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About MissBehave

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  1. MissBehave

    Calin NPC Mod

    Hope you're better! I just wanted to mention I can also confirm that you don't need to necessarily start a new game if you have a save before leaving Irenicus' Little house of horrors. Calin will appear as intended after the cut scene.
  2. MissBehave

    Calin NPC Mod

    Okay, quick update. So far so good. I've encountered a bunch of typos or punctuation errors but nothing game breaking. Spoiler below: After drinking at the bar I decided to go upstairs with him. The auto rest happens, but then the next window to pop up is the Calin- Yes? With the response options 1. How are you? Etc. Smiling at him triggered: If you're up to something forget it. Which is an odd thing to say after you just spent the night together. Haha I'm guessing that isn't supposed to happen. The next timed talk is Do you have a moment?
  3. MissBehave

    Calin NPC Mod

    Sorry, life got in the way. Going to try again now with my thinking cap on. I have 7 zip, does that work? Edit: The file seems to be missing from dropbox now but I found the file I initially downloaded and have it installed. Wish me luck
  4. MissBehave

    Calin NPC Mod

    Kitanna, I'm sorry I'm being dense. Its downloading as a .rar file for me.
  5. MissBehave

    Calin NPC Mod

    I'll give him a go and can make some notes. Right after someone reminds me how to install things off dropbox. Sigh.
  6. I'm always nostalgic about playing BG2 around Christmas time given that's when I first received the game Soooo (ugh, so old) many years ago. Waiting for Aklon for my next run *fingers crossed*
  7. Is there ever a plan to turn this into a romance mod? *she says, nonchalantly*
  8. Does anyone still have a copy of the in progress Valen Shadowbreath mod for BG2 kicking around? I seem to have lost my files and since Petals and Thorns went down can no longer find it. You were able to pick him up during the Slaver quest and it had a flirt pack and romance track. It was just missing a few conversations towards the end and it could have been a sparse but completed mod. Thank you muchly!
  9. Just snooping for updates >.>
  10. Now I haven't seen the movie but for me, Aklon's portrait is Aklon. I don't even see Jude Law here. Keep it!
  11. *fingers crossed* Maybe I'd finally have a second romance Haer'dalis doesn't detect. #multiromanceforlife
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