1631
++ ~[PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1632
++ ~[PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1633


IF ~~ a1630 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I thought it might be a bit more subtle-like if...~
 ++ ~[PC] ... you acted like a big coward?~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1631
 ++ ~[PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me?~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1631 
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I thought you loved me.~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1631
 ++ ~[PC] Aran... they are scaring me a little...~ + a1635
 ++ ~[PC] You. Yes, you... the one with the troll face and the breath that smells like a sewer. Five gold says Aran can take all three of you without breaking a sweat.~ + a1632

END // of append to c-aranj


IF ~~ a1631 
 SAY ~[C-MALCER] Oh, come on, girl. You haven't had a good time until you have danced with the three of us. And this piss-ant sellsword couldn't handle me, let alone me and my friends.~
 ++ ~[PC] He can hold his own in a fight. But you should be more worried about me. I tend to get over-excited, and might end up removing that tongue. Or perhaps other parts of your body.~ + a1639 
 ++ ~[PC] Insignificant, insolent worm. You are beneath my notice. Aran, kill him slowly. I want to hear him scream for mercy.~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1637
 ++ ~[PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him towards the group.)~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1637
 ++ ~[PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation, quickly.~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1635
 ++ ~[PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead.~ + a1639

END // of append to c-malcer


/* PC Orders Aran to Handle Things EXIT */
IF ~~ a1632 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Who, me,? Aye, then, I guess I could do that. You go on about th' business, an' let me handle 'em.~
 = [ARAN] (Pssst - here, then, lads - a round on me. You wouldn't want to cross her right now, eh? She's in a right foul mood, an' a mite more powerful than she looks.)~
 ++ ~[PC] Why didn't you fight for my honor? You acted like a big coward.~ + a1636
 ++ ~[PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me?~ + a1636
 + ~ROMANCEACTIVE~ + ~[PC] I thought you loved me, and would protect me. But you just paid them coin and let them get away with it.~ + a1636
 ++ ~[PC] That was unpleasant. I am glad you found a way to make them go away without spilling their blood.~ + a1636
 ++ ~[PC] This is ridiculous. If you won't kill them, I will.~ + a1633

/* Aggressive PC Exit */
IF ~~ a1633 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, <CHARNAME>, be easy... they be just little gnats. You might mess up a nail or somethin', an then where's you be? I'll tell you what. You go get a nice cup o' tea, an' sit right there, an' I'll give you a good show. You want one o' their eyes, or mayhap a nose, or do you just want an ear or two to hang next to your collection o' Drow ears an' Dragon's teeth?
 ++ ~[PC] (Glare at Aran.)~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1640
 ++ ~[PC] (Glare at the men.)~ + a1634
 ++ ~[PC] You are so right. But don't bother with taking trophies. Just dispose of these vermin.~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1640
 ++ ~[PC] No, no, no. You kill everything too slowly. I want this to be a long, drawn out process.~ + a1634

IF ~~ a1634
 SAY ~[ARAN] Auril's Icy Aura! Fine, you want 'em, you got 'em. I'll just go round up a few lads what to wipe up th' blood, an' see that th' door be closed on account o' their squeakin' too loud an' alertin' th' authorities.~ 

END // of append to c-aranj

/* Shy/Wants Aran To Be Protector PC EXIT */
~[ARAN] Right, then. You heard the lady, lads. Do you be wantin' to settle this on arm wrestlin', brawlin', or should we just skip right to it an' see what th' insides o' your guts look like when they be spread over th' wall over there? [EXTERN I]
== ~C-MALCER~ ~[C-MALCER] Look who's a big man, now. Are you looking for a fight?~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] Well, now, laddie... I don't rightly look for fights. But by Bane's Bloody Buttocks, so far there's naught that I have left unfinished. You care to step outside?~
== ~C-TAMAN~ ~[C-TAMAN] See, I told you he would be a problem.~
== ~C-OSKUT~ ~[C-OSKUT] Yeah, yeah... I know you are all edjumucated and such. I think he will go down in the first few swings.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight",LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT


/* No Bloodshed Exits */
IF ~~ a1636
 SAY ~[ARAN] I was watchin' you close, I was. I figured you didn't want a couple o' drunk buggers to get blood all over your nice clean clothes, so it seemed like a good idea to let 'em down easy. Besides, we have real enemies what to fight. If we go killin' every set o' drunken bastards what act like idiots, we will depopulate Amn.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a1637
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, lads, th' lady don't rightly take kindly to...~

