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Portraits and Various and Sundry Materials


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Cool stuff! As for too many choices, since this is a player choice Companion and I have been tutorializing, I am planning on adding instructions for customization of everything in the docs. But it brings up an interesting idea - trying an "Add Your own portrait" choice to the darned thing. Could work two ways - gep all .bmp names, reset .cre to use portrait chosen... or perhaps simply a "drop the portrait you want into the mod folder 'custom_portrait' and use weidu to copy and rename whatever it finds there". Either way, it would require some checks to make sure the .bmps are valid, but there has to be a simple way to do this.

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This might not be a correct way to do it, but what I usually do is just rename the bmps I want to whatever the file names are for the mod portraits, and just drop them into the override folder. And so far *touches wood* it has always worked just fine. (Of course, if you have to reinstall, you would have to do it all over again. But, it is a quick way to put in a portrait of your choice :) )

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And the code to integrate almost all of the above in one component. If folks want to process their submissions further, way cool - if not, I will try to work from the .jpg or .png provided to create the three sizes (Nix and 2 of berelinde's ones are already done that way). Presented in alphabetical order by screenname, except for Nix's, which is the default 9and if a player skips this or exits, the .cre ships with Nix's work).


Code follows:

BEGIN ~Choose Aran's Portrait~
 REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~setup-aranw.tp2~ ~0~ ~Aran Whitehand must be installed for this to work.~

