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GemRB on the Nexus 7


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so, fortunately, setting up gemrb with bg1 was pretty easy for me on the nexus 7. i used the google play version here:




so far, this seems to be the only version ( that works for me. i tried more updated versions, but they all just seemed to crash back to the home screen.


also, the instructions here:




were immensely helpful for getting widescreen working, in resolutions larger than 640x480.


i followed steps 1-5 in the above link, and admitted the ones after that (5,6) and i haven't gotten to the hardware mapping yet.


if you're trying to get this working on your nexus 7, make sure everything works with a resolution of 640x480 set in your gemrb.cfg first. then follow the instructions in the above link.


fyi: the nexus 7 has a screen resolution of 1280 x 800.


it's important to note that gemrb will close back to the home screen unless you specify in your gemrb.cfg a resolution that is LESS than 800 pixels tall. the reason for this (as far as i can figure) is that the navigation bar on the nexus 7 is 64px tall, so you have to account for this (subtracting it from the total resolution), otherwise gemrb thinks the resolution is set too high and won't start.


sooooo... instead of setting your resolution in the gemrb.cfg to 1280x800, you have to set it to 1280x736 in order for it to work. it seems that setting a resolution any less will break the layout and any more will make the game not start.


that being said, it seems that everything is working perfectly at the moment, with the exception of one small issue:




it seems that the dialog is taking up less than half the dialog area, instead of taking up the whole area. this is workable for now, but id surely appreciate it if anyone had any ideas as to how i could fix this. thanks!

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The latest versions run fine on the Nexus, you just need to have the paths correctly set. I used the widescreen patch to set display to 800 480, and installed in the latest mods for BG2. The latest version runs a little choppier then the older ones, but most of the problems from earlier versions have been fixed. This is my GemRB



# #

# This is the GemRB Configuration file. #

# Here are defined some default parameters for #

# basic configuration and paths definition. #

# #

# Parameters are defined as a Name=Value pair #

# The Value can be of three types: #

# - String #

# - Integer #

# - Boolean #

# #

# The String value is represented as follows #

# i.e. H:\GemRB\plugins #

# Integers are defined as follows #

# i.e. 12723 #

# Booleans are represented as 1 or 0 in this file #

# #

# Lines starting with # are ignored #

# #




# #

# Game Type [string] Use one of the following #

# values: #

# #

# auto Attempt to autodetect game type #

# #

# bg1 Baldur's Gate #

# bg2 Baldur's Gate 2 : SoA or ToB #

# tob Baldur's Gate 2 : ToB (obsolete) #

# iwd IceWind Dale (no How or ToTL installed)#

# how IceWind Dale : HoW or ToTL #

# iwd2 IceWind Dale 2 #

# pst Planescape Torment #

# (More will come) #

# #






# Game Name [string] Title for GemRB window, use #

# anything you wish, e.g. Baldur's Gate 3: RotFL #



GameName=Baldur's Gate 2



# Encoding [default|polish|czech] Language used by #

# game data. Except of polish BG1, leave disabled. #



# Encoding=default



# Video Parameters #


#NOTE: SCREEN width and height can NOT be ARBITRARY without installing the

# widescreen mod: http://www.gibberlings3.net/widescreen/

#Resolutions supported by the original games (gemrb) are:

# * 640x480 (except in iwd2)

# * 800x600 (bg2, iwd:how, iwd2)

# * 1024x768 (bg2, iwd:how, iwd2)

# * 1280x1024 (bg2, iwd:how, iwd2)


#Screen width



#Screen height



#Bits per pixel [integer:16,32]



#Fullscreen [boolean]