END // of append to c-aranj

/* Mediation Fails, And They Insult PC */
~[C-MALCER] So, big protector, eh? I didn't know prostitutes around here had the money for a mercenary escort. What's she worth, 2 coppers a night? You get out of the way, or you will be sorry.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] I'm goin' to rip your head off an' piss down your neck.~ 
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight",LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT

/* PC Protective of Aran or just Fiesty Exit */
~[C-MALCER] Oh, big man, having her fight your battles for you.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] Believe me, son, you don't be knowin' her like I do. Last one who ticked her off only lost a few pints o' blood an half his scalp. O' course, that was me, an' she needs me around for to carry stuff an' such. You, not so much.~
== ~C-MALCER~ ~[C-MALCER] I hear lots of hot air, but you don't look that tough, either of you. Come on, boys... they don't need all that coin. Get 'em.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight",LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT

/* Scared Them Off, Tea and Nails */
~[C-MALCER] Drow ears?~
== ~C-TAMAN~ ~[C-TAMAN] Dragon's teeth?~
== ~C-OSKUT~ ~[C-OSKUT] Err... we were just leaving. Just a few high-spirited remarks, no harm meant.~
== ~C-MALCER~ ~[C-MALCER] R... right. We'll just head on, and... you just do whatever it is you were doing.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] No problem, lads. Only don't be comin' round here much, eh? Me, you might be able to fight to a standstill. Her, she looks like a shrinkin' violet, right up until th' time you realize her hand's holdin' what's left o' your intestines. An' then she starts gettin' mean.~
++ ~[PC] Oh, my hero. I should fall at your feet and kiss them for saving me from the big bad evil commoners. You do realize you will pay for spoiling my fun, don't you?~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1636
++ ~[PC] Well, we scared them off well enough. I wish more of these idiots would choose to walk away. Do you think we could scare Irenicus into surrendering with that routine?~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1641 
++ ~[PC] Tea. Nails. You are in so much trouble.~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1642
++ ~[PC] What is it with men, that they think that being great hulking aggressive brutes is attractive?~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1643
++ ~[PC] And here I though I was ending the evening entertaining three men in my bedchamber. I guess I have some free time, and absolutely nothing to do...~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1644
++ ~[PC] Hey, that was fun. Did you see the way the little one turned all white in the face? Come on, let's follow them!~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1644


/* No Bloodshed Exits, continued  */

IF ~~ a1641
 SAY ~[ARAN] Somehow, I don't rightly think that will work.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a1642
 SAY ~[ARAN] Did you want me to get that tea, or mayhap a nice dagger what to give them cute little cuticles o' yours a trim? Hey! Nice girls don't rightly use that finger th' way you are!~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a1643
 SAY ~[ARAN] I blame it on bad upbringin'. An' in the case o' those three, several pints o D'Tranion too many.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a1644
 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, sometimes you scare me a mite, you do.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

END // of append to c-aranj

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++ ~[PC] (Glare at Aran.)~



/* Mediation Fails, And They Insult PC */


~[C-MALCER] So, big protector, eh? I didn't know prostitutes around here had the money for a mercenary escort. What's she worth, 2 coppers a night? You get out of the way, or you will be sorry.~

== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] I'm goin' to rip your head off an' piss down your neck.~

I really like the way Aran's calm snaps here and he lets them have it.


++ ~[PC] And here I though I was ending the evening entertaining three men in my bedchamber. I guess I have some free time, and absolutely nothing to do...~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1644



IF ~~ a1642

SAY ~[ARAN] Did you want me to get that tea, or mayhap a nice dagger what to give them cute little cuticles o' yours a trim? Hey! Nice girls don't rightly use that finger th' way you are!~


Love this!! :p It reminds me favourably of some of Carth's talks in Kotor, where a female pc can, 'give as good as she gets', and then some.


IF ~~ a1643

SAY ~[ARAN] I blame it on bad upbringin'. An' in the case o' those three, several pints o D'Tranion too many.~



Edit - For being a silly and putting the apostrophe around the wrong way in my suggested correction.

