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About Lemernis

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  • Mods Worked On
    Keeping Yoshimo (story and dialogues)

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  1. Awesome! Thank you so much for posting this update! I’m really hoping that someone in this community will agree to sort of “adopt’ this mod as a coder! This is a well conceived, very fun, and relatively simple mod. Imho the story and dialogue for it are pretty well written. Again, if some kind soul takes a look at it and really likes it enough to become an adoptive parent perhaps it can be improved with a self-installing feature that users will presumably appreciate.
  2. The mod needs a Weidu installer if I understand correctly. If someone with coding skills has time, energy, interest, and motivation to do that?…
  3. I can’t say just how grateful I am to the mods here for holding onto this mod, lol! Looking in on this nearly a decade later, I’m shocked—but also pleased as can be—that this mod has survived after all these years. Because it really was a blast to be able to keep Yoshimo for the entire saga. That’s pretty much all this mod did. It kept it simple. It included some dialogue that allows Yoshimo to avoid going to Spellhold and thereby he avoids getting killed. It then has Yoshimo rejoin after Spellhold. And later on in the adventure it provides one battle that was pretty damn fierce and dropped a really nice enchanted katana. And that was about it. But I really liked it. Yoshimo becomes a total beast by the end of BG2 and ToB, a real badass. But of course just about every class that gets to that level is. Anyway, I have zero coding skills. I wrote the story and dialogue for it. Icendoan originally coded it. Then later Crevsdaak tweaked the code for EE and bug stomped a bit. Both Icendoan and Crevsdaak are long gone from the community as far as I can see. But as far as I know, I’m sure Keeping Yoshimo could use some TLC from someone that can actually code. Anyone at all that has the coding skills and the interest please let me know! I just ask that no changes be made to story or dialogue—at least not without consulting with me, please. I’m open to changes there too, but that can be discussed if someone is interested in toning this thing up, etc.
  4. Thanks to the labors of CrevsDaak Keeping Yoshimo has been resurrected and is now available for download for both PC and Mac, both for the original game and the Enhanced Edition. See this post for downloading the newest version. Extract the contents of the zip folder to the folder in your BG2 or BG2EE directory that contains CHITIN.KEY. (For example, for my installations those were C:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate 2 for original BG2 and C:\Program Files (x86)\BeamDog\Games\00873 for BG2EE. But the location may vary depending on your installation.) Then run the "setup-7C#Yoshi" application to install. Please post bug reports here. And please post any compatibility issues with other mods that you encounter here. We'll be posting version updates in this thread from now on. For earlier version history see this thread. There is no new content for the mod—it is just now easily downloadable and available in all forms (i.e., updated for EE and Mac). But we're content with it as it stands. The mod's aims are modest, but we feel that it provides a satisfying experience. We encourage players to please give Keeping Yoshimo a try (especially with the Enhanced Edition) and report back about the experience so that we can get this mod finally moved to the released category. Thank you in advance if you can help by giving the mod a go!
  5. Please report any bugs you encounter with Keeping Yoshimo in this thread. Note also that we have a thread here for reporting compatibility issues with other mods. Thanks!
  6. Keeping Yoshimo is basically as finished as its going to get. But that said what is offers is plenty. We are moving (glacially) toward releasing it as finished. I've just been too busy IRL to playtest it, coming back to it now after quite a number of years. I would actually appreciate it very much if you can have a go with it and confirm that it all seems to be working properly. To install the mod follow the directions in this thread. Summary: Basically, you download this file: _Yoshi.zip And to install: simply rename a WeiDU.exe to Setup-#!Yoshi.exe and run it in your BG2 directory after extracting the attached files there.
  7. This definitely sounds fun, what the heck, count me in. I can't begin any work on it until at least late September, and spare time for me to work on it will be precious. But I'll do what I'm able, and the scope seems realistic.
  8. In the interest of actually getting the thing completed I think it would have to be a relatively short and sweet quest mod: Tamoko sends you to the Shou Lungian alchemist wizard (located somewhere in the city of Baldur's Gate, presumably) receive the sub-quest from the wizard to assemble the item's components gather components salted in existing areas throughout the game (such as the flesh golem cave, in Narcillicus Harwilliger Neen's inventory, etc; but at least one component should pose quite a challenge to obtain; an astute player will already have some of them by then; some should be placed in as-yet explored areas) deliver components to wizard, who crafts the firestick with them (Herbs and Potions Add-ins handled this sort of thing nicely) deliver crafted item to Tamoko and receive XP and gold - or not, i.e., choose to keep item versus collecting XP/gold (firestick sellable then to Sorcerous Sundries and/or Temple of Gond store for more money? or a nice store item trade? trade for some other new (custom) item held on 'reserve' that is even more valuable--means creating a new item for the mod, though) And some references that tie into the FR canon for Tamoko would add some extra texture. That'd be fun. I don't currently have the games installed. After I install BG:EE next month, I'll see if the modding bug grabs me. If so, I'll start roughing out a storyboard, write some dialog sketches, and so forth.