# Delay before tooltips appear [milliseconds]




# Audio Parameters #


# #

# All volume options are in percents, with 100 #

# being the normal and default volume #

# #



# Choices: openal (default), sdlaudio (faster, but limited featureset), none

#AudioDriver = openal


# Volume of ambient sounds

#VolumeAmbients = 100


# Volume during movie playback

#VolumeMovie = 100


# Volume of background music

#VolumeMusic = 100


# Volume of sound effects

#VolumeSFX = 100


# Volume of PC or NPC voices

#VolumeVoices = 100



# Case Sensitive Filesystem [boolean] #

# #

# If your installed game files are residing on a #

# case sensitive filesystem (ext2 on Linux) then #

# you need to set this value to 1, it has no #

# effect on Windows #






# GUI Parameters #


# #

# GemRB may enhance the GUI of the Infinity Engine #

# games (so far only in bg2) creating functionally #

# new buttons or scrollbars where they weren't #

# present in original games. It may improve its #

# usability, but is not quite compatible with #

# mods changing graphics and alignment in the *.chu #

# files (e.g. the buttons will appear in old #

# coordinates and may stop being clickable). #



# Enable all gui enhancements ? [integer]

GUIEnhancements = 15




# Debug #



# Do not play intro videos [boolean], useful for development



# Draw Frames per Second info [boolean]



# Hide unexplored parts of a map



# Enable debug and cheat keystrokes, see docs/en/CheatKeys.txt

# full listing




# Paths #




# Game Paths [string] #

# #

# These are the paths where the Game you want to #

# play is installed. #

# Enter the full path to the directory. #












# GemRB Cache Path [string] #

# #

# This is the path where GemRB will store the #

# cached files, enter the full path to the GemRB #

# Cache directory. #








# GemRB Save Path [string] #

# #

# This is the path where GemRB looks for saved #

# games. #

# Enter the full path to the directory containing #

# e.g. the 'save' subdirectory. #

# #

# You do not have to specify this if you use save #

# subdir in the GamePath directory. #



#SavePath=/mnt/windows/Programmi/Black Isle/BGII - SoA/


###### HERE BE DRAGONS #############################

# You shouldn't need to change any paths below this point.



# GemRB Path [string] #

# #

# This is the path where GemRB is stored, just #

# enter the full path to the GemRB executable #






# GemRB GUI Scripts Path [string] #

# #

# This is the path where GemRB GUI scripts are #

# stored, usually these are in the GemRB directory #

# Enter the full path to the directory containing #

# the 'GUIScript' subdirectory. #






# GemRB Plugins Path [string] #

# #

# This is the path containing GemRB plugins #

# - shared libraries (.so) on Unixes, or #

# DLLs (.dll) on windows. #

# Enter the full path to the directory. #

# #

# You may need to specify this path if running #

# GemRB from source directory on Linux. #






# Custom Font Path [string] #

# #

# This is the path where GemRB looks for non-BAM #

# fonts (ex TTF) #

# #






# Game Data Path [string] #

# #

# This is the subdirectory under GamePath where #

# game data files are stored. #

# #

# You probably do NOT want to specify this! #






# Game Data Override Path [string] #

# #

# This is the subdirectory under GamePath where #

# game data override files are stored. #

# #

# You probably do NOT want to specify this! #






# GemRB Data Override Path [string] #

# #

# This is the path where GemRB looks for the GemRB #

# data override directory. #

# #

# You probably do NOT want to specify this! #







# Input Parameters #



#whether or not to use software keyboard on devices that support one



#Adds a gutter around the screen for scrolling




# MouseFeedback #

# Bitfield with reserved bits for disabling #

# the mouse. Those bits cannot be set via config #

# #

# Show mouse+tooltips = 0 #

# Hide mouse = 1 #

# Hide tooltips = 2 #

# Hide mouse+tooltips = 3 #



# For a strictly touchscreen device we recommend

# Changing this to 3.


# default is 0




# Touch Gesture Input Parameters #

# Requires SDL 1.3 or later #

# All "NumFing" settings must be > 1 and < 5 #

# NumFingScroll and NumFingKboard cannot be equal #










# END #


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As Fearlessjay said 0.8 will run fine on your device, and we arent really going to be able to support older versions. That is incredibly out of date and was released by a 3rd party.