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Repairs and feedback integrated:


/* Fight or Flight, otherwise known as The Big Valley */
/* Still needs scripting - remember to check .baf */
CHAIN IF ~Global("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN ~C-MALCER~ a1629
~[C-MALCER] Well now, here's a pretty sight. One <PRO_RACE> girl, not too bad looking, and here we have all three of us just looking for a good time. Get out on the dance floor with Taman, here, and if you are friendly enough we might leave peaceably.~
== ~C-TAMAN~ ~[C-TAMAN] Hey, that sellsword looks like he's with her.~
== ~C-OSKUT~ ~[C-OSKUT] Nah, he won't be a problem. A few coins, and he'll look the other way. Or we just throw him out of here.~
++ ~[PC] How dare you! Aran, are you going to let these people talk to me like this?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1630
++ ~[PC] I do not bother with trivialities and insignificant worms. Aran, go take care of these idiots.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1631
++ ~[PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him towards the group.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ + a1631
++ ~[PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1632
++ ~[PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1633


IF ~~ a1630 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I thought it might be a bit more subtle-like if...~
 ++ ~[PC] ... you acted like a big coward?~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1631
 ++ ~[PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me?~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1631 
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I thought you loved me.~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1631
 ++ ~[PC] Aran... they are scaring me a little...~ + a1635
 ++ ~[PC] You. Yes, you... the one with the troll face and the breath that smells like a sewer. Five gold says Aran can take all three of you without breaking a sweat.~ + a1632

END // of append to c-aranj


IF ~~ a1631 
 SAY ~[C-MALCER] Oh, come on, girl. You haven't had a good time until you have danced with the three of us. And this piss-ant sellsword couldn't handle me, let alone me and my friends.~
 ++ ~[PC] He can hold his own in a fight. But you should be more worried about me. I tend to get over-excited, and might end up removing that tongue. Or perhaps other parts of your body.~ + a1639 
 ++ ~[PC] Insignificant, insolent worm. You are beneath my notice. Aran, kill him slowly. I want to hear him scream for mercy.~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1637
 ++ ~[PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him towards the group.)~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1637
 ++ ~[PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation, quickly.~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1635
 ++ ~[PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead.~ + a1639

END // of append to c-malcer


/* PC Orders Aran to Handle Things EXIT */
IF ~~ a1632 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Who, me,? Aye, then, I guess I could do that. You go on about th' business, an' let me handle 'em.~
 = [ARAN] (Pssst - here, then, lads - a round on me. You wouldn't want to cross her right now, eh? She's in a right foul mood, an' a mite more powerful than she looks.)~
 ++ ~[PC] Why didn't you fight for my honor? You acted like a big coward.~ + a1636
 ++ ~[PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me?~ + a1636
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I thought you loved me, and would protect me. But you just paid them coin and let them get away with it.~ + a1636
 ++ ~[PC] That was unpleasant. I am glad you found a way to make them go away without spilling their blood.~ + a1636
 ++ ~[PC] This is ridiculous. If you won't kill them, I will.~ + a1633

/* Aggressive PC Exit */
IF ~~ a1633 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, <CHARNAME>, be easy... they be just little gnats. You might mess up a nail or somethin', an then where'd you be? I'll tell you what. You go get a nice cup o' tea, an' sit right there, an' I'll give you a good show. You want one o' their eyes, or mayhap a nose, or do you just want an ear or two to hang next to your collection o' Drow ears an' Dragon's teeth?
 ++ ~[PC] (Glare at Aran.)~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1640
 ++ ~[PC] (Glare at the men.)~ + a1634
 ++ ~[PC] You are so right. But don't bother with taking trophies. Just dispose of these vermin.~ EXTERN ~C-MALCER~ a1640
 ++ ~[PC] No, no, no. You kill everything too slowly. I want this to be a long, drawn out process.~ + a1634

IF ~~ a1634
 SAY ~[ARAN] Auril's Icy Aura! Fine, you want 'em, you got 'em. I'll just go round up a few lads what to wipe up th' blood, an' see that th' door be closed on account o' their squeakin' too loud an' alertin' th' authorities.~ 

END // of append to c-aranj

/* Shy/Wants Aran To Be Protector PC EXIT */
~[ARAN] Right, then. You heard the lady, lads. Do you be wantin' to settle this on arm wrestlin', brawlin', or should we just skip right to it an' see what th' insides o' your guts look like when they be spread over th' wall over there? [EXTERN I]
== ~C-MALCER~ ~[C-MALCER] Look who's a big man, now. Are you looking for a fight?~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] Well, now, laddie... I don't rightly look for fights. But by Bane's Bloody Buttocks, so far there's naught that I have left unfinished. You care to step outside?~
== ~C-TAMAN~ ~[C-TAMAN] See, I told you he would be a problem.~
== ~C-OSKUT~ ~[C-OSKUT] Yeah, yeah... I know you are all edjumucated and such. I think he will go down in the first few swings.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight",LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT


