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My latest super-modded EET game - with more IWD

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Thank you very much, appreciate it man!  But its concerning that Tipun introduced such changes without documenting them.

I mean, original IWD doesn't have that mechanic, so I think your assumption that it might be his preferred way of playing is correct as I doubt some

cutscene or whatever depends on this line.

I hope there are no other mechanical changes or major bugs caused by this mod.


Edited by Kyros
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Not really competent but I tried to understand the rationale...

When I read the  IESDP page for instant.ids

Actions listed in this file are executed within dialog states, as opposed to being added to the action queue to execute when the dialog exits.

I fail to make the link as there are no dialogue in the issue Kyros reported.

Is the IESDP description incorrect and instan.ids affect more than dialogues?


(NOTE : just trying to understand how modding works :D )

Edited by mickabouille
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2 hours ago, mickabouille said:

the IESDP description incorrect and instan.ids affect more than dialogues?

I guess so, yeah. This one is real easy to test. Start a BG2EE game and grab a healing potion from the trapped painting, and save the game. Then quit, open the game in NI, add that line to INSTANT.IDS, and quit NI. Fire up your save in BG2EE, go into the inventory screen, right-click and drink a potion. Nothing happens but the next time you click anywhere in the UI, the potion will be drunk and disappear. Which of course should not usually happen. Alternatively, load that save and drink the potion from a quickslot, while the game is paused: the potion will be drunk immediately. 

3 hours ago, Kyros said:

think your assumption that it might be his preferred way of playing is correct as I doubt some cutscene or whatever depends on this line.

I really can’t say. oIWD might not work that way but maybe tipun needed a workaround when translating it to the BG2EE engine. Maybe it’s an IWD2 thing? I never played IWD2 but maybe the devs included this functionality to ease pre-buffing, or something. Or maybe there is done critical scene where an item needs to be used mid-dialogue. I have no idea. And I am not linguistically competent to ask on the ArcaneCoast forum! :laugh2:

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, paladin84 said:

I asked Tipun there and will let you know if/when there is an answer.


Might also want to mention that IWWI090.SPL and Z0SLNG94.ITM, in IWD2_EET, are busted. I can't exactly see what the issue is, but there are some errant bytes in the files when I look at them in NI, and later mods that try to patch them end up failing or corrupting them worse. Not a huge deal - but it's something that I know to fix when I make an install, which other players may not know.

Edited by subtledoctor
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Posted (edited)

Oof - looks like I had updated local versions of both Tome and Blood and Faiths & Powers, but then I separately updated the public repos, including adding french translations, without first adding my local updates! Which means the versions become hard to reconcile. :(

I think I have sorted them out, I will test in this new game and then update the main repos.

Edited by subtledoctor
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Guest the_sextein

Good Job on fixing the item usage issue.  I mentioned it when I first started using IWDEET and it's bothered me ever since.  I noticed the latest version has the audio problem fixed regarding the slow motion music.  I did find one other bug that nobody has fixed yet.  If you talk to random people in Easthaven they will have a reply option that is linked to a priestess incorrectly.  I snapped an image of the problematic reply.


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~BARDICWONDERS/SETUP-BARDICWONDERS.TP2~ #0 #1 // Bardic Wonders: Dancer Kit
~BARDICWONDERS/SETUP-BARDICWONDERS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Bardic Wonders: Troubadour Kit
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #400 // Bard Overhaul: Multiclass Bards: 5.8.2



How well do "multiclass bard" interact with the "bardic wonders" items ? Not at all maybe? Or are those items either whitelisted or taken in by some generic "if it's for bards then also add mutli bards" ?

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2 hours ago, mickabouille said:

Or are those items taken in by some generic "if it's for bards then also add mutli bards" ?

This. Any items usable by bards in the game at the time MnG is installed should be made usable by MnG multibards.

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[string  "BGEE.lua"]:440:'}' expected (to close '{'at line 211) near 'SPWI617'
[STRING "M_HEITI.lua"]: attempt to index global 'fountcolors' (a nil value)
[STRING "M_HEITI.lua"]:1: attempt to index global 'styles' (a nil value)
[string "M_STYLES.lua"]: 1: attempt to index global 'fountcolors' (a nil value)
[string "M_STYLES.lua"]: 1: attempt to index global 'styles' (a nil value)
[string "M_ZGIWD.lua"]: 2: attempt to index global 'filenames_stringrefs' (a nil value)
[string "M_ZGIWD2.lua"]: 2: attempt to index global 'filenames_stringrefs' (a nil value)
[string "M_ZGNWN.lua"]: 2: attempt to index global 'filenames_stringrefs' (a nil value)
[string "L_zh_CN.lua"]:752: attempt to get length of global 'cheatAreas' (a nil value)

It was a total disaster. 😇Just say something!  I've already deleted the game. Any idea where these error messages were pointing to? The first should be  “ IWD Spells"  from SCS (not only me encountered this error). Thank you!






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14 hours ago, clowdonkey said:

It was a total disaster. 😇Just say something!  I've already deleted the game. Any idea where these error messages were pointing to?

I have no idea what this is in reference to. Is this in the right thread?

I don't even know where you are seeing those error messages. They do not look like Weidu install error messages.

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4 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

I don't even know where you are seeing those error messages. They do not look like Weidu install error messages.

They look like Lua syntax errors.


14 hours ago, clowdonkey said:

[STRING "M_HEITI.lua"]: attempt to index global 'fountcolors' (a nil value)

This one even seems to have a typo in the variable name (fountcolors -> fontcolors).

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1 hour ago, argent77 said:

They look like Lua syntax errors

When does one see such error messages? In the Terminal when installing? Game startup? In a crash log after quitting the game?

I'm not sure how to direct this person to the right place to discuss their issues; more context would help.

If I had to guess, since I don't have any such errors, I would say that sources of conflicts would most likely be found in "batch 0" or "batch 9" of their install order - or possibly something about SCS v35, since it does more UI/Lua modification than it used to and there might be conflicts there that I am not aware of.

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7 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:
1 hour ago, argent77 said:

They look like Lua syntax errors

When does one see such error messages? In the Terminal when installing? Game startup? In a crash log after quitting the game?

These messages should be visible if you run the game from the terminal/console (or if you redirect error output to a file). Sometimes they are also shown in a small error dialog.

Some of the lua files are definitely added by mods, probably some very specific chinese mods (e.g. the only instance of M_HEITI.lua I could find is in this forum post).

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