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magic battles revision - how would SCS handle it?


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HaveSpell() checks for a spell in SPELL.IDS, for example HaveSpell("WIZARD_MAGIC_MISSILE"). HaveSpellRES looks for a spell by its filename (without extension), for example HaveSpellRES("spcl621"). The latter is useful for spells not in SPELL.IDS. And both check for spells memorized and available for casting. So, if an innate has been used for the day, HaveSpell() will return FALSE.


Basically, your script block does

   RESPONSE #100

Oh, and try setting the Power level higher to get around the "level-1-ability-not-affecting-rakshasa issue. I think that's how SCS lets Breach affect liches.

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Sweet, good to know. So, here is my plan:


1) Convert Minor Spell Deflection into a repeatable innate ability, very weak. Keep the same file name and spell name in SPELL.IDS. Eliminate scrolls for learning it.


2) Convert Spell Thrust into a repeatable innate ability. Also weak, though growing with level advancement. Keep the same file name and spell name in SPELL.IDS. Eliminate scrolls for learning it.


3) Change Spell Deflection at 6th level into "Spell Absorption" a.k.a. Minor Spell Trap. Minor Spell Turning, Spell Turning, and Spell Trap will be unchanged.


4) Secret Word will be enhanced with a Deafness effect on a failed save. Pierce Magic's MR reduction will be boosted. Ruby Ray will be enhanced with a Blindness effect on a failed save. I think Pierce Magic will get a Breach effect instead of/in addition to the MR reduction.


5) Clerics need an offensive counterpart to Shield of the Archons. I'm thinking of adding the effects of Secret Word to Bolt of Glory; and maybe also to Holy Word. (Yeah, take down spell protections in an area effect!) This should be the only part that would require any adjustment of SCS scripts.


I'll bundle this with my other wizard tweaks (cantrips for each spell school, and innate sequencers and contingencies) and post it for people to play around with.

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Sweet, good to know. So, here is my plan:


1) Convert Minor Spell Deflection into a repeatable innate ability, very weak. Keep the same file name and spell name in SPELL.IDS. Eliminate scrolls for learning it.


2) Convert Spell Thrust into a repeatable innate ability. Also weak, though growing with level advancement. Keep the same file name and spell name in SPELL.IDS. Eliminate scrolls for learning it.


3) Change Spell Deflection at 6th level into "Spell Absorption" a.k.a. Minor Spell Trap. Minor Spell Turning, Spell Turning, and Spell Trap will be unchanged.


4) Secret Word will be enhanced with a Deafness effect on a failed save. Pierce Magic's MR reduction will be boosted. Ruby Ray will be enhanced with a Blindness effect on a failed save. I think Pierce Magic will get a Breach effect instead of/in addition to the MR reduction.


5) Clerics need an offensive counterpart to Shield of the Archons. I'm thinking of adding the effects of Secret Word to Bolt of Glory; and maybe also to Holy Word. (Yeah, take down spell protections in an area effect!) This should be the only part that would require any adjustment of SCS scripts.


I'll bundle this with my other wizard tweaks (cantrips for each spell school, and innate sequencers and contingencies) and post it for people to play around with.


One comment on #1 and #2. You'll need to edit HIDESPL.2DA to hide your modified versions of Minor Spell Deflection and Spell Thrust, otherwise, they will appear on the sorcerer level-up selections (and wizard starting selections on creation in BG2).

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Thanks - easy enough.


I wonder if sorcerers should get these abilities. I'm thinking no - these are skills obtained by studying magic.


On the other hand I wonder what would happen if I didn't alter hidespl.2da... if a sorcerer chose this as a spell, would they receive the innate ability? That would be a somewhat interesting choice for the player. Heck, maybe don't add them via CLAB at all, let wizards gain the innate ability from a scroll!


Decisions, decisions...

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Decisions, decisions...

That's why WeiDU offers you the possibility of using subcomponents man! :):D


I would recommend making the player choose what does he want, or adding a invisible creature that gives one of those via dialog, and when you reach X level you gain the possibility of choosing another of the abilities.


Also watch out because non-Enhanced Edition games that don't have TobEx won't have a hidespl.2da table.


I think it would be much better to avoid doing anything weird with existing Cleric spells and add your own, or add it to a low level/not so used spell like Command or Magic Stone (the first one is actually pretty good).

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Well, Command is an *amazingly* good spell (which I actually think should be a wizard spell in the Enchantment school) and while Magic Stone is lackluster, it can be made into something good by mods like SpellPack and SR.


More, I am guided by the example of Shield of the Archons, in the principle that only very powerful priest magic can replicate a wizard's more subtle, controlled manipulations of The Art.


Bolt of Glory makes a ton of sense imho. Its description already has it as something especially powerful against 'unnatural' forces like extra-planar and undead beings. Having some power to strike through magical shields thus makes sense. And it already bypasses MR iirc, so it can handle the added effect with minimal alteration.


I envision a casting of Holy Word, the Voice of Heaven (or Hell) washing over the battlefield and having some kind of Shatter Magic effect. (Granted that sounds more like a Quest Spell than a regular spell, but then that's kind of what 7th-level spells were supposed to be like; it goes to show how TOB moved the goalposts as far as power levels, kind of directly contradicting the FR lore that more powerful magic was banned by Ao after the Fall of Netheril.)

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