/* No Bloodshed Exits */
IF ~~ a1636
 SAY ~[ARAN] I was watchin' you close, I was. I figured you didn't want a couple o' drunk buggers to get blood all over your nice clean clothes, so it seemed like a good idea to let 'em down easy. Besides, we have real enemies what to fight. If we go killin' every set o' drunken bastards what act like idiots, we will depopulate Amn.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a1637
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, lads, th' lady don't rightly take kindly to...~

END // of append to c-aranj

/* Mediation Fails, And They Insult PC */
~[C-MALCER] So, big protector, eh? I didn't know prostitutes around here had the money for a mercenary escort. What's she worth, 2 coppers a night? You get out of the way, or you will be sorry.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] I'm goin' to rip your head off an' piss down your neck.~ 
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight",LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT

/* PC Protective of Aran or just Fiesty Exit */
~[C-MALCER] Oh, big man, having her fight your battles for you.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] Believe me, son, you don't be knowin' her like I do. Last one who ticked her off only lost a few pints o' blood an half his scalp. O' course, that was me, an' she needs me around for to carry stuff an' such. You, not so much.~
== ~C-MALCER~ ~[C-MALCER] I hear lots of hot air, but you don't look that tough, either of you. Come on, boys... they don't need all that coin. Get 'em.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight",LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT

/* Scared Them Off, Tea and Nails */
~[C-MALCER] Drow ears?~
== ~C-TAMAN~ ~[C-TAMAN] Dragon's teeth?~
== ~C-OSKUT~ ~[C-OSKUT] Err... we were just leaving. Just a few high-spirited remarks, no harm meant.~
== ~C-MALCER~ ~[C-MALCER] R... right. We'll just head on, and... you just do whatever it is you were doing.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] No problem, lads. Only don't be comin' round here much, eh? Me, you might be able to fight to a standstill. Her, she looks like a shrinkin' violet, right up until th' time you realize her hand's holdin' what's left o' your intestines. An' then she starts gettin' mean.~
++ ~[PC] Oh, my hero. I should fall at your feet and kiss them for saving me from the big bad evil commoners. You do realize you will pay for spoiling my fun, don't you?~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1636
++ ~[PC] Well, we scared them off well enough. I wish more of these idiots would choose to walk away. Do you think we could scare Irenicus into surrendering with that routine?~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1641 
++ ~[PC] Tea. Nails. You are in so much trouble.~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1642
++ ~[PC] What is it with men, that they think that being great hulking aggressive brutes is attractive?~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1643
++ ~[PC] And here I thought I was ending the evening entertaining three men in my bedchamber. I guess I have some free time, and absolutely nothing to do...~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1644
++ ~[PC] Hey, that was fun. Did you see the way the little one turned all white in the face? Come on, let's follow them!~ EXTERN ~C-ARANJ~ a1644


/* No Bloodshed Exits, continued  */

IF ~~ a1641
 SAY ~[ARAN] Somehow, I don't rightly think that will work.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a1642
 SAY ~[ARAN] Did you want me to get that tea, or mayhap a nice dagger what to give them cute little cuticles o' yours a trim? Hey! Nice girls don't rightly use that finger th' way you are!~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a1643
 SAY ~[ARAN] I blame it on bad upbringin'. An' in the case o' those three, several pints o' D'Tranion too many.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a1644
 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, sometimes you scare me a mite, you do.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy())~ EXIT

END // of append to c-aranj

END // of append to c-aranj

/* Fight or Flight, otherwise known as The Big Valley, possible PC initiated  */
/* Still needs scripting - remember to check .baf */

