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Everything posted by paladin84

  1. 6) Ok, I patched the spells, fast test with couple of them shows that they work. I didn't test all of them, but others should also work. For 3) I understand that I can change the conditions to run the cut scene, I don't understand why. When I asked about teleportation I mean that PC is not teleported anywhere after the cutscene from his/her current location and no timers are started that force him/her to finish any actions withing some time. Yes, this cutscene adding urgency to visit Suldanesselar, but every single quest you can decide to do after Underdark kind of the same from this point of view. Even in early chapters it doesn't make much sense to spend couple of months doing side quests while Imoen in danger. Thus, I think, I will leave this part as is.
  2. I edited the previous post by adding comments about other issues. 3. I don't remember this cutscene well enough. Is it just the dream without forcing you to go somewhere or teleporting you? I don't think any dreams are blocked (eg Candlekeep ones at Chapter 2), but there is not harm in them. 6. Yes, I can reproduce the bug for oBG version. Do you know the better way to check for protection from evil other than modifying proficiency/setting variable? I really don't like the idea to modify many spells, items, etc - everything than can have a Protection From Evil effect. Would using "HasImmunityEffects" as a trigger be sufficient?
  3. I started fixing/checking bug reports from @lynx. I will probably keep changing this post with my comments about bugs. If I don't mention something, it was probably just fixed (eg typos) or already discussed. 1. sleeper in nw1025 looks ok for me, but I saw similar issues before. Idk why sometimes this happens. 2. NI bad resources references, I already talked to the original content author (AGKanevchev) and he told me to leave them as is in case other mods with this resources are installed. As far as I understand, there is no harm in such resources, the game consider them as nothing. 3. cut68 dream cutscenes - I never saw it and no one complained about it. Thus, I guess, it is not possible to see it 4. north road heads - There are different creatures, the ex bugbear leader (NWBUGBPS) and actual bugbear leader (NWBUGBE0). The ex can be spared, but the actual one can be killed and his head (NWHEADBB) can be returned to goblins. The actual one has no dialogs and is enemy from the beginning, so I don't think anything wrong here. You probably didn't kill him or didn't take his head. 5. Duplicate items, yes, it can be the case, I guess, I saw something like this. I don't think it is going to be fixed though, I am trying not to change the original content if it is not bug fixing. 6. Protection from evil that is checked by Belial is generic (it works for me with both protection from evil spells), the check is "CheckStatGT(Player1,0,PROTECTION_FROM_EVIL)" 7. Fixed delays for werewolf kids, but didn't check everywhere else (I am not sure why this delays are there and is afraid of breaking something). However, I only remember troubles with werewolves and hopefully this will fixed it. 8. bottom of nw2210 - fixed 9. nw2e43: embers looks good for both BG2EE and oBG2 10. NW1030 and last chapter: Unfortunately, I don't have saves but I didn't touch the scripts there since the very beginning (since it was a big assembly for BGT only) and many people for both oBG2 and BG2EE have already finished the mod. Somebody would notice this. I am not saying there is no bugs there, but it is not that easy to reproduce. From the scripts, I also cannot see anything auspicious.
  4. Great! Thank you, I will try it again!
  5. You are welcome. This encounter is easy to miss, I missed it during my first playthrough as well.
  6. To advance the quest to go to Luskan, you need to have two items: NWRELMAL (Relmar's Journal) and NWWARDOL (Letter to Vardoc) that you can have from Vardoc (NWWARDOK) and Relmar (NWRELMAR). If you visited all areas and finished all the quests, try to visit NW2100 (I don't remember what exactly this area is, I will let you know later) again, Vardoc should be there.
  7. What is the difference between oIWD and IWDEE other than texts? I know for sure that texts are from IWDEE, but I am not sure about anything else.
  8. He doesn't remember, it is either a random thing that happened to be there without good reasons or IWD2-EET needs it. Later after testing he might give more information, but one can remove this line and play through IWD2-EET to verify that everything is correct. He also aware that some spells and projectiles are bad, and also might fix them at some point.
  9. As far as I remember, in Tipun's version no loot moved from iwd1-2 to the main campaign, so it is mainly for experience and fun, and yes, XP is adjusted somehow. For NToSC and other mods, it seems that you are playing with many mods, but without XP reduction (or it is reduced not enough).
