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About Barachiel

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  1. Minor modded install setup (DLC Merger, BG1-UB, BG1 NPC Project, Aerie-in-BG1, Jastey's SOD Tweaks, Talents of Faerun, Tweaks Anthology, SCS, and The Picture Standard; in that order). Log file attached. ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Error-dw_talents-60100.log
  2. So I just installed this mod, with a few others, on BG1/SOD. Started a Paladin. The "protection from evil" ability that applies to the Paladin has a visual and auditory effect of an electrical field arcing around the character, going off... every 5 seconds. That... cannot be intentional, can it? And if it is, how do I make it stop?
  3. Thank you for this. PSTEE mods are as rare as chickens' teeth. Plus, as a Disco Elysium fan, I appreciate this in general.
  4. I am using Windows 11, which is the bane of my existence... Windows Defender HAS been a constant problem modding this game. I have to go and kill 2 settings in Windows Security just to get PI to even run, and they turn back on with every reboot. Just listing an exception has NOT worked. Do you happen to know what I'd need to do to get iconv.exe to work? EDIT: I did just go down the file path and check for the exe. It's not there. EDIT2: I did extract the archive anew, and it is there now. ... Probably Defender. EDIT3: Well, it installed properly this time. I did a an exemption for "iconv.exe" process to Defender before reinstalling. Maybe that did the trick. Thank you for your help.
  5. Me again. I'm trying to get your Ajantis BG2 mod to install with my EET setup, and Project Infinity is throwing out this error. Any ideas what I've done wrong? I'm assuming its a conflict with another mod, but I have no idea which one. WeiDU.log
  6. So forgive the stupid question. I'm looking at trying this mod for the first time. I use Project Infinity to install and setup EET. I have two other mods in my list, The BG1 NPC Project, and the Ajantis BG1 Expansion. I'm hitting a problem with trying to install these in PI. PI has rules that say that Brage's Redemption must be installed AFTER Ajantis. Another rule says Ajantis must be installed AFTER BG1 NPC. Simple so far, right? What's the problem? The problem is there's a third rule that BG1 NPC Project must be installed AFTER Brage's Redemption. That simply isn't possible, to my mind. Am I stupid? Is there some logical resolution to this I can't see? Or are these 3 mods simply incapable of being used together?
  7. ... That was it. I installed Notepad++ and just shotgunned file associations, and that was a HUGE freaking mistake. this is not the first time this has bitten me in the ass. Re-trying installation now. EDIT: Yup, that was the problem. Thanks for your help!
  8. Using Project Infinity. Suddenly, EET is uninstallable. I've stripped out everything but DLCMerger, EET, EETGUI, and EET_End, and I still get the same error over and over again. I've wiped my installation drives and redownloaded fresh just to be sure, and it still happens. Tried to attach my log file but apparently its 8 MB and too big. So here's the last lines. Creating 1 directory [data/eetWAV2.bif] will contain 2076 resources totalling 149888901 bytes Creating 1 directory [data/eetWAV3.bif] will contain 2652 resources totalling 149981972 bytes Creating 1 directory [data/eetWAV4.bif] will contain 2853 resources totalling 134845725 bytes Copying 1 file ... Appending to files ... 'EET.flag' file is used by WeiDU to recognize the installation as EET Copying 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying 1 file ... Input Error: There is no script engine for file extension ".vbs". Copying 1 file ... ERROR: error loading [EET/temp/EET.lnk] Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [EET core (resource importation)], rolling back to previous state Will uninstall 14485 files for [EET\EET.tp2] component 0. Uninstalled 14485 files for [EET\EET.tp2] component 0. ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "EET/temp/EET.lnk") PLEASE email the file Setup-EET.debug to K4thos (swit) Automatically Skipping [EET core (resource importation)] because of error. Using Language [English] [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] created, 271483 string entries NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS EET core (resource importation)
  9. I"ve hit a bug I'm assuming is this. I've snuck into the Crusade camp outside Bridgeport. My PC and Viconia and looping through their Discovery pop-ups over and over again, infinitely. <CHARNAME> : You have witnessed the blessing of one of Caelar's priests Viconia: That blessing may have boosted morale but that's all it did. I'm paraphrasing. Even leaving the map, resting and returning, doesn't fix it. It's essentially broken the entire map for me. I reloaded to before going into the crusader camp and am now avoiding it at all costs. Using version 0.7f EDIT: So I learned the event only triggers at night. I can visit in the day without issue. I did try to see the event the "proper" way, i think, by talking to the one crusader and "waiting" for time, but the problem triggered there, too.
  10. I found the culprit, with the help of nice people on the Infinity-Engine discord. Seems "SOD2BG2EE Item Upgrade" did something to Faerie Fire that was causing the issue. Rather than find out what else it might have borked, I just removed the mod. Issue solved.
  11. Okay, I don't know how to do this changelog thing you're talking about, as I've not use NI before, but opening up the SPL section, I've found 4 scuffed spells. *CDHLSY32.SP *OHDCUT01.SPL *SPSD03.SPL *SPWM199.SPL Interesting, none of these four are showing the same botched lines as the one in question, so that means its still unaccounted for. I do know that SCS reported 5 namespace errors when doing its thing. 4 found + 1 missing == 5.... When I searched for the string of text, I found it in the dialog.tlk file, obviously, and when doing a search for references, limited to SPLs, i got an error about SPPR100.SPL being Null, and no results.
  12. I'm sorry I posted my Weidu.log but its not showing up for some reason, let me try again. When I go to edit my post, it magically appears, but when I finish it, it goes back to only show the first file. WeiDU.log
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