CHAIN IF ~Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN ~c-toran~ a1645
~[TORAN] The lady tells me you used to serve with the pukes that call themselves the Flaming Fist.~
DO ~SeGlobal("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",2)~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] Now then, you are a big strappin' boy, you are. I might have. What be your problem wi' th 'Fist?~
== ~C-TORAN~ ~[TORAN] The cowardly crabs stopped my business.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] What business was that?~
== ~C-TORAN~ ~[TORAN] None of yours. You talk like a 'Fist, asking lots of questions.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] Always pokin' my nose in, that be me.~
== ~C-TORAN~ ~[TORAN] I don't like you.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] That be your perogative, now, don't it.~
== ~C-TORAN~ ~[TORAN] I think you look like a drow-loving orc that has been used too many times in a pleasure pit.~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] An' I be thinkin' that you are a mite bit slow, an' perhaps a bit drunk. So run along, laddie, an' you an' me, we'll ignore each other, eh?~
== ~C-TORAN~ ~[TORAN] The Fist is a bunch of cowardly orc-loving bastards, and it is a pity every last one of them wasn't killed when the Iron Throne took over. They should have screamed their last breaths on the torturer's wheel, instead of throwing their lives away protecting vermin.~  
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] (Aran takes a steady drink, his eyes calm and face quiet.)~
== ~C-TORAN~ ~[TORAN] I said you are a coward, an orc-loving drow-screwing piece of filth who needs to be cleaned up by his mommy. Now what are you gonna do about it?~
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[ARAN] (The motion is almost too quick to follow, but the spray of coppery blood across the wall is easy to trace. The unconscious body on the floor is breathing red bubbles, but is still alive.)~  
== ~C-ARANJ~ ~[TORAN] I'm right sorry, I am. I done spilled some o' my drink on that poor boy's head. Well, I suppose it might wash some o' th' blood away, anyways. Bartender, a refill, eh? an' one for my fine lady friend here, too. What did that little 'entertainment' set you back, <CHARNAME>?~
++ ~[PC] What are you talking about? That drunk accosted me, and I told him you were with the 'Fist to get him off of my back!~ EXTERN ~c-aranj~ a1648
++ ~[PC] 2 gold for the attack, 5 gold for learning what words to say to you.~ EXTERN ~c-aranj~ a1647
++ ~[PC] You disappoint me, sellsword. I thought you would fight like a man, and take your time killing him piece by piece.~ EXTERN ~c-aranj~ a1646
++ ~[PC] Not enough, apparently. It might be more fun if you were the one provoking, and sending them to me to be sliced and diced. You just keep refusing to do that.~ EXTERN ~c-aranj~ a1646
++ ~[PC] I brought you a present. A former slaver, all ready to be clobbered. There is no need to thank me, you know.~ EXTERN ~c-aranj~ a1648


IF ~~ a1646
  SAY ~[ARAN] That might be your idea o' 'fun', <CHARNAME>, but not mine. I don't see no sport in goadin' drunks what be no more threat than a fly 'til they get their wings torn off. To each their own, I suppose.~

IF ~~ a1647
  SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, thought as much. Next time, don't be given too much coachin', eh? Th' giveaway was that a man what can't take a dump wi' out lookin' up how to say 'grunt' said somethin' like 'screamed out their last breaths'. Boys like him, they got two words... 'drink', an' 'screw'. Wi' him, I'm not sure he'd know what th' second was nohow.~

IF ~~ a1648
  SAY ~[ARAN] Well, no real harm done. Th' lad was probably lookin' for a good solid barfight to let off some steam. He got what he had comin' to him. Thing is, I don't rightly think we want that level o' attention right now. Mayhap next time, things will be a little easier, an' we can have a good rough 'n tumble. But tonight, I figured it be a bad idea.~

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Barfight Moves Outdoors


OK, after testing the barfight idea in-game, came up against a problem - space.


In an unmodded game, theree is barely space to have a fight without involving civilians. With a minorly modded install, there is precious little - and with a BWP, forget it. So, I thought about the core of the talk, and decided what made it part of the romance instead of a friendship thing was the giving of opportunity to the PC to be able to let Aran step up, step up in front of Aran, or sit back and watch. That can be done inside a bar, or just outside of it on the way out, or on the way in.


So, a tested rewrite.


.tp2 additions: adding in the new .cres, messing with them, and instaling their scripts:

/* outside-the-bar fight (females romancing him only) */
COPY_EXISTING ~kpgate02.cre~   ~override/c-malcer.cre~  /*   thug 1  - L10  male fighter */
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~support_cre_cleanup~
 SAY NAME1 ~Malcer~
 SAY NAME2 ~Malcer~
 WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
 WRITE_BYTE 0x32 3  /* hair color (light gold) */
 WRITE_ASCIIE 0x248 ~%DEST_RES%~ #8  /* give new override AI script */
 WRITE_ASCII 0x268 ~WTASIGHT~ #8  /* give new default AI script  */

