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Anomen can't use his holy symbol


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Next problem, I see. Anomen as cleric of Helm got Holy symbol of Helm... but cannot use it because his good aligment. Would you fix this? Either changing Anomen kit from Helm to Lathander or giving him simbol of Lathander manually

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* Idobek replies from his hospital bed


I have been, and still am, seriously ill. This has inevitably delayed the release. I am working on it again now, but I can no guarantees other than it will be done eventually.

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* Idobek replies from his hospital bed


I have been, and still am, seriously ill. This has inevitably delayed the release. I am working on it again now, but I can no guarantees other than it will be done eventually.


Oh... :undecided: I didn't know. Sorry. I wish you fully recovery. Sorry again...

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If the holy symbol issue is the only problem you have with the current version of the NPC Kit Pack, I recommend installing Ghrey's Holy Symbol Fix in Ding0's Tweak Pack.

No-no, this is not a serious problem. I had another one with Imoen kit, and you already found decision

I have found the source of the Imoen problem. It seems clever old BioWare didn't see fit to assign Imoen's script to both her Spellhold creature files. This is fixed locally. A new version of NPCKit will be out sometime next month.
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