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Lossless Scaling

Guest The_Sextein

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Guest the_sextein

Your mental health is already worse than I'm capable of but you're right what was I thinking? You probably don't have any friends on here and most users are probably enjoying watching this cause they are tired of your attitude.   I've kept it cool and refrained from cursing at you and calling you names.  I've simply used your inferior intellect to make a buffoon out of you and drag your nose through the turds this last week which has been enjoyable.  Especially since I'm being paid to do it.  I'm going to attempt letting it slide this time since moderation is probably trying to gage if we are mature enough to act like adults.   But if they don't lock this and they can't keep control of your poor behavior then the gloves are coming off.

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48 minutes ago, Guest the_sextein said:

Your mental health is already worse than I'm capable of but you're right what was I thinking? You probably don't have any friends on here and most users are probably enjoying watching this cause they are tired of your attitude.   I've kept it cool and refrained from cursing at you and calling you names.  I've simply used your inferior intellect to make a buffoon out of you and drag your nose through the turds this last week which has been enjoyable.  Especially since I'm being paid to do it.  I'm going to attempt letting it slide this time since moderation is probably trying to gage if we are mature enough to act like adults.   But if they don't lock this and they can't keep control of your poor behavior then the gloves are coming off.


It wasn't what I actually searched for, but I'd say that you're a real snollygoster.

I'll be waiting.

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Guest the_sextein

You'll  be waiting for what?  Do you have some reason for posting in here other than to troll? As for me? nah I don't think I've ever went into a thread and trolled the guy who started it for for a week because I didn't agree with him.  I don't think I've ever trolled anyone actually and I've had some pretty serious disagreements over the years.  The worst I do is just argue with people who constantly quote me and troll me.  In terms of this thread, I get that people make  poor decisions and jump to conclusions about things and have a hard time letting go.  It can be tough seeing links that prove you are wrong especially on a computer where you can't see the person you are arguing with.  I usually don't throw tantrums and curse people out over disagreements not because I'm super empathetic but enough to not act like a clown over something small.   Name calling I do but it's usually minor things.  Like calling someone a liar or telling them they act like a stubborn child ect.  I only go all out if I've been patient with someone for an entire week and they are not only too stubborn to admit that they are wrong but they go out of there way to troll me for being right.

It would be great if we could just erase all of these nonsense posts and make the thread look normal so interested people could come in here and talk about frame generation.  That's the reason I made this thread in the first place.

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Guest Uroth

Hey the_sextein I wanted to say thanks a million.

Lossless Scaling is amazing for BG2 (and probably a bunch of other games).

I ended up using Scaling Mode: Custom, Scaling Factor: 1, Scaling Type: AMD FSR (NVIDIA Image Scaling is pretty good too, but I think FSR pips it!), Sharpness: Max, Frame Generation: LSFG 2.3, Mode: X3 (X4 is good too).

For whatever reason I couldn't get DSR/DLSS working properly when turning off Scaling Type in Lossless Scaling and enabling DSR factors, Nvidia image scaling, etc. in the Nvidia control panel, so I gave up on that. Well, I actually did manage to enable it, but it didn't look better in the game than AMD FSR via the Lossless Scaling app, nor in fact, did it seem that it was doing much for upscaling and sharpening in the game at all. Probably a user error there, this upscaling stuff is confusing AF tbh.

I thought that the Lossless Scaling app would just improve the sprites in BG2 (which it certainly does, by sharpening them noticeably and cutting them out from the background) but was surprised that it improved the game's static backgrounds as well by upscaling them. This AI stuff is just amazing!

Running in 4K on my MSI MPG 321 URX (yeah I know, way overkill for BG2) and the game looks the best I have ever seen it. Thanks again!

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Guest the_sextein

Yeah I noticed it updated the other day and now has 4x mode so you can play at 120FPS on a 120hz screen.  DLDSR is much better than DSR even if it's lower resolution.  In order to get DLDSR to work you have to set your desktop resolution to the DLDSR resolution of your choice.  This is because Beamdog setup Baldur's Gate to only use the native desktop resolution.  When you get it working you will probably be impressed.  It makes the backdrops look really nice.

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I tested this out as I was excited to read some of the InfinityUI and EEex updates and wanted to check it out while I wait hopefully for EEFixpack to get cobbled together.

