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About Baptor

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Christianity, history, mythology, games (all kinds), languages
  • Mods Worked On
    Remove HLAs, Snow Maiden's Reaver Strength Mod

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  1. Is this available to play yet? People seem to be playing it but I can't find a download anywhere.
  2. There are lots of cool ways to "fix" HLAs (if you think they have problems which it seems most of us do), this is just one way. I agree that I wish the game maxed at 20th level and was balanced around that idea. That would be ideal. If @CamDawg wants to add my little file to the Tweaks Anthology, I would be thrilled to see it there. Having used Tweaks since forever, I'd be honored to make some small contribution to its ever growing list of features.
  3. I couldn't agree more. It's just too much. Playing IWD at high levels and seeing how freeing it was to play without them was my inspiration to do this. First, thank you for your encouragement! Second, I have never used GitHub and am unsure what I should do to put that up there for you all. Is there some specific place we put mods? I am sorry if I sound terribly ignorant I really don't know anything about it.
  4. A number of years ago this thread really piqued my interest. I found a solution to @Ballad 's problem* and I wanted to share that in case they (or anyone) wanted it. Frankly, I despise HLAs and much prefer IWD's approach of letting you get high level without them. I could explain why I hate them but that's not really the scope of this post. I reached out to the ever generous (and genius) @argent77 who graciously pointed me to the lunumab.2da file which controls HLAs and suggested setting the level requirements to 99. It was very simple to edit in Near Infinity. You can go in there and set HLAs to start at any level you like - lower or higher. I set them all to 99 which basically removes them from the game*. For those who are interested in removing HLAs but not inclined to use NI, I have included the 2da file. All you have to do is drop it into your override. Enjoy! *The caveat here is that it only removes them from the player's side. I do not play with SCS but my understanding is that many enemies use HLAs in that mod so if you put in my fix only your characters will not gain HLAs. The bad guys would still have them. Additionally, characters you have that already have HLAs will keep the ones they already have - they just won't gain more. No_HLAs.zip
  5. Hello all, I know Bubb created a fantastic mod that removed the "steel" color that Stoneskin/Ironskin forces onto your sprite in the Enhanced Edition games, but did anyone ever make such a mod for Icewind Dale 2? I have been looking but have been unsuccessful, and I was also told that just changing some lines in Near Infinity isn't going to do the trick.
  6. Here you go. And thanks WeiDU.log
  7. Started a new game with randomizer and several items you can only get by going on EE NPC quests (like the beholder crown and gem of seeing) were randomized into the regular game areas. I looked on the spoiler list and none of these items are listed. Is it normal for it to randomize the EE NPC items too and why aren't they on the list? https://gibberlings3.github.io/Documentation/readmes/spoilers-randomiser.html
  8. Hello community. I've been playing IWD and IWD:EE for years and the RNG overlords have only now graced me with one of the coolest weapons ever, the Snow Maiden's Reaver. However soon after, I discovered to my horror that the sword does not apply Strength or Proficiency bonuses. I ran across an old discussion where someone suggested changing part of the weapon's damage to slashing. I did that, so now you can have a SMR that actually does decent damage. The damage has been set to 1 slashing and 1d8+2 cold damage. This puts the total damage to 4-11 base damage which is pretty close to the original 4-10 base damage. I probably could've done 1d4 slashing and 1d4+2 cold and it would've been spot on, but I wanted most of the damage to still be cold to match the flavor of the weapon. I hope you enjoy it - just drop it into your Override. REAVER.zip
  9. Hey there, I'm playing IWD:EE with this mod on Android with no other mods. When I press the levelup button the screen goes black and after I can do nothing else but restart. This issue was brought up on the Beamdog forums but never resolved. Has anyone else had this problem and if so what did you do to resolve it? Thanks!
  10. I would be making it using the new "create party" feature you can select from the start of the game. I know at some point you're on your own with no party in the palace so I am wondering what happens to the other NPCs you created. I mean, are they all in your bedroom when you wake up in the middle of the night? That seems kind of strange.
  11. Didn't know where else to ask this. If you create a custom party for siege of dragonspear, what happens after the starter dungeon? Are they just gone? Do you have to hunt them down across Baldur's Gate like the other npcs?
  12. Got it! I guess what is tripping me up is that I am not editing the .exe file aside from renaming it - that's all I have to do to the .exe file? Thanks! Oh that was just an example, I wouldn't replace all normal axes with +5 ones! Ha! Thanks! I do have it and I've been trying to port items with it but without the weidu it was obviously going very badly! Thanks for all the resources!
  13. Hey thanks for responding! A few followup questions if you don't mind: What are EFF and SPL files? So I put the ITM file from IWD:EE, the tp2 file and the txt file into a folder - then where does that go? Not sure of next step. Do you have an item mod you recommend I try to work from? Not sure where to start there honestly. Thanks again for all your help!
  14. These commands go in the "setup-modname.tp2" yeah? Does the below look like a correct example of what to put in the file? BACKUP ~axeofdeath/backup~ AUTHOR ~Baptor~ VERSION ~1.0~ BEGIN ~component name~ COPY ~axeofdeath/AX1H01.itm~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~axe~ SAY NAME2 ~super axe of death~ SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~This is probably just an axe.~ SAY DESC ~It is actually a magic axe +5~
  15. In these instructions it talks about adding the item to a creature. What I'm aiming to do is replace existing BG2 items with my items, similar to Item Revisions. Since you created the Item Revisions mod, @Demivrgvs, do you have any advice for what I should put into my mod so that my items replace specific items in the game? Anyone else who has advice is also welcome!
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