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It will work fine then, unless sequencers have some special crappy code around them.

Nope, they're just regular .spl abilities. You can add whatever effects to them that you like.


Tell us more :)

The cantrips have been in my mod for 6 months now. Follow the link in my sig and check the "Wizards Rewired" component. That rather limited component will soon be replaced by what I've uploaded here.


But, in short:


Invocation: Magic Bolt aka Minor Magic Missile (target: d4 magic damage)

Illusion: Bedazzle (target: save or -3 thac0/damage/AC penalties for 12 seconds)

Enchantment: Befuddle (target: save or stunned for 6 seconds)

Abjuration: Protective Shell (self: 1 stoneskin, 30 second duration)

Transmutation: Trip (target: save or become Entangled for 12 seconds)

Conjuration: Summon Rabbit

Necromancy: Stiffen Bones (target: save or slowed movement and -2 thac0/AC penalties for 12 seconds)

Divination: Anticipation (self: -3 AC bonus, 18 sec)


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Conjuration: Summon Rabbit

As in the Rabbit of Caerbannog? ;)

[insert heated argument about balance and whether "Summon Rabbit of Caerbannog" is OP]


Nope, just a regular 2 hp rabbit. That's right - I made a spell in Baldur's Gate to represent pulling a rabbit out of a hat!


And you know what? It's awesome. Great cannon fodder, great for distracting enemies. And actually immersive, because making a rodent appear in the middle of a group of enemies would have precisely the same distracting effect IRL that it does in the game! I've just started an IWDEE run with my mod, and I use that little spell in almost every encounter. The Vale of Shadows is littered with the carcasses of dead bunnies. (No wonder it's haunted.)

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