COPY_EXISTING ~kpgate02.cre~   ~override/c-oskut.cre~  /*   thug 2  - L10  male fighter */
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~support_cre_cleanup~
 SAY NAME1 ~Oskut~
 SAY NAME2 ~Oskut~
 WRITE_BYTE 0x2E 45 // major color
 WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 37 // skin color
 WRITE_BYTE 0x32 29 // hair color
 WRITE_ASCIIE 0x248 ~%DEST_RES%~ #8  /* give new override AI script */
 WRITE_ASCII 0x268 ~WTASIGHT~ #8  /* give new default AI script  */

COPY_EXISTING ~kpgate02.cre~   ~override/c-taman.cre~  /*   thug 3  - L10  male fighter */
 LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~support_cre_cleanup~
 SAY NAME1 ~Taman~
 SAY NAME2 ~Taman~
 WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 13 /* skin color (light pure silver) */
 WRITE_BYTE 0x32 4  /* hair color (auburn) */
 WRITE_ASCIIE 0x248 ~%DEST_RES%~ #8  /* give new override AI script */
 WRITE_ASCII 0x268 ~WTASIGHT~ #8  /* give new default AI script */  

COMPILE ~aranw/baf/c-malcer.baf~ // override script for Malcer
COMPILE ~aranw/baf/c-oskut.baf~ // override script for Oskut
COMPILE ~aranw/baf/c-taman.baf~ // override script for Taman


Scripting within C-ARAN.BCS - After being in the bar in Trademeet [at night and in romance], on coming out into the master area,

/* If the party visits the Trademeet Bar, */

/* then set up a spawn when you go outside into AR2000... */

/* ... and shut it down if you leave the area before things happen. */


with three follow-on simple scripts:








and the encounter kickoff is set up.

(The cutscene starts and ends are an attempt to stop interruptions - it seems to work, though I really don't like the temporary screen freeze. )


then the rewritten/adjusted dialog:


/* Fight or Flight, otherwise known as The Big Valley */
CHAIN IF ~Global("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN C-MALCER a2930
~[C-MALCER] Well now, here's a pretty sight. One <PRO_RACE> girl, not too bad looking, and here we have all three of us just looking for a good time. Come in and have a drink with Taman, here, and if you are friendly enough, we might leave peaceably.~
== C-OSKUT ~[C-OSKUT] Hey, that sellsword looks like he's with her.~
== C-TAMAN ~[C-TAMAN] Nah, he won't be a problem. A few coins, and he'll look the other way. Or we just kill him.~
++ ~[PC] How dare you! Aran, are you going to let these people talk to me like this?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2931
++ ~[PC] I do not bother with trivialities and insignificant worms. Aran, go take care of these idiots.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932
++ ~[PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him towards the group.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932
++ ~[PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2933
++ ~[PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranmalcer","GLOBAL",3)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2934

SAY ~[C-MALCER] Oh, come on, girl. You haven't had a good time until you have had a drink with the three of us. We can have a little fun, too. You might even enjoy it. And this piss-ant sellsword couldn't handle me, let alone me and my friends.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now, that be large talk from a Raven. Don't you boys have a sergeant what to teach you manners?~
== C-TAMAN ~[C-TAMAN] I smell 'Fist on you. We fly overhead while you grub in the mud, newlie.~
++ ~[PC] He can hold his own in a fight. But you should be more worried about me. I tend to get over-excited, and might end up removing that tongue. Or perhaps other parts of your body.~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2940
++ ~[PC] Insignificant, insolent worm. You are beneath my notice. Aran, kill him slowly. I want to hear him scream for mercy.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2938
++ ~[PC] (Hide behind Aran and grip his arm tightly, pushing him towards the group.)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2938
++ ~[PC] Aran, I think that you should take care of this situation, quickly.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2936
++ ~[PC] Out of my way, Aran. I would take their heads off, but it probably would do no harm. I will start with their feet, instead.~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2940

