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Brainstorm Request - Inspiration for Friendtalks


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You don't need a high strength to pick up somebody bigger than you are. Most women are perfectly capable of picking up their men-folk and carrying them for short distances... though perhaps a 30-pound halfling might have trouble picking up a full-sized human.
Well, yes, you *do* need a high strength to pick up something that weighs more than you, nevermind carrying it a distance. This is one rare instance where the game tables (strength weight allowances) might actually approximate reality, in that only exceptionally strong (18+) characters can carry over 200 lbs. Good luck finding an piggy-back animation though :). Might actually be easier to simulate horse riding.
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Well, yes, you *do* need a high strength to pick up something that weighs more than you, nevermind carrying it a distance.

I can pick up my 190 pound fiance and carry him to the end of the block. It would have been easier if he would have stopped wriggling and just climbed on my back instead of making me wrestle him into a fireman's carry first, though. Long story, but domestic abuse was not involved. :)


Sorry about the derailment.


I do acknowledge that when it comes to carrying weight all day, PnP strength tables are probably spot on.

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I was kinda thinkin' for a Halfling a higher strength may be necessary given the small stature makes it difficult to balance such a large person, moreso if Aran is resisting, especially if both are burdened with packs. But of course you're right Berelinde, women-folk can carry men-folk. For instance I, a woman-folk, have, in my youth, done it many times with guys far bigger and heavier than myself and, oddly enough, they are always shocked by it. Lugging them up 4 flights of stairs is no easy feat! but certainly doable. Never done it with them in armour nor wearing packs though... But Miloch is right too, it can't be carried on for a prolonged period of time. I also think the carrier's physique comes into play too. A naturally 'stronger' build would make it easier than a naturally 'less-strong' build. At least, that has been my experience. A lot of my school compatriots, even male, wouldn't have been able to carry their buddies up all those stairs.


But given it is more of a fun RPG thing, I'm leaning toward the notion of the technical aspects of piggy-backing aren't really all that important. Fun trumps physics and so on...


While having it animated would be completely awesome... actually, nevermind. I was gonna say it was just meant to be a little flavour added to the conversation and nothing huge, but seeing that animated is just too awesome for words and I really want to see it! Cruel person for tempting me so! :)


My 2 shinny coppers for ya.


[edit: Berelinde beat me to it! But I guess it's good to have 2 separate cases of anecdotal evidence rather than only 1]

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Cool idea, and I played with it a bit... It got all tangled up in strength stat checks, then I got interested in the idea of a halfling with a Girdle of Giant Strength casually picking him up and holding him there with one hand while casually inspecting her nail polish... And then got even more tangled up in potions, spells, and finding some way of working it out.


At that point, I suddenly realized it doesn't have to be "real" or even realistic within the willing suspension of disbelief within game terms. What is funny is the idea, and the conversation, so I am starting over with a single sidebranch exploring that. Probably has to have side branches triggered by race, so the mental picture and conversational referent makes sense, but I think it is doable


(Miloch is the Animation Dude, but I think an animation is out of the question, as it would mean creating each one of the race/gender frames and hacking them in- way beyond anything I could do!)


Let me see what lunch break has in store for me tomorrow.

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I can pick up my 190 pound fiance and carry him to the end of the block.
Ha, I guess you must have a "high" strength :). Maybe not "exceptional" but certainly above average (and by PnP standards, no one has "exceptional" strength but "true fighters" and not even most of those).


Anyway, yeah. An animation would be a ridiculous amount of work, even if you could get away with having just separate "short" and "tall" racial animations (which the game pretty much does anyhow). If you were going to expend that sort of effort, it'd be much better to put it into making paletted equestrian characters with mounts, complete with combat animations and weapon overlays. How cool would that be? But an insane amount of work. Making a cutscene with a movie would doubtless be easier.


But anyway, again, yeah. Getting back somewhat to the "horse" talk, I reckon there should be an option (if there isn't already) where the response is: Why bother with horses when we've got boots of speed and possibly other artifacts (such as the infamous "Boots of the Bar") that can transport us halfway across the realms? And you wonder why all the horses we see are just munching grass rather than wearing harness and tack...

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At a2804 you refer to the PC as an elf in some of the responses, while the comment says halfling. Also some of the others.


"I might not say yes because you are a human, and I am an elf. "

That's the problem with trying to reduce the number of states. And it's a real pain that all of the races can't begin with consonants.


"I might not say yes. 'The human and the <PRO_RACE>' is just so cliche."

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Next try: I *think* I caught all the oddities over race, and I remapped and adjusted a few minor details (especially human and half-orc).


