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Baldurs Gate Graphical Overhaul BGGO for EET, BGT (Tutu, BGEE)

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Guest the_sextein

I did a fresh install with EET, IWDEET, IWD2EET and infinity UI.  All reported problems seem fixed and I have no crashes anywhere.  The Lighthouse map and rocky coast map continue to have garbled up water unless you disable the extended night option.  This is the only remaining problem that I have to report on a windows system.  The day and night options work fine as long as extended night is not checked but if it is checked then both the day and night will have blocky alignment issues in the water.

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Let me start by saying I've only half been following this thread while traveling, so just ignore me if my ignorance is showing.  With that being said, I believe there was something about (certain?) mobile platforms using a different DTX compression scheme than desktops for (some?) PVRZ file variants?  Something like DTX3 on mobile vs the normal DTX1 & DTX5...?  Sorry my details are vague, but I didn't commit them to memory as I don't play on mobile, but it tickled a memory so I thought I'd (attempt to) mention it.

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15 minutes ago, Sam. said:

Let me start by saying I've only half been following this thread while traveling, so just ignore me if my ignorance is showing.  With that being said, I believe there was something about (certain?) mobile platforms using a different DTX compression scheme than desktops for (some?) PVRZ file variants?  Something like DTX3 on mobile vs the normal DTX1 & DTX5...?  Sorry my details are vague, but I didn't commit them to memory as I don't play on mobile, but it tickled a memory so I thought I'd (attempt to) mention it.

IIRC, it's PVRTC for iOS and ETC1 or ETC2 for Android (or vice versa).

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@argent77Does Android have issue reading DTX Compression innately?

Additionally, if I was to convert lets say my full install to either ETC1 or 2 would that then solve the issue with the blocky fountain and water in areas?

(I did download a software like that from these forums, I can't remember if you were the one that built it, but if I remember correctly, it took forever to convert the files)

Additionally @Weigowould it be possible to make like an edit of your mod with ETC1 or 2 Compression instead of DTX, so android could read it without issue?

Edited by DraikenWeAre
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1 hour ago, DraikenWeAre said:

Does Android have issue reading DTX Compression innately?

I can't answer that question. I know only that people over in the Android and iOS topics of the Beamdog forums had some trouble displaying pvrz-based tilesets and MOS files from modded game resources. That's why I created a small helper tool/mod that allows to convert pvrz files into the right format: https://github.com/Argent77/A7-TextureConvert

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Thanks for the new approach with DTX and ETC. I was already despairing why that didn't work. :)

21 hours ago, Guest the_sextein said:

I did a fresh install with EET, IWDEET, IWD2EET and infinity UI.  All reported problems seem fixed and I have no crashes anywhere.  The Lighthouse map and rocky coast map continue to have garbled up water unless you disable the extended night option.  This is the only remaining problem that I have to report on a windows system.  The day and night options work fine as long as extended night is not checked but if it is checked then both the day and night will have blocky alignment issues in the water.

I have now made a fresh EET, BGGO, IWD1_EET, IWD2_EET and IWD_EET_END installation.


// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~EET/EET.TP2~ #6 #0 // EET core (Ressourcen werden importiert): V13.4
~BGGO/BGGO.TP2~ #0 #0 // BGGO for EET, BGT, BGEE, BG2EE, ToB and Tutu: v3.1
~IWD1_EET/SETUP-IWD1_EET.TP2~ #2 #0 // Use <CHARNAME> instead of <GABBER> etc.
~IWD1_EET/SETUP-IWD1_EET.TP2~ #2 #1 // Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter in Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Trilogy
~IWD2_EET/SETUP-IWD2_EET.TP2~ #2 #0 // Icewind Dale 2 in Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Trilogy
~IWD_EET_END/SETUP-IWD_EET_END.TP2~ #3 #0 // IceWind_End














And this is the result of the installation.

It is difficult for me if I cannot reproduce the error.
Can you please send me or post your weidu.log and the setup-bggo.debug?

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Guest The_sextein

This is a larger install that uses all of the mods that I have installed currently.  The behavior is the same when I only install IWDEET but I can't do a fresh install at the moment.  If you would like I can do a fresh install and post it later on.

Extended Night Off


Extended Night On




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Now I know what you mean. I always assumed that there was a bug in the BGGO or sometimes.:)
These pixel fields in the water are not only there at night, but also during the day, but they are not so noticeable there. They are from the original version.
I'll have to play around with gimp a bit to soften the water graphics. With the other card you mentioned, is that the BG2700 or BG3100?

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Hello @Weigo

I can not install bggo on my clean bg1sod (beamdog) setup again (recent BGGOEET-master.zip and baldurs-gate-graphics-overhaul-v3.1.zip has this issue)

I get the following error:


ERROR: BIFF [.\DATA\GOAR0100.BIF] cannot be loaded: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", ".\\DATA\\GOAR0100.BIF")

ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [AR0100.mos] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

Couldn't extract BG0100.mos from bif
Copying and patching 1 file ...
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\GOAR0100.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\GOAR0100.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\GOAR0100.cbf]
ERROR: BIFF [.\DATA\GOAR0100.BIF] cannot be loaded: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", ".\\DATA\\GOAR0100.BIF")

ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [AR0100LM.bmp] not found in KEY file:

Replacing this macross.tpa file does not work.

On 3/6/2024 at 6:36 AM, Weigo said:



Test the installation with this macros.tpa with the original version, which breaks off at BG3800 or AR3800. My suspicion is that it somehow can't access the bif files to extract the mos files.

I can not make a new instalation of this great mod :(

Would you like to help me, please?





I would like to report graphical glitch i have found earlier:

"The gray grass". This is also present in night map




I run installation without setup-bggo.command files and it installing despite errors, i will report further if i encounter any problems afterward.

Edited by Parys
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Guest The_sextein

It's BG3600, the lighthouse map.  I also have that problem on the rockycoast map and probably BG3100 as well.  There are pixels around the trees that are discolored as well.  Nitpicking of course but It's probably best to point it out because these are the only issues I have seen from this mod.  You have done a good job with this.

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26 minutes ago, Parys said:

Would you like to help me, please?

Can you send me your chitin.key file please? It looks like it is trying to pull the mos file from the goAR0100.bif file, but it doesn't exist at the time.


27 minutes ago, Parys said:

I would like to report graphical glitch i have found earlier:

"The gray grass". This is also present in night map.

I'll take care of it.

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