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Neverwinter Night for Baldur's Gate mod

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Posted (edited)

I started fixing/checking bug reports from @lynx. I will probably keep changing this post with my comments about bugs. If I don't mention something, it was probably just fixed (eg typos) or already discussed.

1. sleeper in nw1025 looks ok for me, but I saw similar issues before. Idk why sometimes this happens.

2. NI bad resources references, I already talked to the original content author (AGKanevchev) and he told me to leave them as is in case other mods with this resources are installed. As far as I understand, there is no harm in such resources, the game consider them as nothing.

3. cut68 dream cutscenes - I never saw it and no one complained about it. Thus, I guess, it is not possible to see it

4. north road heads - There are different creatures, the ex bugbear leader (NWBUGBPS) and actual bugbear leader (NWBUGBE0). The ex can be spared, but the actual one can be killed and his head (NWHEADBB) can be returned to goblins. The actual one has no dialogs and is enemy from the beginning, so I don't think anything wrong here. You probably didn't kill him or didn't take his head.

5. Duplicate items, yes, it can be the case, I guess, I saw something like this. I don't think it is going to be fixed though, I am trying not to change the original content if it is not bug fixing.

6. Protection from evil that is checked by Belial is generic (it works for me with both protection from evil spells), the check is "CheckStatGT(Player1,0,PROTECTION_FROM_EVIL)"

7. Fixed delays for werewolf kids, but didn't check everywhere else (I am not sure why this delays are there and is afraid of breaking something). However, I only remember troubles with werewolves and hopefully this will fixed it.

8. bottom of nw2210 - fixed

9. nw2e43: embers looks good for both BG2EE and oBG2

10. NW1030 and last chapter: Unfortunately, I don't have saves but I didn't touch the scripts there since the very beginning (since it was a big assembly for BGT only) and many people for both oBG2 and BG2EE have already finished the mod. Somebody would notice this. I am not saying there is no bugs there, but it is not that easy to reproduce. From the scripts, I also cannot see anything auspicious.

Edited by paladin84
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3. This of course requires you to start nwn in chapter 6, not earlier, or it can't come up.

6. That's a "stat" only in the ees, taking the place of one of the extra proficiencies. The item explicitly modifies it while the spells don't.




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Posted (edited)

I edited the previous post by adding comments about other issues.

3. I don't remember this cutscene well enough. Is it just the dream without forcing you to go somewhere or teleporting you? I don't think any dreams are blocked (eg Candlekeep ones at Chapter 2), but there is not harm in them.

6. Yes, I can reproduce the bug for oBG version. Do you know the better way to check for protection from evil other than modifying proficiency/setting variable? I really don't like the idea to modify many spells, items, etc - everything than can have a Protection From Evil effect. Would using "HasImmunityEffects" as a trigger be sufficient?

Edited by paladin84
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3. It's the one where you first meet Ellesime, happening at the Tree of life, just adding urgency to visit Suldanesselar. Which you can't, since you decided to help Neverwinter instead. Not sure what you mean by teleportation; without that, any cutscene in another area would be impossible. It's started by the player1d script, where you can easily add another condition (some nwn variable, since there'd be too many area checks).

6. Just looking at the 6 spells, they come in about 3 flavours. HasImmunityEffects with protection from string or portrait icon would work only for some. Ideally you could detect the portrait icon itself (which all share), but I don't see any triggers that can do that. So patching the spells and amulet of power still sounds the easiest way. Here they are for reference:

SPCL213.SPL - Protection From Evil

SPCL233.SPL - Protection From Evil 10' radius

SPIN121.SPL - Protection From Evil

SPPR107.SPL - Protection From Evil

SPPR408.SPL - Protection From Evil 10' radius

SPWI113.SPL - Protection From Evil

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6) Ok, I patched the spells, fast test with couple of them shows that they work. I didn't test all of them, but others should also work.

For 3) I understand that I can change the conditions to run the cut scene, I don't understand why. When I asked about teleportation I mean that PC is not teleported anywhere after the cutscene from his/her current location and no timers are started that force him/her to finish any actions withing some time. Yes, this cutscene adding urgency to visit Suldanesselar, but every single quest you can decide to do after Underdark kind of the same from this point of view. Even in early chapters it doesn't make much sense to spend couple of months doing side quests while Imoen in danger. Thus, I think, I will leave this part as is.

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I published the new release of the mod (https://github.com/abalabokhin/NWNForBG/releases/tag/0.98). There are no significant changes, mainly small bugs/typo fixes, mainly thanks to @lynx and sese_ser. The details can be seen in readme. If you already playing, I would not reinstalled the mod for these changes.

I also added FAQ with questions (if I asked more than one time from different people), there are not much for now, but still: https://github.com/abalabokhin/NWNForBG/wiki/FAQ

First message is changed with the new release information.


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I just played through this fantastic mod and I am amazed at how well made it was. I would like to write a little review and a little feedback though

Atmosphere and environment: Phenomenally translated story and environment fits in perfectly. As far as I know some of the dungeons are copied off of Pillars of Eternity but they were all new to me as I never played Pillars yet. I did exclusively enjoy the dungeons although the city and outeriors of Port Llast were also pretty astonishing. I loved how immersively I was invested in that world, thinking about Neverwinter Night but still feeling the vibe of Baldur's Gate throughout and it was a like a double experience of two great games mixed into one. Truly nostalgic. 

Music: Using Neverwinter Night soundtrack added to the atmosphere but I also loved glimpses of SoD or BG music throughout as well, that helped to keep the spirit of Baldur's Gate IN Neverwinter world. Overall, decent job.