OUTER_SPRINT ~arportrait~ ~There are many alternate portraits from which to choose. You may want to consult the ReadMe before choosing.~
OUTER_WHILE (!(IS_AN_INT ~arportrait~) OR (~arportrait~ > 0xd) OR (~arportrait~ < 0x1)) BEGIN
 PRINT ~Please enter your choice and press return:
[1] Keep Nix's "Default" portrait set (fair hair, fair complexion) 
[2] berelinde's "Boromir" style (dark brown hair, fair complexion) 
[3] berelinde's "Dragon Age" style (dark hairr, dark complexion) 
[4] berelinde's "Scruffy" style (light brown hair, fair complexion)  
[5] McMazey's "Don Pedro" style (dark hair, dark complexion) 	  
[6] McMazey's "Fantasy Photo" style (long brown hair, light complexion) 
[7] McMazey's "Bearded" style (dark hair, light complexion) 
[8] McMazey's "No Beard" style (dark hair, light complexion) 
[9] McMazey's "Horatio Photo" style (dark hair, light complexion) 
[10] Peachplums' "Young Fighter" style (red hair, fair comlpexion) 
[11] piperb's "Stalwort Bearded Young" style (light brown hair, fair complexion) 
[12] piperb's "Mature Bearded" style (dark brown hair, medium complexion) 
[13] piperb's "Stalwort Young" style (light brown hair, fair complexion) ~
 ACTION_READLN ~arportrait~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0x1) THEN BEGIN /* Nix's "Default" portrait set ( fair hair, fair complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/nix_defaultl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/nix_defaultm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/nix_defaults.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 3  /* hair color (light gold) */
PRINT ~Nix's "Default" portrait set (fair hair, fair complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0x2) THEN BEGIN /*  Berelinde's "Boromir" style (dark brown hair, fair complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/berelinde_borl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/berelinde_borm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/berelinde_bors.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 3  /* hair color (light gold) */
PRINT ~Berelinde's "Boromir" style (dark brown hair, fair complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0x3) THEN BEGIN  /*  Berelinde's "Dragon Age" style (dark hair, dark complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/berelinde_dal.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/berelinde_dam.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/berelinde_das.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 91 /* skin color (dark chocolate) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 0  /* hair color (red-tinted black) */
PRINT ~Berelinde's "Dragon Age" style (dark hair, dark complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0x4) THEN BEGIN /*  Berelinde's "Scruffy" style (light brown hair, fair complexion)  */
COPY ~aranw/media/berelinde_scruffyl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/berelinde_scruffym.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/berelinde_scruffys.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 3  /* hair color (light gold) */
PRINT ~Berelinde's "Scruffy" style (light brown hair, fair complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0x5) THEN BEGIN  /*  Macmazey's  "Don Pedro" style (dark hair, dark complexion) */	 
COPY ~aranw/media/macmazey_donpedrol.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/macmazey_donpedrom.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/macmazey_donpedros.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 91 /* skin color (dark chocolate) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 0  /* hair color (red-tinted black) */
PRINT ~Macmazey's "Don Pedro" style (dark hair, dark complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0x6) THEN BEGIN  /*  Macmazey's "Fantasy Photo" style (long brown hair, light complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/macmazey_longhairl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/macmazey_longhairm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/macmazey_longhairs.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 2  /* hair color (dark gold) */
PRINT ~Macmazey's "Fantasy Photo" style (long brown hair, light complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0x7) THEN BEGIN /*  Macmazey's  "Bearded" style (dark hair, light complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/mcmazey_beardl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/mcmazey_beardm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/mcmazey_beards.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 2  /* hair color (dark gold) */
PRINT ~Macmazey's  "Bearded" style (dark hair, light complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0x8) THEN BEGIN  /*  Macmazey's "No Beard" style (dark hair, light complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/mcmazey_nobeardl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/mcmazey_nobeardm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/mcmazey_nobeards.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 2  /* hair color (dark gold) */
PRINT ~Macmazey's "No Beard" style (dark hair, light complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0x9) THEN BEGIN  /*  Macmazey's "Horatio Photo" style (dark hair, light complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/mcmazey_photo_hl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/mcmazey_photo_hm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/mcmazey_photo_hs.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 2  /* hair color (dark gold) */
PRINT ~Macmazey's "Horatio Photo" style (dark hair, light complexion)installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0xa) THEN BEGIN /*  Peachplum's "Young Fighter" style (red hair, fair comlpexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/peachplums_youngl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/peachplums_youngm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/peachplums_youngs.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 13 /* skin color (light pure silver) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 4  /* hair color (auburn) */
PRINT ~Peachplum's "Young Fighter" style (red hair, fair comlpexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0xb) THEN BEGIN /*  piper's "Stalwort Bearded Young" style (light brown hair, fair complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/piper_beard_youngl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/piper_beard_youngm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/piper_beard_youngs.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 3  /* hair color (light gold) */
PRINT ~piper's "Stalwort Bearded Young" style (light brown hair, fair complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0xc) THEN BEGIN  /*  piper's "Mature Bearded" style (dark brown hair, medium complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/piper_darker_beardl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/piper_darker_beardm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/piper_darker_beards.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 84 /* skin color (peachy) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 2  /* hair color (dark gold) */
PRINT ~piper's "Mature Bearded" style (dark brown hair, medium complexion) installed.~
ACTION_IF ("arportrait" = 0xd) THEN BEGIN   /*  piper's "Stalwort Young" style (light brown hair, fair complexion) */
COPY ~aranw/media/piper_nobeard_youngl.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwl.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/piper_nobeard_youngm.bmp~ ~override/c-aranwm.bmp~ 
COPY ~aranw/media/piper_nobeard_youngs.bmp~ ~override/c-aranws.bmp~
COPY_EXISTING ~c-aran.cre~ ~override~
	WRITE_BYTE 0x2F 12 /* skin color (light carnation pink) */
	WRITE_BYTE 0x32 3  /* hair color (light gold) */
PRINT ~piper's "Stalwort Young" style (light brown hair, fair complexion) installed.~

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Never mind on the edits - i converted everything and got 'em all in the various sizes. And here is the documentation, so you can take a look:


Aran's alternate portraits page


and I forgot 0xA does not necessarily equal 0xa - rechecked against nythrun's code and edited above. And it even installs, and changes what it is supposed to - miracles of miracles!


edit;/ aaaaand...


REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~setup-aranw.tp2~ ~0~ ~Aran Whitehand must be installed for this to work.~


needs to be added, so it will yank everything out on uninstall. Edited above.


EDIT:/ aaaand... i need to stop for today, as I am making silly mistakes. Above code edited for the proper spelling of the various contributors, on the part that is seen by installers - I'll fix the rest later. portraits page updated with links to the member profiles of the contributors.

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Hmmm... then perhaps I have found a strange case sensitivity? I followed Nythrun's A_R code from level1npcs for the fix, and when mine read 0xD, it did not pick up the entry "13", but when I lowercased it, it did. Odd. But it is good to know that decimals are good enough for the code!

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