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About a.greene

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Left coast
  • Mods Worked On
    The Darkest Dat

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  1. @CamDawg any idea when an IWDification update will be released, I'm excited at the prospect of this addition!
  2. @MarciusVetrack I'm the author, can I be of assistance?
  3. @DavidW @polytope @subtledoctor Thank you for your replies, I appreciate your time.
  4. Would it be possible to build the following IWD2 kit? MERCENARY: Mercenaries are soldiers who sell their services to the highest bidder. Traveling great distances in harsh conditions for coin and fame, the mercenary is a man or woman who must master a variety of weapons and styles to satisfy his or her employer's needs. Advantages: * Two extra proficiency slots at 1st level. * One extra proficiency slot at 6th level. * Carry weight increased by 50%. Disadvantages: * Unable to start with Weapon Specialization. * Unable to achieve Grand Mastery in a weapon.
  5. Thank you, I have been following the EEex project and unfortunately that is well above my skills or abilities.
  6. Is it possible to added thieving skills to a fighter kit? Particularly I looking to add the pickpocketing ability to a fighter kit and use the SKILLBRD.2DA for reference?
  7. Congratulations on your release, this is really impressive. Would it be possible to assign extra proficiency slots at character creation or extra proficiency clots at various levels?
  8. Studded Leather of Thorns (Leat23.ITM) from BG2EE does not appear to be working properly. CastSpell on Condition doesn't appear to be triggering... I'd like to try and fix it, as I would like to use this mechanism, any assistance would be appreciated. Please and thank you
  9. Hypothetically, if I wanted to prevent a particular race (Dwarves) from using a particular kit (berserker) is this the best way to do it? Or is there a better way? COPY_EXISTING ~K_F_D.2DA~ ~override~ COUNT_2DA_ROWS ~2~ "rows" FOR (index = 1 ; index < rows ; index = index + 1) BEGIN READ_2DA_ENTRY index 1 2 "kit" PATCH_IF ("%kit%" = 1) BEGIN REMOVE_2DA_ROW 4 1 END END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES Thank you in advance.
  10. Brilliant idea, would you be able to assist me in installing this mod as there appears to be a resources reference error?
  11. I'm looking for the forums opinion, which of these innate abilities would be most useful, but not broken? 1. May cause fear at will FEAR: All enemies within visual range of the character are shaken and suffer -2 penalty to morale, saving throws and THAC0 for 1 turn (Save vs. Paralyzation negates). 2. May cause fear once per day FEAR: All enemies within visual range of the character are shaken and suffer -2 penalty to morale, saving throws and THAC0 for 1 turn. 3. May cause fear at will FEAR: All enemies within visual range of the character are shaken and suffer a -4 penalty to morale. 4. May cause fear once per day FEAR: All enemies within visual range of the character are shaken and suffer a -4 penalty to morale. 5. May cause fear one per day FEAR: All enemies within visual range of the character are shaken and suffer ill effects based on the character's level. 6th - All enemies suffer -2 penalty to morale, to hit and damage rolls, and saving throws for 1 turn. 12th - All enemies suffer -3 penalty to morale, to hit and damage rolls, and saving throws for 1 turn. 18th - All enemies suffer -4 penalty to morale, to hit and damage rolls, and saving throws for 1 turn.
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