/* ToB 2 : "My kingdom for a horse." Complaints of walking. Everywhere. - Idea by Igneous */

IF ~Global("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a2764 // 7 options
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, this be just plain silly. Why in Gond's Great Gears do we have to be blighted walkin' everywhere?~
 ++ ~[PC] What does that have to do with my mission?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2765
 ++ ~[PC] I know it is slow and sometimes painful, but I don't see any alternatives.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2766
 + ~InParty("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ + ~[PC] We walk because we have feet. Did you want to try sprouting wings?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2767
 + ~OR(2)!InParty("Aerie") StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ + ~[PC] We walk because we have feet. Did you want to try sprouting wings?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2768
 + ~!Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Because you would get tired of carrying me on your back?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2772
 + ~Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",2)~ + ~[PC] Because you would get tired of carrying me on your back?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2769
 ++ ~[PC] I agree. We should get some horses. Do you know where we can get some?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + a2771
 ++ ~[PC] If there is some way I could support you on this, please, let me know. I just don't see any good alternatives to using our feet.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~  + a2770
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Just shut up and let's keep moving.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + tob_a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ */
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Less complaining, or I will cut out your tongue and use it as fishbait.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + tob_a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ */
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Were you talking, or did you just break wind?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfriendtob","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranfriendtimer","GLOBAL",ARAN_FTT)~ + tob_a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ */

IF ~~ a2765
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Well, it does, a bit. We could move a might faster, you know.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2770

IF ~~ a2766
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] I see a right fine set o' alternatives, I do...~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2770

IF ~~ a2767
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Blighted hells... keep your voice down, eh? I know Aerie has a mite bit more self confidence now, but th' whole wing thing most likely will bother her on some level for th' rest o' her life. No provokin' more waterworks, for all th' god's sake.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2770

IF ~~ a2768
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Now that would be a right fine joke, now, wouldn't it. I don't see where I'd be stuffin' a set o' wings in this here armour, that be for sure.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2770

IF ~~ a2769 // 7 options
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Do we be talkin' physically, or just metaphorically?~
 ++ ~[PC] Watch it, sellsword. I am an easy woman to understand. I *always* mean physically.~ + a2770
 ++ ~[PC] I can just see it, the two of us, battling dragons, me riding your shoulders, cuddled up around your head...~ + a2786
 ++ ~[PC] Do you even know what 'metaphorically' means?~ + a2770
 ++ ~[PC] I could try to ride your front, if you want, instead... but somehow I think that would be a little distracting. Especially when I kiss you.~ + a2787
 ++ ~[PC] It would be more romantic if you carried me in your arms, instead.~ + a2788
 ++ ~[PC] Don't you want to feel my thighs clasped firmly around you, holding on tight?~ + a2787
 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on, Aran.... give me a piggy-back ride!~ + a2789

IF ~~ a2770 // 6 options
SAY ~[C-ARAN] Look, we be one o' th' most powerful forces on th' face o' Toril, but do we ride horses around? Do we use one o' them flyin' Calimshan carpet contraptions? Do we summon levitation spells an' waft are way about, pretty as a feather? No. We blighted slog through th' crap like we was green recruits doin' basic trainin'. ~
+ ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2776
+ ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,11)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2777
+ ~ReputationLT(Player1,12) ReputationGT(Player1,8)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2778
+ ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2779
++ ~[PC] We would if we could. But we need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] Have you seen any horses to buy, or carpets to steal? Have you ever managed to cast a levitate spell that lasts for hours on end and doesn't subject us to the first strong wind blowing us into a ravine?~ + a2784
+ ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2776
+ ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,11)~ + ~[PC]  You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2781
+ ~ReputationLT(Player1,12) ReputationGT(Player1,8)~ + ~[PC]  You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2782
+ ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2783
++ ~[PC] I may be one of the most powerful forces on the face of Toril. You are just the smelliest.~ + a2784
+ ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now you are just whining. Shut up, or I will trade you in for something useful, like a smart-talking two-handed sword with delusions of grandeur.~ + tob_a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ */
+ ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Dear gods, you never shut up, do you?~ + tob_a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ */
+ ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] All I hear is whine, whimper, cry. Are you really a sellsword, or do you just play one at the Ten Taverns Amateur Acting Night?~ + tob_a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ */
 + ~Race(Player1,ELF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2799
 + ~Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2800
 + ~Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2801
 + ~Race(Player1,HALFORC)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2802
 + ~Race(Player1,GNOME)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2803
 + ~Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2804
 + ~Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2805

