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About Aquadrizzt

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  1. Tested one of the non-hardcoded projectiles listed here (magicmis.pro [id:205]) and changed it to use a different bam. A spell using magicmis.pro correctly updated to the new projectile.
  2. And here is the behavior from the hardcoded projectile indices identified by @Bubb. I tested these by configuring Magic Missile (spwi107.spl) to only have its damaging effect and changing it's projectile to the index+1 for each. I then loaded into game and cast Magic Missile on Morte in the Smoldering Corpse bar, with Grace nearby to check for allied AoEs.
  3. Here is a list of all of the projectiles referenced in spl, itm, eff, and other pro files in PSTEE.
  4. Well, turns out I was able to kinda answered my own question. Turns out that while many of the projectiles in PSTEE are hardcoded (including any that the game itself references), you can, if you properly update PROJECTL.ids, add new projectiles that would behave however you desire. This is incredible!
  5. Is there anyway to simulate the effects of an AoE projectile without having a projectile with the appropriate AoE shape that you want? Planescape EE's projectiles are hardcoded (even the NI accessible ones) but being stuck with only a handful of well-behaved .PRO files has really limited what I can do. Is there some way to apply a spell to, say, every creature with melee range of the target creature without using a .PRO file to do so?
  6. That's unfortunate, but I guess I'll find a way to work around it. Thanks for the confirmation before I wasted even more time trying to figure out if I had messed something up! I'm curious what you mean by the spell system though? Do you mean the stuff like Chromatic Orb and Spiritual Hammer?
  7. Has anyone successfully added projectiles to PSTEE (via ADD_PROJECTILE, etc) or edited the existing projectiles in a way that manifests in game? My installer runs but when I try to use a spell referencing one of my added projectiles, I instead get a random projectile-based spell, seemingly without any reason (e.g. no obvious bit shifting issues). For example, the first new projectile I added also triggers the full casting of Rune of Torment when I use it, and the second projectile I added triggers Blacksphere. I also tried editing some of the projectile files directly (e.g. reducing the radius on SPPR101.pro from 597 to 0) and observed no change in spell behavior. Does this mean that the projectiles are just hardcoded/inaccessible? If so, is there a way around it?
  8. I am currently trying to "un-hardcode" Planescape Torment's Fist of Iron effect (bonuses to hit and damage with your Fist weapon). I have added an effect to the spell with opcode 183 (effect when itemtype equipped) targeting Fist weapons with a duration of 60. The subeffect applies a +2 bonus to AC, which I can see register automatically when I switch between my Fist weapon and a dagger. My problem is currently that the AC bonus only lasts a few rounds at most (somewhere between 2 and 4), regardless of how I configure the duration of the applying effect (183) or the subeffect file. Anyone have experience with this opcode in the EEs?
  9. Yeah I was poking around with that and didn't realize reslocator was the link between the resrefs defined in the .key file and the actual file contents contained in the .bif files. Thanks.
  10. I'm looking at extracting data directly from .bif, .key files (much in the way utilities such as NI would), and I'm wondering where in the .key/.bif files the actual resrefs of the files are stored. For example, if the first entry of creature.bif contains data on random goblin number 3, where can I find said goblin's resref (which could look like RNDGOB3.cre)?
  11. Aquadrizzt


    I have a macro that I was using for a Planescape/IWD2 map conversion process that lets you submit an associative array and an IWD2 area and it will automatically convert all the IWD2 items over to the replacement items specified in the array (it actually also works on creatures). The random tables, however, have a bug in their code in the EEs that might present... difficulties (at least last time I checked). The random loot was always a very frustrating component of IWD/IWD2 anyway (although I'm sure that for some it was part of the appeal).
  12. Very helpful guide for those who haven't had to deal with version control. Good stuff.
  13. I've toyed around with a Campfire Supplies mechanic like the one in Pillars of Eternity, but I never got around to fine-tuning it. Another mechanic from Pillars is that you could also have resting in a real bed (at your stronghold or your inn) grants a small bonus to that character for 24 hours. Alternatively, you could also add distinct "checkpoints" throughout dungeons that allow your party to rest there once (e.g. the bedroom next to the Golems in the De'Arnise keep, for example). Instead of limiting rests, maybe one could implement penalties for taking too long to complete content. Say, once you arrived at the De'Arnise keep, you have 24 hours (2 rests + adventuring time) to resolve things before moderate penalties (e.g. harder encounters etc.) occur. After three days, expect not only even harder encounters while in the Keep, but also less gratitude/rewards upon resolution (possibly including Nalia not remaining in your party without some degree of quest resolution and Charisma checks). If the problem isn't solved after a week, Nalia tells you off and finds other, more capable adventurers (preventing you from ever acquiring Nalia as a party member, the Keep as a stronghold, and any remaining loot). To be honest, I think the idea of a living world where conflicts evolve with or without your presence would do a lot to 1) scale the difficulty of the game more appropriately (e.g. content left until later would be harder anyway because of the added monsters etc) and 2) make the game world feel more alive and less like it's waiting for you to complete it.
  14. I'm currently working on a mod that requires the patching of all "learn spell" headers of arcane scrolls to also update a few other character stats. I have a list of scrolls to iterate over, but I am not entirely sure how to approach the actual code. So, the code needs to detect which of the scroll's headers is the "learn spell from scroll" header, and then add several 326 effects to only that header without replacing the learn spell effect. No idea how to really approach this though, and I would rather not have to engage in more bit editing than I already have to.
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