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    GemRB, GemRB, DLTCEP, GemRB :)
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    Glory of Istar

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  1. You can use the breakable flag with 280 DestroyAllFragileEquipment(I:Type*Itemflag) If you really want. But in BG2(EE) the flag is reserved for something else. BG(2)EE gives you the option to define your own flags and destroy the items using this script action. (Like adamantite is done when returning from the underdark). The unused flags in itemflag.ids are free for scripters.
  2. Some effects couldn't have a permanent timing (1), because there is no field in the base creature to store it. Timing mode 1 effects are usually affecting the base stats then go away. They couldn't be dispelled. Considering that the code for this effect is a single line, and still be "dispellable", along with the rest of the immunities, by destroying the item it is carrying it, i think that was the optimal solution. I wouldn't call it a bug. So actually, any effect with timing mode 1 is not a permanent, but fire and forget. The real "permanent" effect is timing mode 9, which keeps the effect on the list until dispelled or removed by special effects. Those effects that are "'permanent" with timing mode 1 have a special code section to modify the base stats of the creature, then the effect is gone. Its change is permanent, because it modified the base stats, but it cannot be revoked, and the original setting of that stat is lost. Before the story mode was implemented, only a few monsters had this effect, so it was not needed to be a permanent creature flag. I think only IWD2 had this flag in the creature base stats.
  3. Yes, the EE didn't change that much. I think the only change there was to add IWD support while keeping everything else intact.
  4. It is probably because of TobEx. Maybe mention it too.
  5. What help you need with changing a +3 weapon to +1? Check out IESDP if you need knowledge of the file structures. If you just need an alternate version (+1) instead of (+3) make a clone with a changed bonus and price.
  6. You can rewrite the whole treasure table like in iwd, where the treasure resref is the first column of the table. Or stay BG compatible, then the row index is only one character. After the IWD resolution the BG style resolution is executed too. So in your IWD table you can have rndtre0X entries. No recursion, loop detection would be more difficult than the benefits. The IWD filename (root treasure table is: RNDTRES)
  7. You need to configure language in the 'weidu options'.
  8. Avenger


    The DragonLance Total Conversion Editor Pro ( DLTCEP ) is an unofficial game file editor/checker/browser for Infinity Engine games. Data file updates and technical support are available in the forum. The main program is maintained at Sourceforge, on the GemRB project page. igi has written a tutorial on setting up DLTCEP.
  9. Lynx, are you sure it is a mod error? It works in the original, and the only difference is the engine. This might be the problem: The characters in the vanilla-engine save have *name in their "creature" field. The characters in the gemrb save have empty "creature" field and their proper name is being shown. I also opened the game files in NearInfinity and i get "*name" for the vanilla engine save but in the gemrb case i get "null (none)". This one, is a mod error. though: Edit: I think i found the cause. When i tried to open the f_*.cre files in dltcep, i got a message "creature will be reordered. harmless inconsistency". I then proceeded to save each .cre file. I then made a new save from within gemrb and voila SK can open it fine. If they resaved only a mod-supplied file by dltcep. The solution is just that, resave in dltcep before release. (Or fix the weidu script).
  10. The engines are compatible, you just need to use a newer version. Except PST, whose code was forked. Ah, you meant the original engine... well, in that case tobex
  11. Hmm, i thought snow works. IWD is full of snow, no rain. What didn't work in the original engine is fog.
  12. The second parameter initially was the number of wish choices set up, but then it was hard coded to 5.
  13. One thing that may have gone wrong is, decompressing an area may cause the game to fail. In this case you need to delete the tis from the override to get things go back to normal. I think this happens only in the original game.
  14. It is working only with the 'fist only' bit.
  15. Yes, the spells are hardcoded to not go over 50. I can confirm that, so you can be quoted
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