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Canonical effects list


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There are no more unknowns. The exact functionality (if any) may not be precisely determined, but the list makes clear what they are all supposed to do. The gaps are either copied effects (hold creature 2, movement rate mod 2, etc.), effects that don't exist (crash), or effect 317.


Note that, despite the way I've chosen to represent the items, each effect is its own class (e.g., CGameEffectDamage()), which implements standard methods (beyond the constructor and destructor) as necessary (like ApplyEffect() and Copy(), and also removal methods and additional support methods for complex effects). Some effects are actually CPersistantEffect* (like regeneration, poison, etc.), but I think most also have generic CGameEffect* definitions.

000: CGameEffect->AC
001: CGameEffect->AttackNo
002: CGameEffect->Awaken
003: CGameEffect->Berserk
004: CGameEffect->Calm
005: CGameEffect->Charm
006: CGameEffect->CHR
007: CGameEffect->ColorChange
008: CGameEffect->ColorGlowSolid
009: CGameEffect->ColorGlowPulse
010: CGameEffect->CON
011: CGameEffect->CurePoison
012: CGameEffect->Damage
013: CGameEffect->Death
014: CGameEffect->Defrost
015: CGameEffect->DEX
016: CGameEffect->Haste
017: CGameEffect->Heal
018: CGameEffect->HitPoints
019: CGameEffect->INT
020: CGameEffect->Invisible
021: CGameEffect->Lore
022: CGameEffect->Luck
023: CGameEffect->Morale
024: CGameEffect->Panic
025: CGameEffect->Poison
026: CGameEffect->RemoveCurse
027: CGameEffect->ResistAcid
028: CGameEffect->ResistCold
029: CGameEffect->ResistElectricity
030: CGameEffect->ResistFire
031: CGameEffect->ResistMagic
032: CGameEffect->Resurrect
033: CGameEffect->SaveVsDeath
034: CGameEffect->SaveVsWands
035: CGameEffect->SaveVsPoly
036: CGameEffect->SaveVsBreath
037: CGameEffect->SaveVsSpell
038: CGameEffect->Silence
039: CGameEffect->Sleep
040: CGameEffect->Slow
041: CGameEffect->Sparkle
042: CGameEffect->SpellMemorizationMage
043: CGameEffect->StoneToFlesh
044: CGameEffect->STR
045: CGameEffect->Stun
046: CGameEffect->Unstun
047: CGameEffect->Visible
048: CGameEffect->Vocalize
049: CGameEffect->WIS
050: CGameEffect->SingleColorPulseAll
051: CGameEffect->ColorTintSolid
052: CGameEffect->ColorLightSolid
053: CGameEffect->AnimationChange
054: CGameEffect->Thac0
055: CGameEffect->Slay
056: CGameEffect->AlignmentReversal
057: CGameEffect->AlignmentChange
058: CGameEffect->DispelEffects
059: CGameEffect->SkillStealth
060: CGameEffect->CastingFailure
062: CGameEffect->SpellMemorizationCleric
063: CGameEffect->Infravision
064: CGameEffect->InfravisionOff
065: CGameEffect->Blur
066: CGameEffect->Translucent
067: CGameEffect->Summon
068: CGameEffect->Unsummon
069: CGameEffect->NonDetection
070: CGameEffect->EndNonDetection
071: CGameEffect->SexChange
072: CGameEffect->AIChange
073: CGameEffect->DamageMod
074: CGameEffect->Blindness
075: CGameEffect->CureBlindness
076: CGameEffect->FeebleMindedness
077: CGameEffect->CureFeebleMindedness
078: CGameEffect->Disease
079: CGameEffect->CureDisease
080: CGameEffect->Deafness
081: CGameEffect->CureDeafness
082: CGameEffect->SetAIScript
083: CGameEffect->ImmunityToProjectile
084: CGameEffect->ResistMagicFire
085: CGameEffect->ResistMagicCold
086: CGameEffect->ResistSlashing
087: CGameEffect->ResistCrushing
088: CGameEffect->ResistPiercing
089: CGameEffect->ResistMissile
090: CGameEffect->SkillLockPicking
091: CGameEffect->SkillTraps
092: CGameEffect->SkillPickPocket
093: CGameEffect->Fatigue
094: CGameEffect->Intoxication