IF ~~ a2771
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Well, I might... but there be a big problem. I somehow think a horse might not last in that little plane o' th' hells you created. They might make th' trip, but keepin' 'em in their right mind might be dangerous.~
 ++ ~[PC] I could make it calming for them, I think.~ + a2773
 ++ ~[PC] Good point. So basically, horses are a bad idea.~ + a2773
 ++ ~[PC] Well, what about some of those flying Calimshan carpets? Do you have any sources for those?~ + a2774
 + ~Race(Player1,ELF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2799
 + ~Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2800
 + ~Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2801
 + ~Race(Player1,HALFORC)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2802
 + ~Race(Player1,GNOME)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2803
 + ~Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2804
 + ~Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2805
 ++ ~[PC] There is also that whole talk you gave me one night about how horses are force multipliers, but come with heavy costs.... food, care, and the fact that you become a big shiny monster target...~ + a2775
 ++ ~[PC] I do remember something about how keeping close to the ground and reducing the potential angles of attack made better tactical sense. In fact, I think you have said that about two hundred times.~ + a2775

IF ~~ a2772 // 6 options
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Do we be talkin' physically, or just metaphorically?~
 ++ ~[PC] Watch it, sellsword. Joking with me is gambling with Fate. Not many have bet against her and lived.~ + a2770
 ++ ~[PC] Physically, of course. I can just see it, the two of us, battling dragons, me riding your shoulders like a child...~ + a2770
 ++ ~[PC] Do you even know what 'metaphorically' means?~ + a2770
 ++ ~[PC] You carry your fair share of battles, Aran. I was only joking about with you.~ + a2770
 ++ ~[PC] I love a man with quick wit. When are you going to introduce me to one?~ + a2770
 + ~Race(Player1,ELF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2799
 + ~Race(Player1,HUMAN)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2800
 + ~Race(Player1,DWARF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2801
 + ~Race(Player1,HALFORC)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2802
 + ~Race(Player1,GNOME)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2803
 + ~Race(Player1,HALFLING)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2804
 + ~Race(Player1,HALF_ELF)~ + ~[PC] Oh, fine. You get on my back, and I will carry you.~ + a2805
 ++ ~[PC] I love a man with quick wit. It lightens my day. ~ + a2770

IF ~~ a2773
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] To be fair, this whole poppin' in an' out o' existence cuts down a fair bit on th' walkin'. I do remember traipsin' around a good deal more back when we didn't have no option like that.~
 ++ ~[PC] So why were you complaining?~ + a2775
 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2776
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,11)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2777
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,12) ReputationGT(Player1,8)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2778
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2779
 ++ ~[PC] I think of it as my home away from home, complete with butler. Hey I don't have to worry about you there! Nothing for you to break!~ + a2780
 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2776
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,11)~ + ~[PC]  You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2781
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,12) ReputationGT(Player1,8)~ + ~[PC]  You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2782
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2783
 ++ ~[PC] I am glad that having sections of my soul torn and ripping open the fabric of reality let you take it easy on your feet. Next time, it is your turn to be the primary target of a dead god and his minions.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Aran, there is an old Candlekeep saying... "Let not the reader complain of the words already enscribed, for they are the past. Let the knowledge in them carry the future forward".~ + a2785

IF ~~ a2774
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Well, I might... but there be a big problem. I somehow think a group o' us flyin' off between areas on a raft o' them contraptions might give away our position, an' make it a bit tougher to be stealthy. Plus, Dragons. They fly. Though it might cut down on th' number o' undead we run across... wait, nope. Vampires fly too. Blighted hells.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2773

IF ~~ a2775
 SAY ~[ARAN] I do guess we might bring up some problems wi' th' whole idea. I just don't like walkin' around. Everywhere. Constantly. Especially when there be wagons, carts, airships, magical equipment, boats.... well, you get th' idea.~
 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2776
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,11)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2777
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,12) ReputationGT(Player1,8)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2778
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] I am doing just fine on my own two feet.~ + a2779
 ++ ~[PC] I wish there were a better way, Aran. But I think we are stuck with just using our feet. It has served well enough for a long time now.~ + a2784
 + ~ReputationGT(Player1,16)~ + ~[PC] You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2776
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,17) ReputationGT(Player1,11)~ + ~[PC]  You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2781
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,12) ReputationGT(Player1,8)~ + ~[PC]  You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2782
 + ~ReputationLT(Player1,9)~ + ~[PC] You are doing just fine on your own two feet. Think of it as muscle maintenance.~ + a2783
 ++ ~[PC] Just think of how wonderful that footbath and massage will feel when you finally get a chance to indulge..~ + a2784  

