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Beneficial effects from the Deck of Many Things can fail due to Magic Resistance and/or Globe of Invulnerability

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Several beneficial effects that can be obtained from the Deck of Many Things can fail if the user has a high Magic Resistance and/or if he is encased in a Globe of Invulnerability. Most of the effects which fail due to this are merely cosmetic but some permanent stat bonuses can also be lost this way. Here's the fix:


// The beneficial effects of the Deck of Many Things should bypass the user's Magic Resistance and/or Globe of Invulnerability

COPY_EXISTING ~spin606.spl~ ~override~	 // DECK_SUN (Party gains 300,000 Experience Points)
		  ~spin607.spl~ ~override~	 // DECK_JESTER (The user gains 50,000 Experience Points)
		  ~spin609.spl~ ~override~	 // DECK_GEM (The user gains several gems)
		  ~spin610.spl~ ~override~	 // DECK_FATES (The user gains a +1 bonus to all stats for 1 day)
		  ~spin611.spl~ ~override~	 // DECK_COMET (The user gains a permanent 5% increase to Fire Resistance)
		  ~spin618.spl~ ~override~	 // DECK_MOON (The user gains a permanent increase of 10 Hit Points)
		  ~spin619.spl~ ~override~	 // DECK_THRONE (Party gains 1,000,000 Experience Points)
		  ~spin621.spl~ ~override~	 // DECK_KEY (The user gains a Ring of Protection +3)
 READ_LONG  0x64 "abil_off"
 READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
 READ_LONG  0x6a "fx_off"
 FOR (index = 0 ; index < abil_num ; index = index + 1 ) BEGIN // cycle through abilities
READ_SHORT  ("%abil_off%" + 0x1e + (0x28 * "%index%")) "abil_fx_num"
READ_SHORT  ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + (0x28 * "%index%")) "abil_fx_idx"
FOR (index2 = 0 ; index2 < abil_fx_num ; index2 = index2 + 1) BEGIN
  WRITE_BYTE ("%fx_off%" + 0x03 + ("%index2%" * 0x30)) "0" // power: 0
  READ_BYTE  ("%fx_off%" + 0x0d + (0x30 * ("%index2%" + "%abil_fx_idx%"))) "dispel"
  PATCH_IF ("%dispel%" != 0) BEGIN
	WRITE_BYTE ("%fx_off%" + 0x0d + (0x30 * ("%index2%" + "%abil_fx_idx%"))) "2" // resist/dispel: 2

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