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How ChangeStat works


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I thought I'd give an update on what the latest version of the guide says about that action, which is "Unknown." Perhaps players know more about it already, perhaps not.


The action has the form of ChangeStat(O:Object*,I:Stat*Stats,I:Value*,I:Modifier*StatMod). Testing showed that I:I:Modifier*StatMod increases I:Stat*Stats (from stats.ids) by I:Value, if it is 1, and sets it to I:Value if it is anything but 1. I haven't found a way to reduce I:Value. I tested I:Modifier*StatMod values of 0, then up until 4 and selectively tried a big number, 25. They seem to work the same.


Example: ChangeStat("Kagain",STR,5,1) increases his Strength by 5. ChangeStat("Kagain",STR,5,0) sets his Strength to 5.


It's possible to increase the stats beyond 25, in which case they show as lowered, in red. :)


PHYSICALSPEED and MENTALSPEED don't appear affected by this action either way.


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