IF ~~ a2776 // 5 to 6 options
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Right. I guess I be doin' too much grousin', on account o' you mostly do th' right thing by people. If you saw th' need, you would provide it.~
 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I figure you are smart, dextrous, and tough. A little walking won't kill you. It will make you stronger and more able to pick those locks and dodge those traps.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You may be wielding some decent magic now, but I always think it is good to stick to basics, too. You wouldn't want to lose all that fighting muscle, now, would you?~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The gods provide you with spells, but you have to be strong enough to carry the gear and protect yourself. There is no sense in taking the easy way out.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Just think of it as a necessary evil bound to the fighting profession. Besides, getting up on a horse makes you a much larger target, or so you have told me...~ + a2784  
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Have you seen any horses to buy, or carpets to steal? Have you ever managed to cast a levitate spell that lasts for hours on end and doesn't subject us to the first strong wind blowing us into a ravine?~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Plus, I tend to listen when a trusted military advisor says "no horses... too big, too hard to feed, to hard to heal, and too hard to keep quiet when a blighted great dragon comes swooping down on you. Wasn't it you who said "swooping is bad"? Or was it someone else?~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] It would be so much easier if you would just understand that I am right. Well, once I thought I was wrong, but it turns out I was mistaken, so I was actually right.~ + a2784

IF ~~ a2777 // 6 to 7 options
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] You know, sometimes it be more than about you, eh? You do right by most folks, I know. But this walkin' business, it don't seem like you are lookin out for th' party.~
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now you are just whining. Shut up, or I will trade you in for something useful, like a smart-talking two-handed sword with delusions of grandeur.~ + tob_a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ */
+ ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Dear gods, you never shut up, do you?~ + tob_a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ */
+ ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] All I hear is whine, whimper, cry. Are you really a sellsword, or do you just play one at the Ten Taverns Amateur Acting Night?~ + tob_a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ */
 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] A little walking won't kill you. It will make you stronger and more able to pick those locks and dodge those traps. You don't have to sulk about it.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You may be wielding some decent magic now, but you wouldn't want to lose all that fighting muscle, now, would you?~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The gods provide you with spells, but you have to be strong enough to carry the gear and protect yourself. If you don't like it, you could try praying for some support.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I thought you said getting up on a horse makes you a much larger target, and that flying opponents are much more vulnerable.~ + a2784  
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Have you seen any horses to buy, or carpets to steal? Have you ever managed to cast a levitate spell that lasts for hours on end and doesn't subject us to the first strong wind blowing us into a ravine?~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] It sounds more like you are just grumbling about your feet, and not really thinking things through. I think I have proven that I look out for more than my own interests.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] That isn't fair at all. I talk to you, and I take your ideas into consideration. This isn't about me, or my needs. If I could have found alternatives, I would have.~ + a2784

IF ~~ a2778 // 6 to 7 options
SAY ~[C-ARAN] That would figure. Another way to torture me an' still make it be all about you.~
+ ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now you are just whining. Shut up, or I will trade you in for something useful, like a smart-talking two-handed sword with delusions of grandeur.~ + tob_a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ */
+ ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Dear gods, you never shut up, do you?~ + tob_a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ */
+ ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] All I hear is whine, whimper, cry. Are you really a sellsword, or do you just play one at the Ten Taverns Amateur Acting Night?~ + tob_a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ */
+ ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Walking will make you stronger and more able to pick those locks and dodge those traps, doing my bidding. You don't have to sulk about it.~ + a2784
+ ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You may be wielding magic now, but I don't want to have you lose all that fighting muscle.~ + a2784
+ ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The gods provide you with spells, but you have to be strong enough to carry the gear and protect yourself. If you don't like it, take it up with them. Until then, stop crying about it.~ + a2784
+ ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Your words, your analysis... you said getting up on a horse makes you a much larger target, and that flying opponents are much more vulnerable.~ + a2784  
++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] Have you seen any horses to buy, or carpets to steal? Have you ever managed to cast a levitate spell that lasts for hours on end and doesn't subject us to the first strong wind blowing us into a ravine?~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] I don't want to torture you, Aran. I want to make sure you are useful to my goals. If I make you suffer, it is for a reason.~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] If it were all about you, do you think I would be here?~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] True, all too true. After all, my usual day starts with squishing small squirrels, and wandering about thinking up ways to torture you and make your life miserable. Then I eat a hearty breakfast, and get to the job of making your life a living hell.~ + a2784