<p> </p>

<p>frankly, i have no idea how you got this (0.8) to run on your nexus. i've literally been at it for about 3 hours with nothing to show for it. i've tried every path combination from ./ to full (/storage/emulated/0/android/data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/files/) with no result whatsoever.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>also, the file locations vary wildly from 0.7 to the latest version, and every guide ive found on here has a different file path, or way of installing things, and frankly the documentation for android is either non-existent or a total mess. this is one of the reasons i posted this thread in the first place.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>a good example of how bad the documentation is for android is how to install the latest version from sourceforge. it says on the sourceforge page:</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Instructions for users: - install the latest gemrb apk - replace "GUIScripts" folder with the new one - copy the new "override" folder over the old one replacing files with equal names New builds are posted regularly.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>the gemrb apk installs a guiscripts folder and an override folder. do i use these? or, do i copy these folders from the latest release zip? it doesn't say, and neither worked for me anyways. also, there's <a class="name" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/gemrb/files/Other%20Binaries/android/GemRB-0.8.0-git-29f79da4.apk/download" title="Click to download GemRB-0.8.0-git-29f79da4.apk">GemRB-0.8.0-git-29f79da4.apk</a>, (<abbr title="2013-07-09 15:01:36 UTC">2013-07-09 - in the android folder) </abbr>and then there's <a class="name" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/gemrb/files/Other%20Binaries/android/0.8.0/gemrb-0.8.0-git-5aa84783.apk/download" title="Click to download gemrb-0.8.0-git-5aa84783.apk">gemrb-0.8.0-git-5aa84783.apk</a> (<abbr title="2013-05-24 22:45:06 UTC">2013-05-24 - in the 0.8.0 folder)</abbr>. which one to use? there's no clear "latest version" or "stable" or even an RC/beta/whatever.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>i even erased and uninstalled everything, then reinstalled gemrb, and i don't even get the SDL screen where it downloads additional components (like it does in the google play version) it just crashes out to the home screen like always. it's a freaking nightmare, and extremly frustrating.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>all i can get from aLogcat that seems even remotely useful is WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked (XX)ms (being the only problem i can see coming up).</p>

<p> </p>

<p>frankly, using the old version on google play is INFINITELY easier (about 10 mins to set up) than trying to use the latest version, so I'm going to stick with that, since it's 98% working, i just need to figure out how to extend the dialog screen to 100% instead of the 30% or so it's stuck at right now (see screen shot in my first post).</p>

<p> </p>

<p>if anyone could help me with that, i'd be most appreciative!</p>

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the instructions on the sourceforge page are for pre-0.8.0 versions, which I thought would be clear from the name: pre-0.8.0-readme. I've removed it now, since you obviously debunked my faith.


There are many path variants in the guides, since some devices handle their storage differently. GemRB doesn't care, it just needs to have access to the game files.


There's no sdl menu in 0.8.0 (sdl2).

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Punk, it is best to manually find the files, and then edit the gemRB yourself. All you need is the correct paths at the beginning, and the correct resolution. Also I've read that having anything in the cache folder at the beginning can cause problems. There is no added downloads now, the lost of SDL means you have to make sure everything is correct yourself. I've tried Planescape and BG2, and both work. Maybe post your GemRB, and we can help there.

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Look for a GemRB.log file. We have verbose errors to help you configure.


Oh, the last available build should put the fatal errors in your notification area too, so it's even easier.

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ok, so im giving this another try again, but still, a LOT of these problems could be solved with just a little bit of organization of the downloads area for android. for example, perhaps a "stable" and "nightlies" folders are in order, so that way, if someone says they're using the "latest version" you might know which one that is instead of wondering if it's the git, touch7, etc. there's literally SIX versions in the 0.8.0 folder, and no specification as to which one is stable, or if there is a stable version at all.


this time around, i decided to try the "gemrb-0.8.0.apk" from 2013-04-28. the first thing i noticed, was that it put a folder called gemrb in the root of my 'sdcard'. so i decide to copy the files over to the BG1 folder inside of it, and low and behold, it starts on the first try.


i tap past the intro videos which are pretty glitchy, but right before the main menu comes up it crashes to the home screen. i think, okay, i obviously need to adjust some settings in the gemrb.cfg file. i look around for it, and it's no where to be found. not in the gemrb folder, not in the BG1 folder, i can't find it anywhere. all i can possibly guess is that it's loading it from internal storage somewhere?


can someone tell me where it might be? also, can someone tell me which apk their using that 'works'? thanks!

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it boils down to the fact that those of us working most on the project at the moment aren't android devs. AFIK none of us even use GemRB on Android either.


The builds we have posted on SF weren't even built by us and often we dont know what commit they were built from (and they are almost always with ad-hoc tree changes) so we can manually add the commit hash to the upload so the most we have is an upload date to determine the "latest", not much we can do about that under the circumstances.


am android buildbot would help sort out the version problem, but nobody seems to be interested it appears. its still a bit non-trivial to build for android it seems, if somebody could patch it to compile on OS X I could run a slave myself.


GemRB has never been particularly friendly about reporting what causes failure on any platform that isn't running gem via CLI. the "latest" android build should at least post a notification about what went wrong tho... we would need a more skilled/commited android developer to truly address the issue for android, the (current) primary contributors aren't exactly android/java devs TBH.


Please if you see a way to improve the android/gemrb experience we are always looking for help; its likely the only/fastest way to get what you want.

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