Challenge: Variety in challenges were fairly divided. Many tougher enemies are side enemies, and overall equipment and loot from these encounters is balanced. Level of difficulty hasn't been exagerated and therefore it is managable and well thought of. Specific changes to some enemies in regard to NNW games are pretty cool and addition of liches etc. replacing weaker enemies from original NNW games is awesome. Overall, balanced and creative.

Bugs/glitches: I haven't found many. As a matter of fact, the mod worked pretty well most of the time and I had no problems although there was one grave issue. After returning from the Past in the Creator Race Ruins the crystal disappeared and I couldn't go back to weaken the golems, I managed to kill them using magic staff from some other mod (took over 30 minutes for Aerie to kill them both that way). Also, they guy in the Woods - Wanev(?) - told me to go upstairs to kill some mephit or whoever and was meant to give a scroll that dispells the protection magic from the stairs although I got no scroll and was forced to kill him to get upstairs. Couldn't speak back to him so ultimately I didn't finish the quest properly. Other than that I don't recall any issues.

Summary: This mod definitely lands in my top 10, beating big, popular mods such as The Darkest Day or Check The Bodies. The content, the idea is amazing and execution is creative and unlike many other mods, this isn't a chore to sit through, but rather a DLC sort of side adventure that goes along with the main plot and is enjoyable, memorable and a breath of fresh air. 

The only thing I wish I checked was the NPC's as I used the ones originating from Baldur's Gate II. I am wondering if NPC's from this mod have any extra banters, interjections (?) or is it just the same content from the NNW game. It would be quite decent if original Bioware NPC's could also have some interjections, dialogues and banters in this portion to even further keep the feeling of actually playing two games in one, but that is just a 'side-request' and is not tearing down the gameplay and fun I had with the mod.

Rating: 8.5/10 - Excellent with only a few minor problems/glitches. 

I do hope that you'll create some more mods in the future. I would love to play them. Good job, bro! :)

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Thank you for good review and for the kind words, I will try to pass them to the creator of the content. 

For the bugs: 1) Wanev should give you NWVSCROL.ITM item and it always works for me (and nobody complained about this before). Do you accidentally have a save before talking to him, and/or a screenshot with selected answers?
2) The same with crystal, so you got the crystal and was able to go to the past and it disappeared there? Was your inventory full? I would probably need a save to figure out what is wrong.

For the NPCs, unfortunately, they only have content from NWN (you can talk to them, so they can tell you something about themselves and give you their personal quests). It would be nice to make a complete BG2 style NPCs from them with interjections, banters, romance, etc, but it is too much work.

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7 hours ago, paladin84 said:

Thank you for good review and for the kind words, I will try to pass them to the creator of the content. 

For the bugs: 1) Wanev should give you NWVSCROL.ITM item and it always works for me (and nobody complained about this before). Do you accidentally have a save before talking to him, and/or a screenshot with selected answers?
2) The same with crystal, so you got the crystal and was able to go to the past and it disappeared there? Was your inventory full? I would probably need a save to figure out what is wrong.

For the NPCs, unfortunately, they only have content from NWN (you can talk to them, so they can tell you something about themselves and give you their personal quests). It would be nice to make a complete BG2 style NPCs from them with interjections, banters, romance, etc, but it is too much work.

The crystal was in my possesion when I went to the past. I planted Sapphira's seed and explored the temple. I went back, found a necklace that allows me to speak slaves language and than wanted to go back to the Past to destroy the golems. So generally I used crystal twice, to go back to the Past, and then back to Present and wasn't allowed to go back again, forcing me to kill the golems harder way.

When it comes to Wanev, I believe he had normal dialogue options and he gave me that quest. He told me to take this scroll and go upstairs. No item appeared in my inventory and I am pretty sure I had space. 

Unfortunately, I do no have a save anymore. Wish I did. It may have something to do with the fact that I have a big amount of mods, maybe some of them somehow stopped the script from working (?). It was just a minor setback, nothing big though. Next time I play it, we shall see if it's different or not and I'll keep the save if anything goes awry. 

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Guest Adenosine

I'm stuck at the creator race ruins...

I placed 1 red gem into a primary pool, 1 blue gem into another primary pool, 1 purple gem into a secondary pool, another purple gem into another secondary pool.

but nothing happens

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For the crystal, I guess everything is made the way that only one traveling in time is allowed, so you'd better be prepared (have the necklace before). I will check out if it is possible to allow travel back and forward multiple times, but I guess it was one time travel in NWN.

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4 hours ago, Guest Adenosine said:

I'm stuck at the creator race ruins...

I placed 1 red gem into a primary pool, 1 blue gem into another primary pool, 1 purple gem into a secondary pool, another purple gem into another secondary pool.

but nothing happens

I will check the code. Can you try with red, yellow and orange respectively?

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11 hours ago, paladin84 said:

I will check the code. Can you try with red, yellow and orange respectively?

I've tried the following combinations:

Primary | Primary | Secondary | Secondary
red     | blue    | purple    | purple
red     | yellow  | orange    | orange
blue    | yellow  | green     | green

I'm not very sure what you mean there, so I switched the blue gem in the primary pool with red, yellow and orange:

Primary | Primary | Secondary | Secondary
red     | red     | purple    | purple
red     | yellow  | purple    | purple
red     | orange  | purple    | purple

nothing happens still

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If I remember correctly, you should put both color in one primary. Eg red and yellow in primary #1 and orange in secondary #2. And then red and yellow in primary #2 and orange in secondary #2. Colors can be different, of cause, just showing the idea. Can you try to do it this way?

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