IF ~~ a2779
SAY ~[C-ARAN] I done forgot again. Everythin' be about you.~
+ ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now you are just whining. Shut up, or I will trade you in for something useful, like a smart-talking two-handed sword with delusions of grandeur.~ + tob_a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ */
+ ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Dear gods, you never shut up, do you?~ + tob_a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ */
+ ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] All I hear is whine, whimper, cry. Are you really a sellsword, or do you just play one at the Ten Taverns Amateur Acting Night?~ + tob_a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ */
+ ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Walking will make you stronger and more able to pick those locks and dodge those traps, doing my bidding. Think of it as job protection.~ + a2784
+ ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I won't have you lose all that fighting muscle. Spells will only take you so far, and I expect you to be both might and magic, if I am going to have a use for you here.~ + a2784
+ ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The gods provide you with spells, but you have to be strong enough to carry the gear and protect yourself. If you don't like it, take it up with them. Until then, stop crying about it.~ + a2784
+ ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You said getting up on a horse makes you a much larger target, and that flying opponents are much more vulnerable. Don't cry when I actually take your advice... be thankful I acknowledge that you are useful to me, in a minor way.~ + a2784  
++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] Have you seen any horses to buy, or carpets to steal? Have you ever managed to cast a levitate spell that lasts for hours on end and doesn't subject us to the first strong wind blowing us into a ravine?~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] Absolutely. And don't forget it again. A man who serves me well could accomplish many things. A man who annoys me could accomplish many things, but none of them would be the sort of thing they really want.~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] Don't make it be about you. There is only room for one leader.~ + a2784

IF ~~ a2780
SAY ~[C-ARAN] Funny, funny, funny. Don't trouble yourself none... I will find somethin' to break even there, by Tymora's Bright Coin. But I still think we could do better than usin' our feet.~
 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I figure you are smart, dextrous, and tough. A little walking won't kill you. It will make you stronger and more able to pick those locks and dodge those traps.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You may be wielding some decent magic now, but I always think it is good to stick to basics, too. You wouldn't want to lose all that fighting muscle, now, would you?~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The gods provide you with spells, but you have to be strong enough to carry the gear and protect yourself. There is no sense in taking the easy way out.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Just think of it as a necessary evil bound to the fighting profession. Besides, getting up on a horse makes you a much larger target, or so you have told me...~ + a2784  
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Have you seen any horses to buy, or carpets to steal? Have you ever managed to cast a levitate spell that lasts for hours on end and doesn't subject us to the first strong wind blowing us into a ravine?~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Plus, I tend to listen when a trusted military advisor says "no horses... too big, too hard to feed, to hard to heal, and too hard to keep quiet when a blighted great dragon comes swooping down on you. Wasn't it you who said "swooping is bad"? Or was it someone else?~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] It would be so much easier if you would just understand that I am right. Well, once I thought I was wrong, but it turns out I was mistaken, so I was actually right.~ + a2784

IF ~~ a2781
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] I suppose you be right. Most times, you are. But my feet get right sore, an' I don't have no other outlet than to complain, eh?~
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now you are just whining. Shut up, or I will trade you in for something useful, like a smart-talking two-handed sword with delusions of grandeur.~ + tob_a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ */
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Dear gods, you never shut up, do you?~ + tob_a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ */
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] All I hear is whine, whimper, cry. Are you really a sellsword, or do you just play one at the Ten Taverns Amateur Acting Night?~ + tob_a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ */
 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] A little walking won't kill you. It will make you stronger and more able to pick those locks and dodge those traps. You don't have to sulk about it.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You may be wielding some decent magic now, but you wouldn't want to lose all that fighting muscle, now, would you?~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The gods provide you with spells, but you have to be strong enough to carry the gear and protect yourself. If you don't like it, you could try praying for some support.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I thought you said getting up on a horse makes you a much larger target, and that flying opponents are much more vulnerable.~ + a2784  
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Have you seen any horses to buy, or carpets to steal? Have you ever managed to cast a levitate spell that lasts for hours on end and doesn't subject us to the first strong wind blowing us into a ravine?~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] I think we are better served by complaining only about things we can actually do something about.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] What is the use of complaining? The gods seem to have a strange sense of humor on that one. Complain too little, and they cause you mischief. Complain too much, and they give you more mischief.~ + a2784  

IF ~~ a2782
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] I suppose you might look at it that way, you havin' a mean streak an' all. Though I suppose I should be thankful you don't come up wi' more insidious ways o' makin' my life hell.~
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now you are just whining. Shut up, or I will trade you in for something useful, like a smart-talking two-handed sword with delusions of grandeur.~ + tob_a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ */
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Dear gods, you never shut up, do you?~ + tob_a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ */
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] All I hear is whine, whimper, cry. Are you really a sellsword, or do you just play one at the Ten Taverns Amateur Acting Night?~ + tob_a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ */
 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Walking will make you stronger and more able to pick those locks and dodge those traps, doing my bidding. Think of it as job protection.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I won't have you lose all that fighting muscle. Spells will only take you so far, and I expect you to be both might and magic, if I am going to have a use for you here.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The gods provide you with spells, but you have to be strong enough to carry the gear and protect yourself. If you don't like it, take it up with them. Until then, stop crying about it.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You said getting up on a horse makes you a much larger target, and that flying opponents are much more vulnerable. Don't cry when I actually take your advice... be thankful I acknowledge that you are useful to me, in a minor way.~ + a2784  
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Have you seen any horses to buy, or carpets to steal? Have you ever managed to cast a levitate spell that lasts for hours on end and doesn't subject us to the first strong wind blowing us into a ravine?~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Stop thinking. It makes it harder for me to control you, and therefore makes you less useful to my goals. I like you, Aran. I wouldn't want to have to get rid of you.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I thought about having you carry some rocks in your gear, just to toughen you up more, but I need you rested enough for combat. I may have my own interests at heart, but my interests do end up lining your pocket and making you more powerful, so it might be time to shut up and soldier, soldier.~ + a2784