/* Shy/Wants Aran To Be Protector PC EXIT */
~[ARAN] Right, then. You heard the lady, lads. Do you be wantin' to settle this on arm wrestlin', brawlin', or should we just skip right to it an' see what th' insides o' your guts look like when they be spread over th' wall over there?~
== C-MALCER ~[C-MALCER] Look who's a big man, now. Are you looking for a fight?~
== C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, now, laddie... I don't rightly look for fights. But by Bane's Bloody Buttocks, so far there's naught that I have left unfinished. Do you feel lucky?~
== C-ARANJ IF ~NumInParty(3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, now, laddie... I don't rightly look for fights. But by Bane's Bloody Buttocks, so far there's naught that I have left unfinished. Besides, there be three o' us an' three o' you. Do you feel lucky?~
== C-ARANJ IF ~NumInPartyGT(3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, now, laddie... I don't rightly look for fights. But by Bane's Bloody Buttocks, so far there's naught that I have left unfinished. Besides, there be more o' us... look careful, on account o' we all be together. Do you feel lucky?~
== C-TAMAN ~[C-TAMAN] See, I told you he would be a problem.~
== C-OSKUT ~[C-OSKUT] Yeah, yeah... I know you are all edjumucated and such. I think he will go down in the first few swings.~
IF ~NumInPartyLT(4)~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT
IF ~NumInPartyGT(3)~ THEN EXTERN C-OSKUT notgood_time

CHAIN C-OSKUT notgood_time
~[C-OSKUT] Hey... Malcer. They look familiar. Hold up, this might be a bad idea.~
== C-MALCER ~[C-MALCER] I hear lots of hot air, but they don't look that tough, even with the backup.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now, <CHARNAME>, you go on back in an' have a nice cup o' tea, mayhap do your nails while we have ourselves a discussion. I think these boys have had just a mite bit too much to drink.~
== C-OSKUT ~[C-OSKUT] I am serious. I recognise her, now. They say she has a collection of drow ears and dragon's teeth, and that she personally smashed the Iron Throne.~

/* Mediation Fails, And They Insult PC */
~[C-MALCER] So, big protector, eh? I didn't know prostitutes around here had the money for a mercenary escort. What's she worth, 2 coppers a night? You get out of the way, or you will be sorry.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] I'm goin' to rip your head off an' piss down your neck.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT

/* PC Protective of Aran or just Fiesty Exit */
~[C-MALCER] Oh, big man, having her fight your battles for you.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Believe me, son, you don't be knowin' her like I do. Last one who ticked her off only lost a few pints o' blood an half his scalp. O' course, that was me, an' she needs me around for to carry stuff an' such. You, not so much.~
== C-MALCER ~[C-MALCER] I hear lots of hot air, but you don't look that tough, either of you. Come on, boys... they don't need all that coin. Get 'em.~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-arbarfight","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-malcer",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-oskut",Enemy()) ActionOverride("c-taman",Enemy())~ EXIT

/* Scared Them Off, Tea and Nails */
~[C-MALCER] Drow ears?~
== C-TAMAN ~[C-TAMAN] Dragon's teeth?~
== C-OSKUT ~[C-OSKUT] Err... we were just leaving. Just a few high-spirited remarks, no harm meant.~
== C-MALCER ~[C-MALCER] R... right. We'll just head on, and... you just do whatever it is you were doing.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] No problem, lads. Only don't be comin' round here much, eh? Me, you might be able to fight to a standstill. Her, she looks like a shrinkin' violet, right up until th' time you realize her hand's holdin' what's left o' your intestines. An' then she starts gettin' mean.~
++ ~[PC] Oh, my hero. I should fall at your feet and kiss them for saving me from the big bad evil thugs. You do realize you will pay for spoiling my fun, don't you?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2937
++ ~[PC] Well, we scared them off well enough. I wish more of these idiots would choose to walk away. Do you think we could scare Irenicus into surrendering with that routine?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2942
++ ~[PC] Tea. Nails. You are in so much trouble.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2943
++ ~[PC] What is it with men, that they think that being great hulking aggressive brutes is attractive?~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2944
++ ~[PC] And here I thought I was ending the evening entertaining three men in my bedchamber. I guess I have some free time, and absolutely nothing to do...~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2945
++ ~[PC] Hey, that was fun. Did you see the way the little one turned all white in the face? Come on, let's follow them!~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2945


/* Fight or Flight, otherwise known as The Big Valley */
/* Still needs scripting - remember to check .baf */
IF ~~ a2931
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I thought it might be a bit more subtle-like if...~
 ++ ~[PC] ... you acted like a big coward?~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932
 ++ ~[PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me?~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I thought you loved me.~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2932
 ++ ~[PC] Aran... they are scaring me a little...~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2936
 ++ ~[PC] You. Yes, you... the one with the troll face and the breath that smells like a sewer. Five gold says Aran can take all three of you without breaking a sweat.~ + a2933