I don't like 4x because the extra frames seem off at least on my 144hz monitor. There isn't a way to really showcase the benefits of the scaling without going through capture software I have no desire to get into the guts of. Individually the denoise and smoothing/jagged isn't very noticeable or much of a benefit as the_sextein stated and in fact the denoise mod that was being developed is much, much better at cleaning things up. Even with max sharpening it can only do so much with the sprites while the background does sharpen on some of the smaller details.

Where it does shine is when you are moving or are in combat. Especially with a lot of spell effects firing off and your party is hasted you will have a very noticeable difference in the quality of the scenes while unpaused. This will be even more noticeable the higher you go into the resolutions and if your GPU is beefy enough to handle the DLDSR push to non-native monitor resolutions it is worth it. But even on a 3x Nvidia at 1440p you can see it. Load up Black Pits 2 or any other heavy spellcasting type fighting and you'll see it immediately. It also is one of the only things that can help IWD2EE.

It's only $7 and if you plan on dumping 80+ hours into a EET modded run it's worthwhile with the bonus of maybe it working on other older games. If not after a little comparison you can refund it if it doesn't do anything for you.


Edited by zenblack
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1 hour ago, zenblack said:


Would you attach a picture somewhere and link it via the URL link of your "best in class" settings. Or what ever you used in a BG2 game, be it with EE or not.
Just out of curiousity.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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Guest the_sextein

A few suggestions to try.  If your computer can handle it I would turn off performance mode.  It should improve visuals a little.  If you have a 120hz refresh rate then I would go with 2x or 4x mode so it times correctly with your monitor. If you run into stutters with X4 mode, you could try lowering latency as far as five and seeing if it fixes the issue. You might want to try bicubic Cas with max sharpness instead of FSR.  I think it looks just a little better.  Also, Gsync now works with the latest version so if you have that I would turn off V-sync and just use G-sync.

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These are my settings:


Damm. On the one hand the overall smoothness and the denoising effect on the background is absolute awesome. Especially the smoothness when scrolling the map, its hard to go back once experienced. On the other hand, I get strange ghosting like artifacts when moving a hasted group over some backgrounds like paved roads or fields (e.g. in Nashkell). The effect is so strong that it sadly ruins the experience for me.

Is there a way to reduce this effect?

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Guest the_sextein

Set scaling mode to custom.  Set scale factor to 1. Turn on the option to resize before scaling.

If the above doesn't fix your problems then try turning off the  Scaling Type.  If that doesn't work then try using X2 mode which won't be as smooth as 4X mode but it's still miles better than the vanilla game and it might fix your problem.

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I am experimenting with smoothness on a NVIDIA GPU, 50% seems good, anyone have a value they like?. Loaded up these settings on another computer and did notice one other thing. Unless you have an OLED monitor you probably are not getting the HDR right. So it's best to turn off your own HDR (win+Alt+B in windows) and uses the Non-HDR. I did notice that x4 is still a bit glitch prone so x2, Bicubic is the way you should go. If you are not using your GPU scaling to at least 4k plus you won't notice the background or sprite scaling as much. It gets even better as you get up to 6k as long as your UI supports it.

Help me Obi-wan-Pecca, you're my only hope.

If you try it with the movespeed buff mod, try to 50% and see how IE games suddenly are not janky AF.

I also tried this on Fallout2 to check it out and while it's not near as pixel-like due to Fallout 2 having better graphics with it's own settings you make it play a lot smoother while having the actual playing screen easy to see setting it in game to 1440p.

Edit So mine on a non-OLED are:

Edited by zenblack
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Guest The_sextein

@Zenblack, I agree with your settings.  If you are talking about the smoothness setting in the Nvidia control panel, I would set it all the way down.  The lower you go the sharper the image will get.  If you do that, it will be so sharp that you won't need  upscaling at all.  Just turn off the scaling type if you have 6K DLDSR with a native 4K output.  One other thing, I have had good results with 4X mode but I have to turn the latency down to 5 in the lossless scaling app.  It's set to 1 by default.

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Guest the_sextein

One other thing I forgot to mention.  Make sure V-sync is not enabled in the Nvidia control panel and make sure G-sync is enabled.  Make sure you go to the resolution tab in your Nvidia control panel and set you desktop resolution to the 2.5 DLDSR 6K resolution before launching the game.  If the camera movement is slow you can adjust it in the gameplay options and if you disable the hardware mouse curser it will scale properly at 6K resolution.  I'm using these settings with Pecca's Infinity UI and it works great with UI scaling at 90% on a native 4k output.  With those settings you will not need bicubic upscaling.  It's best to remove upscaling and the artifacts it can bring to the equation if you are using Nvidia's superior control panel sharpening at max.

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