IF ~~ a2783
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Figures. Right, right, got it... strength an' control gives th' biggest rewards. I should look for ways o' turnin' th' walkin' into an andvantage. None o' that soft goodie-twoshoes help th' other guy out... toughen up or get th' blighted hells out o' th' way.~
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Now you are just whining. Shut up, or I will trade you in for something useful, like a smart-talking two-handed sword with delusions of grandeur.~ + tob_a1919 /* c-aranshutup13 ~[ARAN] Lolth's Cruel Fingernails, you can cut a man down. Sure. Shuttin' up.~ */
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Dear gods, you never shut up, do you?~ + tob_a1920 /* c-aranshutup14 ~[ARAN] Umberlee's Fickle Breath, I'll shut my blighted mouth, then.~ */
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] All I hear is whine, whimper, cry. Are you really a sellsword, or do you just play one at the Ten Taverns Amateur Acting Night?~ + tob_a1921 /* c-aranshutup15 ~[ARAN] Malar's Sharp Teeth. Shuttin' up an' soldierin'.~ */
 + ~Class("c-aran",THIEF_ALL)~ + ~[PC] Walking will make you stronger and more able to pick those locks and dodge those traps, doing my bidding. Think of it as job protection.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL)~ + ~[PC] I won't have you lose all that fighting muscle. Spells will only take you so far, and I expect you to be both might and magic, if I am going to have a use for you here.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",CLERIC_ALL)~ + ~[PC] The gods provide you with spells, but you have to be strong enough to carry the gear and protect yourself. If you don't like it, take it up with them. Until then, stop crying about it.~ + a2784
 + ~Class("c-aran",FIGHTER_ALL)~ + ~[PC] You said getting up on a horse makes you a much larger target, and that flying opponents are much more vulnerable. Don't cry when I actually take your advice... be thankful I acknowledge that you are useful to me, in a minor way.~ + a2784  
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Have you seen any horses to buy, or carpets to steal? Have you ever managed to cast a levitate spell that lasts for hours on end and doesn't subject us to the first strong wind blowing us into a ravine?~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Stop thinking. It makes it harder for me to control you, and therefore makes you less useful to my goals. I like you, Aran. I wouldn't want to have to get rid of you.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Absolutely. You are learning. I have high hopes, for you, Aran. Either you will be a valuable asset, or a strong rival. I look forward to the day when you finally grow a spine, and I get to crush you back into submission.~ EXIT

IF ~~ a2784
 SAY ~[ARAN] You do have a good point there. I think I'd best be shuttin' up an' gettin' back to th' job at hand.~

IF ~~ a2785
 SAY ~[ARAN] It be a real surprise you survived that place. I like a simpler way o' sayin' it... 'Don't bother complaining - just fix it, kill it, or ignore it, and move on'.~
 = ~[ARAN] (mutter) Blighted hells... 'Let not th' Shar-kissed book-looker get <PRO_HISHER> panties in a twist, or <PRO_HESHE will blighted well use Cyric-Buggerin' fancy-pants phraseology an' bore th' livin' daylights out o' th' poor sod who just doesn't want his feet to hurt so bad...~

IF ~~ a2786
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Aye... it be all fun an' games, until th' wyrm strikes and we find ourselves a mite toasty main course! But on that walkin' thing...~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2770

IF ~~ a2787
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Now that be a right fine thought. Makes this armor feel a mite constrainin', but it still be one blighted wonderful thought. But on that walkin' thing...~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2770

IF ~~ a2788
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] I could do that. Only I might have a mite bit o' trouble carryin' on, as I would want to stop every few paces an' kiss th' livin' daylights out o' you. But on that walkin' thing...~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2770

IF ~~ a2789
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] I'd be right happy to, but I have enough gear on right now that it would be a sorry sight, me staggerin' around. Tell you what, next time we see a nice meadow, we'll try it out. Mayhap somethin' else will happen, too. But on that walkin' thing...~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2770