/* PC Orders Aran to Handle Things EXIT */
IF ~~ a2933
 SAY ~[ARAN] Who, me,? Aye, then, I guess I could do that. You go on about th' business, an' let me handle 'em.~
 = ~[ARAN] (Pssst - here, then, lads - a round on me. You wouldn't want to cross her right now, eh? She's in a right foul mood, an' a mite more powerful than she looks.)~
 ++ ~[PC] Why didn't you fight for my honor? You acted like a big coward.~ + a2937
 ++ ~[PC] They are treating me badly! Why won't you stand up for me?~ + a2937
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] I thought you loved me, and would protect me. But you just paid them coin and let them get away with it.~ + a2937
 ++ ~[PC] That was unpleasant. I am glad you found a way to make them go away without spilling their blood.~ + a2937
 ++ ~[PC] This is ridiculous. If you won't kill them, I will.~ + a2934

/* Aggressive PC Exit */
IF ~~ a2934
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, <CHARNAME>, be easy... they be just little gnats. You might mess up a nail or somethin', an then where's you be? I'll tell you what. You go get a nice cup o' tea, an' sit right there, an' I'll give you a good show. You want one o' their eyes, or mayhap a nose, or do you just want an ear or two to hang next to your collection o' Drow ears an' Dragon's teeth?~
 ++ ~[PC] (Glare at Aran.)~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2941
 ++ ~[PC] (Glare at the men.)~ + a2935
 ++ ~[PC] You are so right. But don't bother with taking trophies. Just dispose of these vermin.~ EXTERN C-MALCER a2941
 ++ ~[PC] No, no, no. You kill everything too slowly. I want this to be a long, drawn out process.~ + a2935

IF ~~ a2935
 SAY ~[ARAN] Auril's Icy Aura! Fine, you want 'em, you got 'em.~

/* No Bloodshed Exits */
IF ~~ a2937
 SAY ~[ARAN] I was watchin' you close, I was. I figured you didn't want a couple o' drunk buggers to get blood all over your nice clean clothes, so it seemed like a good idea to let 'em down easy. Besides, we have real enemies what to fight. If we go killin' every set o' drunken bastards what act like idiots, we will depopulate Amn.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT

IF ~~ a2938
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now then, lads, th' lady don't rightly take kindly to...~

/* No Bloodshed Exits, continued  */

IF ~~ a2942
 SAY ~[ARAN] Somehow, I don't rightly think that will work.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT

IF ~~ a2943
 SAY ~[ARAN] Did you want me to get that tea, or mayhap a nice dagger what to give them cute little cuticles o' yours a trim? Hey! Nice girls don't rightly use that finger th' way you are!~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT

IF ~~ a2944
 SAY ~[ARAN] I blame it on bad upbringin'. An' in the case o' those three, several pints o' D'Tranion too many.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT

IF ~~ a2945
 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, sometimes you scare me a mite, you do.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("c-malcer",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-oskut",EscapeAreaDestroy(3)) ActionOverride("c-taman",EscapeAreaDestroy(3))~ EXIT

END /* of file and of append to c-aranj */

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Barfight Moves Outdoors


OK, after testing the barfight idea in-game, came up against a problem - space.

Uh, dude, it's your mod. You can just move the fight to an "outside" that's free of all bystanders by creating a new area. You can even make it look like the old area, just remove all of the ambients, animations, etc. so the WED doesn't crash the game.

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True enough... The current implementation is pretty seamless, and tests out fine, but the original idea was to have an "inside the bar fight". The ultimate would be a bar brawl, just fists, just unconscious; I did think of doing a hide of an area on the map and replacing it with a clone created of civilians, following some of the code in Fishing For Trouble (the same kind of swap the strongholds get in-game, or The Grey Clan). It just seemed like tons of work for a single encounter. I may have to do this in the quests, anyways, though. Does it fundamentally mess up the idea to have the threatening encounter happen outside, instead of inside?

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"Alright, punk, if you're gonna talk trash, we're going to have to take it outside." How many times have you heard that before?


In the Keldorn romance, one of the quest resolutions has the potential to end in a fight. I did not want to risk innocents going hostile because they were injured by AoE spells, so I scripted the whole thing to take place in an alley. I've got the area made, the one with the dead cat in the barrel. If the indoor scenario is working out OK for you, great, but if you ever want to use the area yourself, just say the word.

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