095: CGameEffect->SkillTracking
096: CGameEffect->Level
097: CGameEffect->STRExtra
098: CGameEffect->Regeneration
099: CGameEffect->DurationCasting
100: CGameEffect->ProtectionFromCreature
101: CGameEffect->ImmunityToEffect
102: CGameEffect->ImmunityToSpellLevel
103: CGameEffect->Name
104: CGameEffect->XP
105: CGameEffect->Gold
106: CGameEffect->MoraleBreak
107: CGameEffect->Portrait
108: CGameEffect->Reputation
109: CGameEffect->HoldCreature
110: CGameEffect->RetreatFrom
111: CGameEffect->CreateWeapon
112: CGameEffect->DestroyWeapon
113: CGameEffect->EquipWeapon
114: CGameEffect->Dither
115: CGameEffect->DetectAlignment
116: CGameEffect->DispelInvisible
117: CGameEffect->ShowArea
118: CGameEffect->ShowCreatures
119: CGameEffect->MirrorImage
120: CGameEffect->ImmuneToWeapon
121: CGameEffect->VisualAnimationEffect
122: CGameEffect->CreateItem
123: CGameEffect->DestroyItem
124: CGameEffect->Teleport
125: CGameEffect->Knock
126: CGameEffect->MovementRate
127: CGameEffect->RandomSummon
128: CGameEffect->Confusion
129: CGameEffect->Non_CumulativeAid
130: CGameEffect->Non_CumulativeBless
131: CGameEffect->Non_CumulativeChant
132: CGameEffect->Non_CumulativeDrawUponHolyMight
133: CGameEffect->Non_CumulativeLuck
134: CGameEffect->Petrification
135: CGameEffect->Polymorph
136: CGameEffect->ForceVisible
137: CGameEffect->Non_CumulativeChantBad
138: CGameEffect->SetSequence
139: CGameEffect->DisplayString
140: CGameEffect->CastingGlow
141: CGameEffect->VisualSpellHit
142: CGameEffect->PortraitIcon
143: CGameEffect->ReplaceItem
144: CGameEffect->DisableButton
145: CGameEffect->DisableSpellType
146: CGameEffect->CastSpell
147: CGameEffect->LearnSpell
148: CGameEffect->CastSpellPoint
149: CGameEffect->Identify
150: CGameEffect->DetectTraps
151: CGameEffect->ReplaceSelf
152: CGameEffect->PlayMovie
153: CGameEffect->Sanctuary
154: CGameEffect->Entangle
155: CGameEffect->MinorGlobe
156: CGameEffect->ShieldGlobe
157: CGameEffect->WebHold
158: CGameEffect->GreasePool
159: CGameEffect->MirrorImageRun
160: CGameEffect->DispelSanctuary
161: CGameEffect->RemovePanic
162: CGameEffect->RemoveHold
163: CGameEffect->RestoreMovementRate
164: CGameEffect->RemoveIntoxication
165: CGameEffect->PauseCaster
166: CGameEffect->ResistanceToMagic
167: CGameEffect->MissileTHAC0Bonus
168: CGameEffect->DestroySelf
169: CGameEffect->ImmunityToPortraitIcon
170: CGameEffect->DamageVisualEffect
171: CGameEffect->AddInnateAbility
172: CGameEffect->RemoveInnateAbility
173: CGameEffect->ResistanceToPoison
174: CGameEffect->PlaySound
175: CGameEffect->HoldCreatureSpell
/* END BG */
177: CGameEffect->ApplyEffect
178: CGameEffect->SelectiveToHitBonus
179: CGameEffect->SelectiveDamageBonus
180: CGameEffect->RestrictEquipItem
181: CGameEffect->RestrictEquipItemType
182: CGameEffect->ApplyEffectEquipItem
183: CGameEffect->ApplyEffectEquipItemType
184: CGameEffect->SetDoNotJump
186: CGameEffect->JumpToArea
187: CGameEffect->SetLocalVariable
188: CGameEffect->AuraCleansing
189: CGameEffect->MentalSpeed
190: CGameEffect->PhysicalSpeed
191: CGameEffect->CastingLevelBonus
/* END TotSC */
192: CGameEffect->FindFamiliar
193: CGameEffect->SeeInvisible
194: CGameEffect->IgnoreDialogPause
195: CGameEffect->HitPointsOnDeath
196: CGameEffect->FamiliarBlock
197: CGameEffect->BounceProjectile
198: CGameEffect->BounceEffect
199: CGameEffect->BounceLevel
200: CGameEffect->BounceLevelDecrement
201: CGameEffect->ImmunityLevelDecrement
202: CGameEffect->BounceSchool
203: CGameEffect->BounceSecondaryType
204: CGameEffect->ImmunitySchool
205: CGameEffect->ImmunitySecondaryType