IF ~~ a2799 // ELF   
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] N'Tel’Quessir n'iarelia vodi Tel’Quessir, amin arwin alcarinqua vanima roche.~
 ++ ~[PC] You just blended three different Elven dialects, mispronounced 'horse', and I think in Waterdeep slang you may have just called me your gloriously beautiful sex toy. Perhaps you should quit while you still have a foot to put in your mouth.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] No, non-elves do not usually ride elves. Something about weight, body size, and general politeness. But you wanted alternatives to walking...~ + a2784
 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] The way you said that, it sounded like you want to escalate our relationship a bit, but are worried I might not say yes because you are a human, and I am an elf. Let me worry about both of those things, please.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Hmmmm. I think we have actually done that, if I recall... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] True. Unless you work it around the other way, in which case I think we have done that... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] You are so cute when you try to speak my language!~ + a2806
 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you.~ + a2806

IF ~~ a2800 // HUMAN   
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Well, now, a lad don't usually go about ridin' his lady's back, an'... blighted hells, that came out all wrong, didn't it?~
 ++ ~[PC] Why, Aran, you naughty boy. Did you just make a sly innuendo? Perhaps you should quit while you still have a foot to put in your mouth.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] No, you probaly would look a little silly. Something about weight, body size, and general politeness. But you wanted alternatives to walking...~ + a2784
 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] The way you said that, it sounded like you want to escalate our relationship a bit, but are worried I might not say yes. There is no harm in asking, you know.~ + a2806
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Hmmmm. I think we have actually done that, if I recall... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] True. Unless you work it around the other way, in which case I think we have done that... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Never doubt the strength of a determined woman. Or stand between her and chocolate.~ + a2806
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you.~ + a2806

IF ~~ a2801 // DWARF	
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Well, now, a lad don't usually go about ridin' his lady's back, an' there be a mite bit o' a size difference... blighted hells, that came out all wrong, didn't it?~
 ++ ~[PC] Why, Aran, you naughty boy. Did you just make a sly innuendo? Perhaps you should quit while you still have a foot to put in your mouth.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] No, you probaly would look a little silly. Something about weight, body size, and general politeness. But you wanted alternatives to walking...~ + a2784
 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] The way you said that, it sounded like you want to escalate our relationship a bit, but are worried I might not say yes because you are a human, and I am dwarven. Let me worry about that, please.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Hmmmm. I think we have actually done that, if I recall... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] True. Unless you work it around the other way, in which case I think we have done that... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Never doubt the strength of a determined woman. Or stand between her and a precious stone.~ + a2806
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you. Dwarven women are strong enough inside and out to hold the caverns of Toril on their shoulders.~ + a2806

IF ~~ a2802 // HALFORC   
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Well, now, a lad don't usually go about ridin' his lady's back, an' then... blighted hells, that came out all wrong, didn't it?~
 ++ ~[PC] Why, Aran, you naughty boy. Did you just make a sly innuendo? Perhaps you should quit while you still have a foot to put in your mouth.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] No, you probaly would look a little silly. Something about weight, body size, and general politeness. But you wanted alternatives to walking...~ + a2784
 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] The way you said that, it sounded like you want to escalate our relationship a bit, but are worried I might not say yes because you are a human, and I have orcish blood. Try me.~ + a2806
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Hmmmm. I think we have actually done that, if I recall... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] True. Unless you work it around the other way, in which case I think we have done that... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Never doubt the strength of a determined woman.~ + a2806
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you. Apparently, I have hidden untapped depths.~ + a2806
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you. Apparently I have hidden untapped depths... oops. That came out wrong, didn't it?~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you. Apparently I have hidden untapped depths....~ + a2808

IF ~~ a2803 // GNOME	 
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Well, now, a lad don't usually go about ridin' his lady's back, an' there be a mite bit o' a size difference... blighted hells, that came out all wrong, didn't it?~
 ++ ~[PC] Why, Aran, you naughty boy. Did you just make a sly innuendo? Perhaps you should quit while you still have a foot to put in your mouth.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] No, you probaly would look a little silly. Something about weight, body size, and general politeness. But you wanted alternatives to walking...~ + a2784
 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] The way you said that, it sounded like you want to escalate our relationship a bit, but are worried I might not say yes because you are a human, and I am a gnome. Let me worry about both of those things, please.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Hmmmm. I think we have actually done that, if I recall... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] True. Unless you work it around the other way, in which case I think we have done that... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Never doubt the strength of a determined woman. Or stand between her and a precious stone, or anything that resembles a stalagmite...~ + a2806
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you. Gnomish women are strong enough inside and out to hold the line with Gnomish men. You haven't seen stubborn until you have to tell your cousin that it is an hour past dinnertime and he has to put his tools away for the night...~ + a2806