  9. Thanks, I'd be curious to see that thread. Not sure what I can actually do at this point time-wise, but I'm at least interested in the idea.
  10. Thanks Miloch! You've made me feel very welcome. *palm to forehead* re: EE conversion. Right-o. Been out of the swing of this stuff for four years. Okay, well, I may eventually try to get my feet wet with DLTCEP to fiddle with KY's dialogs and perhaps take another look at this mod's big battle. But I think it is safe to say there will be no new content for Keeping Yoshimo. As it stands, the mod does allow the player to experience what its like to keep Yoshimo to the end of ToB. I think the plot addition and writing to achieve that are at least passable, particularly given that nothing could be written to please everyone. Provided that KY runs bug-free, the mod's main objectives have been achieved. There just won't be any icing on the cake. From here on out, If I'm able to make the time to do any modding (and I really hope I do), it would likely be a brand new NPC mod.
  11. I haven't spoken with Icen in years, but based on our last communications (that neither of us had time to devote to the project any longer) I think it is safe to say that there won't be any further development of this mod. At one point we had thought to perhaps add a SoA encounter and ToB quest. But we ran out of steam and other demands in life took precedence, for us each, respectively. As long as this mod runs stably, I would call it finished. Or as finished as it's ever going to get, lol. If anyone wants to adopt Keeping Yoshimo and improve or expand upon it, we can talk. Now with BG:EE and BG2:EE I'm not sure what this mod's fate will be. I would imagine that all current BG series mods will need to be made compatible with EE's enhanced Infinity engine. I'm just this mod's story and dialog guy. I'm not a coder.
  12. It's been ages since I played the Keto mod, and honestly I don't remember any of its details beyond her perfoming in a bard competition in Imnesvale. But if the song Keto sings in that competition refers to Yoshimo and his death then I don't see how the two mods could ever be compatible. I'm looking through the TRA files... I haven't found the text for Keto's song, but it does appear that she is rather taken with Yoshi. I would not be surpised if she might in fact sing about him for her quest. She also has some lines with Kesley bemoaning his death... *** I'm still unable to find Keto's song, per se, as there's a huge amount of text. But from a number of lines it does seem clear that Keto essentially tells the "Ballad of Yoshimo," i.e., the story of his struggle with his conscience in betraying the party while under a geas. She formed a friendship with him and after he dies it becomes very important to her that the world understand what he was dealing with, and that he be remembered well. From everything I can see, Keto and KY are incompatible because her quest is dependent on Yoshimo dying per the vanilla story. *** Okay, I'll play devil's advocate for a moment on this: If Yoshimo never joins the party to begin with, Keto must have an alternate song to sing in the bard competition. Therefore, if Yoshi's death variable is not found then Keto will sing that alternate song. So just like any other conversation Keto has pertaining to Yoshi's death, here too if the death variable isn't found then the material written around his death simply wouldn't fire. I doubt that it would be particularly jarring for most players if the friendship between Keto and Yoshimo simply ceases after Spellhold. Players would still be able to enjoy Keto in all her other dimensions. And if Keeping Yoshimo is not installed along with Keto, then the mod would still work business as usual (again, assuming all conversations re: Yoshi's death are dependent on a check for his death variable). I can appreciate not wanting to compromise something so integral to the character by eliminating material that is so important to Keto. But if the above mentioned changes were made, for those who want the fullest possible Keto experience, then obviously they should not install Keeping Yoshimo along with Keto. So this would entail 1) the approval of the Keto mod team, obviously, and 2) a modder going though all Keto's conversations that pertain to Yoshimo's death and scripting them so that they fire if-and-only-if Yoshimo's death variable is found.
  13. I guess scripts for Keto's dialogues about Yoshimo's death might be adjusted to fire if-and-only-if the Dead("Yoshimo") variable is found. But then again, it sounds like a lot of content was written around Yoshimo's death because of the friendship Keto forms with him. I can see how the authors of Keto might not want to compromise their mod. It may just be best for them to be incompatible.
  14. Quest Pack has the following feature that could mess up KY: KY is scripted to have a Yoshimo conversation fire after Sanik is killed. It's the dialogue where Yoshimo asks to hide out in the Vulgar Monkey. So we could advise in the readme that this particular feature of Quest Pack is not incompatible; however do not assist Sanik in killing the assassin--let Sanik be killed. *** Note: a small point but IIRC it's not Sanik's death per se that is the trigger for that conversation by Yoshi. Rather it's the Innkeeper's last line "As you like" after Sanik is killed. But in Quest Pack if you rescue Sanik the innkeeper won't speak that line, he'll say something else. In any event, the mods are still incompatible if the party chooses to save Sanik.
  15. Banter Packs includes a dialogue between Imoen and Jaheira regarding Yoshimo's death. Hopefully it checks for the Yoshimo's death variable in order to fire. But if not, then that one dialogue (not the whole mod) is in conflict with Keeping Yoshimo.
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