  10. If we talk about Tipun's IWD1-2 for EET, I don't think it is true. There are three mods: 1. The one that add IWD1 content: https://github.com/The-Gate-Project/IWD1_EET 2. The one that add IWD2 content: https://github.com/The-Gate-Project/IWD2_EET 3. The one that add integration for IWD1-IWD2 into EET content (basically add special characters who teleport you to IWD1/2 and teleporting back after you are done with IWD1/2): https://github.com/The-Gate-Project/Icewind_EET
  11. I know it is offtopic, but I really like this one!
  12. For Question 3 and 4 I guess it can be tested: both distribution and what exact dice is rolling. One can simply replace all the items in a table with some stacking items (arrows, potions), create a script on a chest that if it is empty, another random item from the testing table appears and take the item from the chest couple of thousand times.
  13. I asked Tipun there and will let you know if/when there is an answer.
  14. You have to actively talk to him (and any other joinable NPC) so they can tell you their story and ask to find something (personal quests). If they have nothing to say when you try to talk to them, it is a bug.
  15. Thank you, for the playthrough, I hope you enjoyed it even if nwn is silly. I am also glad if this mod helps to improve gemrb. I still want to play IWD2EE using gemrb one day (right now it crashes immediately). I am busy right now, but I will fix everything you mentioned if I know how to fix it (and believe it should be fixed) eventually. I can tell you about some things you mentioned right now though: I think I was using version 5.1 and I installed all components. Predicates might be improved, yes. I haven't noticed it much playing in EE version, but I don't know how to fix them and not ready to look through all the areas anyway... This I cannot tell for sure. I will try to teleport to Belial and check out how it works on oBG2. They had a slight delay in EE but not 15 seconds... I will double check. Yes, new content needs to be added: rumors in many stores, NPCs don't have banters or interjections (I guess it is how it was in NWN - you can talk to them occasionally, but they don't comment any of your actions), some quests are not added to the journal... I have a huge todo list in the repo, but I am not ready to add new content right now. Nobody compained about it and I haven't see this by myself... Idk even how to try to reproduce the bug... The rest look like normal bugs that I should be able to fix... and I agree that Aribeth's fight is too easy...
  16. I'am not sure if this is your issue, but you check everything with "OR", why it should be checked with "AND". "OR" returns true if any of its statement is true. To start the dialog you want to be sure that the characeter is not dead and is not in panic and is not stunned, etc. So, the correct statement should be: IF ~ !Dead("rqt5clf1") !StateCheck("rqt5clf1",STATE_HELPLESS) !StateCheck("rqt5clf1",STATE_STUNNED) !StateCheck("rqt5clf1",STATE_PANIC) !StateCheck("rqt5clf1",STATE_BERSERK) !StateCheck("rqt5clf1",STATE_SLEEPING) !StateCheck("rqt5clf1",STATE_SILENCED) !StateCheck("rqt5clf1",STATE_CHARMED) !StateCheck("rqt5clf1",STATE_FEEBLEMINDED) !StateCheck("rqt5clf1",STATE_CONFUSED)~ THEN Hovewer, your OR statement should return true more oftern than the same AND statement, so idk why the original OR statement doesn't work for you (even if it is wrong).
  17. I don't know Graion and Angel and very occasionally come to g3 overall, but I was doing some modding and talking with JohnBob. JohnBob have always been very helpfull and I have an impression that he is very honest. I felt very bad when he decided to leave g3 because of Morpheus562. I hope that everyone who left will find the strength to overcome their offenses and come back (if they want to, of course).
  18. Are they giving too much XP or gold/treasures reward (I don't rememeber)? I never tried to abuse this, IMO it is more than enough gold/items and XP in the mod even without abusing this.
  19. Yes, this is true, you can farm xp and gold in an area before you do the main quest (get a reagent) in this area. I guess it was designed this way. The area is a constant danger untill you solve the problems in it.
  20. I will double check this. As far as I remember, after the quest in an area is done, no new enemies in this areas are spawned. But I am not sure it is 100% true and I don't know how it is organized in the code.
  21. Thank you, I will fix everything at some point. You can keep updating the post and add new ones.
  22. Awesome, there were not that many tests for oBG2 (despite the fact that the orignal content was for oBG2, for the mod lots of things were changed and probably not very well tested with oBG2), so any feedback if very welcome.
  23. Main component. If you are asking should it be huge map or a large map - it should be a huge map (the bigger one).
  24. No, I didn't. They are not from one folder (I mean d and baf files for these tra files), and looks very similar to the ones (at least for case sensetivity and name length) that were converted succesfully. Moreover, copying/converting tra files should be at the very beginning of the installation process and should not depends on D/BAF files. I would assume that iconv doesn't work well for some of the files (do you have it updated?), but I don't know why. Can you try version 0.95? All the TRA files had ANSI encoding in 0.95 and should just be copied without any converting for oBG2. For later versions they were converted into UTF-8 encoding.
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