206: CGameEffect->ImmunitySpell
207: CGameEffect->BounceSpell
208: CGameEffect->MinHitPoints
209: CGameEffect->PowerWordKill
210: CGameEffect->PowerWordStun
211: CGameEffect->Imprisonment
212: CGameEffect->Freedom
213: CGameEffect->Maze
214: CGameEffect->SecondaryCastList
215: CGameEffect->VisualEffect
216: CGameEffect->LevelDrain
217: CGameEffect->PowerWordSleep
218: CGameEffect->StoneSkins
219: CGameEffect->ProtectionCircle
220: CGameEffect->DispelSchool
221: CGameEffect->DispelSecondaryType
222: CGameEffect->RandomTeleport
223: CGameEffect->ImmunitySchoolDecrement
224: CGameEffect->LevelRestoration
225: CGameEffect->RevealMagic
226: CGameEffect->ImmunitySecondaryTypeDecrement
227: CGameEffect->BounceSchoolDecrement
228: CGameEffect->BounceSecondaryTypeDecrement
229: CGameEffect->DispelSchoolOne
230: CGameEffect->DispelSecondaryTypeOne
231: CGameEffect->TimeStop
232: CGameEffect->ContingencyInstance
233: CGameEffect->Proficiency
234: CGameEffect->ContingencyStart
235: CGameEffect->PushPull
236: CGameEffect->CopySelf
237: CGameEffect->PuppetMaster
238: CGameEffect->Disintegrate
239: CGameEffect->Clairvoyance
240: CGameEffect->RemovePortraitIcon
242: CGameEffect->RemoveConfusion
243: CGameEffect->DrainChargeFromAllItems
244: CGameEffect->RemoveRandomSpell
245: CGameEffect->CheckForBerserk
246: CGameEffect->BerserkStage1
247: CGameEffect->BerserkStage2
248: CGameEffect->MeleeEffect
249: CGameEffect->RangeEffect
250: CGameEffect->DamageLuck
251: CGameEffect->BardSong
252: CGameEffect->SetSnare
253: CGame->AddMapNote
254: CGame->RemoveMapNote
256: CGameEffect->SequencerInstance
257: CGameEffect->SequencerStart
258: CGameEffect->SequencerFire
259: CGameEffect->SpellTrapLevelDecrement
261: CGameEffect->RememorizeSpell
262: CGameEffect->VisualRange
263: CGameEffect->BackStabMod
264: CGameEffect->RandomDrop
265: CGameEffect->SetGlobal
266: CGameEffect->RemoveSpellImmunity
267: CGameEffect->ImmunityToDisplayString
268: CGameEffect->Explore
269: CGameEffect->ScreenShake
270: CGameEffect->UnpauseCaster
271: CGameEffect->SummonDisable
272: CGameEffect->RepeatingApplyEffect
273: CGameEffect->CleanAir
274: CGameEffect->RandomPhase
275: CGameEffect->HideInShadows
276: CGameEffect->DetectIllusion
277: CGameEffect->SetTrap
278: CGameEffect->HitMod
279: CGameEffect->EnableButton
280: CGameEffect->ForceSurge
281: CGameEffect->SurgeMod
282: CGameEffect->ScriptingState
283: CGameEffect->CurseApplyEffect
284: CGameEffect->MeleeTHAC0Bonus
285: CGameEffect->MeleeDamageBonus
286: CGameEffect->MissileDamageBonus
287: CGameEffect->DisableCircle
288: CGameEffect->FistTHAC0Bonus
289: CGameEffect->FistDamageBonus
290: CGameEffect->ClassStringOverride
291: CGameEffect->PreventSpellProtectionEffects
292: CGameEffect->ImmunityToBackstab
293: CGameEffect->PreventAISlowDown
294: CGameEffect->ExistanceDelayOverride
295: CGameEffect->NoPermanentDeath
296: CGameEffect->ImmunityToVisualEffect
297: CGameEffect->ImmunityToTurnUndead
/* END SoA */
298: CGameEffect->JumpToPocketPlane
299: CGameEffect->ChaosShield
300: CGameEffect->NPCBump
301: CGameEffect->CriticalHitBonus
302: CGameEffect->UseAnyItem
303: CGameEffect->Assassination
304: CGameEffect->ResurrectParty
305: CGameEffect->Thac0Left
306: CGameEffect->Thac0Right
307: CGameEffect->Tracking
308: CGameEffect->ImmuneToTracking
309: CGameEffect->SetLocalExternal
310: CGameEffect->ImmunityToTimeStop
311: CGameEffect->Wish
312: CGameEffect->ImmunityToSequester
313: CGameEffect->HighLevelAbility
314: CGameEffect->StoneSkinsGolem
315: CGameEffect->DoNotDraw
316: CGameEffect->Rest
317: CGameEffect->Haste2
/* END ToB */

