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Future plans and your wishlist


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Am I the only one who will dump him to live a happy life with Jaemal? ;)

That will be the first and the last time I will play an evil character in IWD2 and as much as I adore your work Domi, I just have a hunch I will have problems with romancing Diriel - it's disturbing for me to roleplay someone who will actually agree with him ;)

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That will be the first and the last time I will play an evil character in IWD2


Same for me, and it will be hard (I always play good, never even played neutral) but maybe it'll be the chance to pick the dialog options that I always wished I could say yet didn't fit my character. ;) I'm sure Diriel will bring out the best in my character... ;)

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Well, seeing that Diriel as a genocidal mainac elf was interesting as a character, I thought it would be more unusual and interesting RP wise to play the PC who is thinking (or can be convinced to think) in the same vein, because it is not common. And, yep, there are Rizdaer and Jaemal, and that means that the PC has choices. ;)

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That uh... that was me.




Lord knows WHY I love that evil bastard, but I do. I think its the fact that he isn't 2D, Domi gave him a personality, likes and dislikes, and actually made him a rather devoted fiancee and father-to-be. You don't see people developing evil characters like that often.


It makes me want to hug him ^_^

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Hmm, actually, you are making a good point - the romance I think does give more facets to Diriel -though I still think they are very much extension of his controlling and planning personality- and it definetly allows him to expand on his cause (something he is not likely to do with Sir Nord).

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Well THAT'S a given ^_^ And any woman who could really love him would have to understand that she may be in some ways a potential pawn. However, you can still feel the love in the relationship, and even if he is evil, it must be nice for him to have someone there to lean on a little bit after working alone for so long, and having a wife and son to fight for has got to make things a little easier on his spirit.


Not sure about the rest of the characters out there, but my wonderful little sorcerer was quite willing to play Lady MacBeth ^_^


And besides...


Can you really BLAME him for wanting to kill all humans? Hell... sometimes I wanna do it even ^_^

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Finally ended the game... and I have one little note about Salomeya.


You know, I gave her the robe of the traitor in Targos - yeah, the one who was masking for a beggar. And Salomeya said nothing, which is IMO quite strange, 'cause I'm sure I saw Diriel commenting something with her and saying that she's sulky if she can't change her clothes thrice a day. And such person should have nothing to say when I'm forcing her to wear rags?

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