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About DavidW

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  • Mods Worked On
    Sword Coast Stratagems
    Wheels of Prophecy
    Icewind Dale in BG2 (now incorporated into Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition)
    Talents of Faerun
    Ascension v2.0
    BG2 Fixpack
    Unfinished Business

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  1. It's a typo (fixed locally) - it should be %carsa_say_8%. (that string is filled in by the code with the correct strref.)
  2. OK, I'm not 100% sure what's going on there but I can see one issue that might explain at least quite a lot of it. Try hotfixing with the attached: put ui_inn_label.tph into stratagems/sfo2e/lua and camping.tpa into stratagems/gameplay. as for the 'small number of additional ways': they're both in BG. If you kill the polar bear on the ice island it replenishes your provisions, and on Balduran's Isle you can ask Kaishas to restock you (since there's no inn on the isle). I don't think either can be causing your issues. camping.tpa ui_inn_label.tph
  3. OK: I'm seeing three bugs here: the one that leads to the weap_array_LATHANDER_X issues the one that complains if there are asterisks in laubbr.2da the one that stopped militant wizards from installing, which asks for m_dw_vcd.lua I'm not sure why I'm not seeing these myself on an install test - I think it's something about the combination of components that are installed. In any case you ought to be able to hotfix them by dropping lib_kit.tph into dw_talents/sfo and militant_wizards.tpa into dw_talents/kit. (Both attached.) Will be fixed properly in beta 11. militant_wizards.tpa lib_kit.tph
  4. The web_and_the_large issue is fixed. I can't quite work out what's going on with minimum_healing_level (and a couple of similar strings) but I *think* it's harmless.
  5. Good idea. As of 35.16 you can reassign hot key E as used in that script by setting the hot_key_E variable in stratagems.ini. (You can hotfix this in your current install by dropping the attached file into stratagems/genai/ssl. (It would be nice to have a more flexible, run-time way to edit hotkeys, and I think EE might permit it, but that's a project for another time, I'm afraid.) summon_initial.ssl
  6. That string bug can be hotfixed before install by dropping the attached file into stratagems/leveller, or after install by opening override/m_dw_lvd.lua in Notepad or similar and deleting the line 'dwLevellerDualClass['imoen'].final_xp=90000'. I'm investigating the paladin thing. leveller_2.tpa
  7. WEIDU doesn't permit this on mods that are broken into component groups.
  8. I'm afraid I don't support SRR (ToF only barely supports the 'official' SR) so you're on your own here.
  9. A reminder that I officially do not support Dragonspear UI++ on ToF. (I mean, by all means see if you can get it working.)
  10. These are all fixed locally and should be in beta 11. That's working as intended, but the documentation could be clearer: I've tweaked it. This is working as intended but I agree it needs some tweaking. Currently it's entirely based on matching the to-hit/damage numbers - Jaheira has strength 15 in the unmodded game, which grants no bonus to hit or damage, so she gets adjusted to the highest score in the new system that does that. I didn't think carefully enough about carrying capacity and item strength requirements - will consider. At the moment I'm not supporting the improved record screen, only the baseline LEUI mod.
  11. I suspect the author is right that it doesn't much matter and that putting it after SCS is simpler. You might find some minor weirdness with the SCS components that tie hit points to the difficulty slider.
  12. Can reproduce. To hotfix, drop the attached file into stratagems/sfo2e/lua before installing. ui_detect_class_kit.tph
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