Creature uninterruptible, indeed!

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I just want to know how somebody got "creature uninterruptible" from "Immunity to turn undead." C'mon, people, let's just make shit up!


It's already known which ones do and don't work for the majority of effects; the rest are ToB or stat modifiers that don't have an immediately apparent effect. I'm hoping that "ExistanceDelayOverride" or "NPCBump" will help people figure out these effects better than "Sound MN" or "formerly thought to remove creature on death."


List dedicated to Avenger.


EDIT: Yes, I'll likely test at least some of them, now that it's known what they're supposed to do.

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Yeah, this list is helpful, i guess you got it from the debug headers of the exe :)

It was a good idea to look for them.


Ok, Dither remained Dither, but what is it :party:

To separate the oat from the chaff, here is the list of the crashing effects (the rest are duplicate effects) :)

CGameEffect->Crash: 61 (alchemy in iwd2), 260, 312


Hmm you got name for 312, but i think it crashes, always.

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Both dither and visual animation effect are legit, but they have no noticeable effect in-game. It doesn't enable persistent dithering (I though maybe if dithering was disabled and they always wanted an actor dithered), and doesn't change the appearance of anything that I can tell. Visual animation effect is similarly useless. They may be left over from BG or merged in from ID, or just ended up being not worth maintaining (or it's just a low-level effect not really meant to be run from ApplyEffect()).


I thought 312 was pretty cool (it should always crash); I have no idea what they could be referring to by "sequester" (maybe something cut from ToB, or immunity to effects that would remove the creature from the map like maze or imprisonment or something).


Names for the ToB stat modifiers is the best bit of information; since everything in that list is spot on with what is already known, I imagine the unknowns do exactly what they say (and, if not, likely don't work at all). It's also fun to see how BioWare referred to all the various effects, I guess.

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300 NPCBump instead of 'Deactivate Dead Creature' is pretty big difference.

And it sounded so 'official'. I have some idea what this could be: sometimes npcs are moving when you bump into them sometimes they don't. Maybe this effect controls it?

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That's what I'm thinking. PCs can push each other out of the way, but NPCs can't do this. So it may allow PCs to push them out of the way, or allow them to push PCs out of the way, or allow them to push other NPCs out of the way.


I plan to check this with MoveToObject() (since they'll want to move to the exact object location, they usually just bump together and fidget for awhile as the calling object tries to get to the exact point).

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You missed 317, isn't it ImprovedHaste?
Yeah, there was a "Haste2" effect that I dropped (I assumed it was just a special case for Haste type 2), so that may have been it (it wasn't in order, though, so I don't know).


Hmm, looking into the exe i did not find these strings, so where exactly you got them from?
PEF, the old Mac object file format, is quite a bit different, and eminently readable.


This stuff seems to be the mirror of the ancestor of iesdp, and this one mentions #186 as AddToArea with correctly decyphered parameters.
I've had a few things from there to check for ages now. Of course, I haven't yet checked any of them.
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There's only a Mac version of ID (no HoW, P:T, or ID2). I can get the opcode list eventually, but I'll have to install ID, so it may be awhile.


I've updated the list to show the cutoff for TotSC (the list is identical; TotSC ends with 191). I'll try to get the cutoff for BG and SoA when I get around to it.

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From what I recall, opcode 101 doesn't protect from opcodes embedded in .eff files.
This is false.


There's only a Mac version of ID (no HoW, P:T, or ID2). I can get the opcode list eventually, but I'll have to install ID, so it may be awhile.
Unfortunately, ID stores this data differently, so there will be no list (either that or they rewrote large chunks of IE in C). Sorry.


I went ahead and updated the list for BG and SoA. BG may actually contain #176; I'd have to test to see, and I won't be doing that.

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