IF ~~ a2804 // HALFLING  
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Well, now, a lad don't usually go about ridin' his lady's back, an' there be a mite bit o' a size difference... blighted hells, that came out all wrong, didn't it?~
 ++ ~[PC] Why, Aran, you naughty boy. Did you just make a sly innuendo? Perhaps you should quit while you still have a foot to put in your mouth.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] No, you probaly would look a little silly. Something about weight, body size, and general politeness. But you wanted alternatives to walking...~ + a2784
 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] The way you said that, it sounded like you want to escalate our relationship a bit, but are worried I might not say yes because you are a human, and I am a halfling. Let me worry about both of those things, please.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Hmmmm. I think we have actually done that, if I recall... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] True. Unless you work it around the other way, in which case I think we have done that... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Never doubt the strength of a determined woman. Or stand between her and something she covets.~ + a2806
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you. Halfling women may look small, but we always have a trick or two up our sleeves.~ + a2806

IF ~~ a2805 // HALF_ELF  
 SAY ~[C-ARAN] Well, now, a lad don't usually go about ridin' his lady's back, an' there be a mite bit o' a size difference... blighted hells, that came out all wrong, didn't it?~
 ++ ~[PC] Why, Aran, you naughty boy. Did you just make a sly innuendo? Perhaps you should quit while you still have a foot to put in your mouth.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] No, you probaly would look a little silly. Something about weight, body size, and general politeness. But you wanted alternatives to walking...~ + a2784
 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] The way you said that, it sounded like you want to escalate our relationship a bit, but are worried I might not say yes. Something about 'The human and the <PRO_RACE>' is just so cliche. Let me worry about that, please.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] Hmmmm. I think we have actually done that, if I recall... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] True. Unless you work it around the other way, in which case I think we have done that... you were very, very happy.~ + a2784
 ++ ~[PC] Never doubt the strength of a determined woman. Better yet, never doubt me, regardles of my state of determination.~ + a2806
 ++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
 + ~GlobalGT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",1) GlobalLT("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you. I have the strength of both human and elven blood flowing in my veins, and apparently I have hidden untapped depths.~ + a2806
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you. I have the strength of both human and elven blood flowing in my veins, and apparently I have hidden untapped depths... oops. That came out wrong, didn't it?~ + a2784
 + ~Global("c-aranintimate","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] I don't mind, really. Hop on, and I will carry you. I have the strength of both human and elven blood flowing in my veins, and apparently I have hidden untapped depths....~ + a2808

IF ~~ a2806
[ARAN] I just got a mental image o' you hoistin' me over your head wi' one hand, an' daintily blowin' on your other hand's fingernails, yawnin' at th' next monster we encounter.~
++ ~[PC] Stranger things than that have already happened to us.~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] A few spells, a Belt of Giant Strength, and I might do more than just lift you up. Aran-tossing contest, anyone? Things could get very interesting...~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] I many not have always know what I really am capable of, but so far I seem to be doing the unexpected on a daily basis!~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] We need to concentrate on basics. Feeding and protecting animals, securing magical items, all of that distracts from our mission. We can't expend magic on things that we can do with our own two feet.~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] I think I would much rather you carry me. I think I would be very happy and safe in your arms.~ + a2784
++ ~[PC] Oh, you are so silly!~ + a2784

IF ~~ a2807
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now look who be makin' sly innuendo! Your depths might be untapped, but by Sune's Lips it is not for th' lack o' me tryin!~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2806

IF ~~ a2808
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now look who be makin' sly innuendo! I do think we done explored some o' those depths, m'lady. unless all that noise you were makin' was snorin'?~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2806

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a2785: The <PRO_HESHE> tag needs to be closed.


a2800: "probaly" should be "probably". Present in a2801, a2802, a2803, a2804, and a2805 as well.


a2805: "regardles" should be "regardless".


a2808: "unless" needs to be capitalized.


Also, one of the "hidden, untapped depths" options in a2802 and a2805 should be linked to a2807, probably the first of the three options in each.

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a2770: The word "crap" might be better replaced by something more suitable for people living in the Forgotten Realms. The only Realms term I know for feces is "collops," so there's at least one alternative.


Just a thought, especially as "crap" derives from a real person from our own history :)


- E

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Do we summon levitation spells an' waft are way about, pretty as a feather? No. We blighted slog through th' crap like we was green recruits doin' basic trainin'.
I think any slang you might use there (whether FR-appropriate or not) just sounds a bit odd... something a bit more descriptive might sound better:
Do we summon levitation spells an' waft our way about, pretty as a feather? No. We blighted slog through every hedge an' thicket like we was green recruits doin' basic trainin'.
(also are => our).
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